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spam.module in Spam 6

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  1. 5.3 spam.module
  2. 5 spam.module

Spam module, v3 Copyright(c) 2006-2008 Jeremy Andrews <>. All rights reserved.


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 * @file
 * Spam module, v3
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2008
 *  Jeremy Andrews <>.  All rights reserved.
define('SPAM_ACTION_HOLD', 2);
define('SPAM_NOT_PUBLISHED', 0);
define('SPAM_PUBLISHED', 1);
define('SPAM_LOG', 1);
define('SPAM_VERBOSE', 3);
define('SPAM_DEBUG', 5);

 * API call for scanning content for spam.  If spam is found, the appropriate
 * action will be taken.
function spam_scan($content, $type, $extra = array(), $filter_test = FALSE) {
  $id = spam_invoke_module($type, 'content_id', $content, $extra);
  spam_log(SPAM_DEBUG, 'spam_scan', t('scanning content'), $type, $id);
  $spam = spam_content_is_spam($content, $type, $extra, $filter_test);
  if (spam_bypass_filters() || user_access('bypass filters')) {
    spam_log(SPAM_DEBUG, 'spam_scan', t('bypassing spam actions'), $type, $id);
    return $spam['score'];
  _spam_update_statistics(t('scan @type', array(
    '@type' => $type,
  if ($spam['is_spam']) {
    spam_log(SPAM_DEBUG, 'spam_scan', t('content is spam'), $type, $id);
    _spam_update_statistics(t('detected spam @type', array(
      '@type' => $type,
    switch (variable_get('spam_visitor_action', SPAM_ACTION_PREVENT)) {
        spam_log(SPAM_LOG, 'spam_scan', t('content is spam, action(prevent silently)'), $type, $id);
        _spam_update_statistics(t('silently prevented spam @type', array(
          '@type' => $type,

        // TODO: We redirect to avoid the content being posted, but we should
        //       be much smarter about where we redirect to.
        spam_log(SPAM_LOG, 'spam_scan', t('content is spam, action(unpublish)'), $type, $id);
        _spam_update_statistics(t('prevented spam @type', array(
          '@type' => $type,
        if ($id) {
          spam_unpublish($type, $id, $extra);
      case SPAM_ACTION_HOLD:
        $_SESSION['spam_content'] = serialize((array) $content);
        $_SESSION['spam_type'] = $type;
        spam_log(SPAM_LOG, 'spam_scan', t('content is spam, holding'), $type, $id);
        _spam_update_statistics(t('held spam @type', array(
          '@type' => $type,
        if ($id) {
          spam_hold($type, $id, $content);
        spam_log(SPAM_LOG, 'spam_scan', t('content is spam, action(prevent)'), $type, $id);
        $_SESSION['spam_content'] = serialize((array) $content);
        $_SESSION['spam_type'] = $type;
        _spam_update_statistics(t('prevented spam @type', array(
          '@type' => $type,

 * API call to simply test if content is spam or not.  No action is taken.
function spam_content_is_spam($content, $type, $extra = array(), $filter_test = FALSE) {
  static $scores = array();
  $id = spam_invoke_module($type, 'content_id', $content, $extra);
  if (!isset($scores["{$type}-{$id}"])) {
    $score = spam_content_filter($content, $type, $extra, $filter_test);
    spam_log(SPAM_DEBUG, 'spam_content_is_spam', t('checking if spam...'), $type, $id);
    if ($score >= variable_get('spam_threshold', SPAM_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD)) {
      $spam = 1;
    else {
      $spam = 0;
    spam_log(SPAM_DEBUG, 'spam_content_is_spam', t('score(@score) spam(@spam)', array(
      '@score' => $score,
      '@spam' => $spam,
    )), $type, $id);
    $scores["{$type}-{$id}"] = array(
      'score' => $score,
      'is_spam' => $spam,
  return $scores["{$type}-{$id}"];

 * API call to determine the likeliness that a given piece of content is spam,
 * returning a rating from 1% likelihood to 99% likelihood.  It is unlikely
 * that you want to call this function directly.
 * @param $content
 *  An array holding the complete content.
 * @param $type
 *  A string naming the type of content to be filtered.
function spam_content_filter($content, $type, $extra, $filter_test = FALSE) {
  $id = spam_invoke_module($type, 'content_id', $content, $extra);
  if (!spam_filter_content_type($content, $type, $extra)) {
  static $scores = array();
  if (isset($scores["{$type}-{$id}"])) {
    return $scores["{$type}-{$id}"];
  spam_log(SPAM_DEBUG, 'spam_content_filter', t('invoking content filters'), $type, $id);

  // There's no need to scan the same content multiple times.
  if (!$id || !isset($scores["{$type}-{$id}"])) {

