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function spambot_account_is_spammer in Spambot 6.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 spambot.module \spambot_account_is_spammer()
  2. 7 spambot.module \spambot_account_is_spammer()

Checks an account to see if it's a spammer. This one uses configurable automated criteria checking of email and username only

Return value

positive if spammer, 0 if not spammer, negative if error

1 call to spambot_account_is_spammer()
spambot_cron in ./spambot.module
Implementation of hook_cron


./spambot.module, line 272


function spambot_account_is_spammer($account) {
  $email_threshold = variable_get('spambot_criteria_email', 1);
  $username_threshold = variable_get('spambot_criteria_username', 0);
  $ip_threshold = variable_get('spambot_criteria_ip', 20);

  // Build request parameters according to the criteria to use
  $request = array();
  if (!empty($account->mail) && $email_threshold > 0) {
    $request['email'] = $account->mail;
  if (!empty($account->name) && $username_threshold > 0) {
    $request['username'] = $account->name;

  // Only do a remote API request if there is anything to check
  if (count($request)) {
    $data = array();
    if (spambot_sfs_request($request, $data)) {
      if ($email_threshold > 0 && !empty($data['email']['appears']) && $data['email']['frequency'] >= $email_threshold || $username_threshold > 0 && !empty($data['username']['appears']) && $data['username']['frequency'] >= $username_threshold) {
        return 1;
    else {

      // Return error
      return -1;

  // Now check IP's
  // If any IP matches the threshold, then flag as a spammer
  if ($ip_threshold > 0) {
    $ips = spambot_account_ip_addresses($account);
    foreach ($ips as $ip) {

      // Skip the loopback interface
      if ($ip == '') {
      elseif (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4) === FALSE) {
        $link = l(t('user'), 'user/' . $account->uid);
        watchdog('spambot', 'Invalid IP address: @ip (uid=@uid, name=@name, email=@email). Spambot will not rely on it.', array(
          '@ip' => $ip,
          '@name' => $account->name,
          '@email' => $account->mail,
          '@uid' => $account->uid,
        ), WATCHDOG_NOTICE, $link);
      $request = array(
        'ip' => $ip,
      $data = array();
      if (spambot_sfs_request($request, $data)) {
        if (!empty($data['ip']['appears']) && $data['ip']['frequency'] >= $ip_threshold) {
          return 1;
      else {

        // Abort on error
        return -1;

  // Return no match
  return 0;