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7 calls to spam_mark_as_not_spam() in Spam 6

comment_spamapi_form_alter in content/
Form alter gets its own function so we can reference &$form without causing errors in PHP4 installations. (If we use spamapi, we have to set a default, which PHP4 doesn't support.)
spam_admin_feedback_form_submit in ./spam.module
Process spam feedback.
spam_content_filter in ./spam.module
API call to determine the likeliness that a given piece of content is spam, returning a rating from 1% likelihood to 99% likelihood. It is unlikely that you want to call this function directly.
spam_mark_as_not_spam_callback in ./spam.module
Menu callback that is used for the not spam mark links.
spam_mark_comment_as_not_spam_action in content/
Implementation of a Drupal action. Mark comment as not spam.
spam_mark_node_as_not_spam_action in content/
Implementation of a Drupal action. Mark node as not spam.
spam_mark_user_as_not_spam_action in content/
Implementation of a Drupal action. Mark user as not spam.