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function spambot_update_6300 in Spambot 6.3

Migrate settings from previous version of spambot (6.x-2.0)


./spambot.install, line 41


function spambot_update_6300() {
  $ret = array();

  // In previous versions of spambot, the default message was 'Blacklisted. Now go away!'
  // If no custom message was configured, then configure it to 'Blacklisted. Now go away!'
  $message = variable_get('spambot_blocked_message', FALSE);
  if (!$message) {
    variable_set('spambot_blocked_message', t('Blacklisted. Now go away!'));

  // Previous versions of spambot blacklisted on any of the three criteria
  variable_set('spambot_criteria_email', TRUE);
  variable_set('spambot_criteria_username', TRUE);
  variable_set('spambot_criteria_ip', TRUE);
  return $ret;