    // Determine which fields we need to run through the spam filter.
    $fields = spam_invoke_module($type, 'filter_fields', $content, $extra);
    if (!empty($fields) && is_array($fields['main'])) {
      $score = $total = 0;
      $filters = db_query('SELECT name, module, gain FROM {spam_filters} WHERE status = %d ORDER BY weight', SPAM_FILTER_ENABLED);
      $counter = 0;
      while ($filter = db_fetch_object($filters)) {
        spam_log(SPAM_DEBUG, 'spam_content_filter', t('invoking @filter [@counter], gain = @gain', array(
          '@filter' => $filter->name,
          '@counter' => $counter,
          '@gain' => $filter->gain,
        )), $type, $id);
        $actions[$filter->module] = spam_invoke_module($filter->module, 'filter', $type, $content, $fields, $extra, $filter_test);
        $actions_total = empty($actions[$filter->module]['total']) ? 0 : $actions[$filter->module]['total'];
        spam_log(SPAM_VERBOSE, 'spam_content_filter', t('@filter: total(@total) redirect(@redirect) gain(@gain)', array(
          '@filter' => $filter->name,
          '@total' => $actions_total,
          '@redirect' => isset($actions[$filter->module]['redirect']) ? $actions[$filter->module]['redirect'] : '',
          '@gain' => $filter->gain,
        )), $type, $id);
        if ($actions_total) {
          $score += $actions_total * $filter->gain;
          $total += $filter->gain;
          spam_log(SPAM_DEBUG, 'spam_content_filter', t('current score(@score) current total(@total) average(@average)', array(
            '@score' => $score,
            '@total' => $total,
            '@average' => spam_sanitize_score($score / $total),
          )), $type, $id);
          if (isset($actions[$filter->module]['redirect'])) {
            if (!isset($extra['redirect']) || $extra['redirect']) {

              // Do not redirect when $extra['redirect'] === FALSE (i.e. called from batch or cron job).
              $redirect = $actions[$filter->module]['redirect'];
      if (!$counter) {
        spam_log(SPAM_VERBOSE, 'spam_content_filter', t('No filters enabled, content not scanned.'), $type, $id);
      if ($total) {
        $log_score = spam_sanitize_score($score / $total);
      else {
        $log_score = 1;
      if ($id) {
        $scores["{$type}-{$id}"] = $log_score;
    else {
      spam_log(SPAM_VERBOSE, 'spam_content_filter', t('No main filter field defined, skipping.  Returned fields: !fields', array(
        '!fields' => implode(', ', $fields),
      )), $type, $id);
    if (isset($redirect)) {
      if ($id) {

        // A filter has us redirecting to an error screen, but this content
        // has an id so we need to update its spam status in the database first.
        if ($scores["{$type}-{$id}"] >= variable_get('spam_threshold', SPAM_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD)) {
          spam_mark_as_spam($type, $id);
        else {
          spam_mark_as_not_spam($type, $id);
      else {
        _spam_update_statistics(t('prevented spam @type', array(
          '@type' => $type,
      _spam_update_statistics(t('detected spam'));
      _spam_update_statistics(t('content_filter redirect'));
      spam_log(SPAM_VERBOSE, 'spam_content_filter', t('Spam score [!score], redirecting to: !url', array(
        '!score' => $log_score,
        '!url' => $redirect,
      )), $type, $id);
      if (spam_bypass_filters() || user_access('bypass filters')) {
        spam_log(SPAM_DEBUG, 'spam_content_filter', t('bypassing filter redirect'), $type, $id);
  else {
    spam_log(SPAM_VERBOSE, 'spam_content_filter', t('Skipped content filters: id(!id) score(!score).', array(
      '!id' => $id,
      '!score' => $scores["{$type}-{$id}"],
    )), $type, $id);
  if ($id) {
    $score = $scores["{$type}-{$id}"];
  else {
    if ($total) {
      $score = spam_sanitize_score($score / $total);
    else {
      $score = 1;
  spam_log(SPAM_LOG, 'spam_content_filter', t('final average(@score)', array(
    '@score' => $score,
  )), $type, $id);
  return $score;

 * This function is called when new content is first posted to your website.
 * @param $content
 *  An array holding the complete content.
 * @param $type
 *  A string naming the type of content being inserted.
function spam_content_insert($content, $type, $extra = array()) {
  if (!spam_filter_content_type($content, $type, $extra)) {
  $id = spam_invoke_module($type, 'content_id', $content, $extra);
  if (spam_bypass_filters() || user_access('bypass filters')) {
    spam_log(SPAM_DEBUG, 'spam_content_insert', t('bypassing filters'), $type, $id);
  spam_log(SPAM_VERBOSE, 'spam_content_insert', t('inserting'), $type, $id);
  $score = 0;
  $error = FALSE;
  if ($id) {
    $spam = spam_content_is_spam($content, $type, $extra);
    $score = $spam['score'];

    // this is neccessary in case that some content types have potentially identical IDs, such as hashes.
    $sid = db_result(db_query("SELECT sid FROM {spam_tracker} WHERE content_type = '%s' AND content_id = '%s'", $type, $id));
    if (!$sid) {
      db_query("INSERT INTO {spam_tracker} (content_type, content_id, score, hostname, timestamp) VALUES('%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d)", $type, $id, $score, ip_address(), time());
      $sid = db_result(db_query("SELECT sid FROM {spam_tracker} WHERE content_type = '%s' AND content_id = '%s'", $type, $id));
    if ($sid) {
      watchdog('spam', 'Inserted %type with id %id into spam tracker table.', array(
        '%type' => $type,
        '%id' => $id,
      $extra['sid'] = $sid;
      if (!isset($extra['host'])) {

        // Content type modules can set this value, should REMOTE_ADDR not be
        // the correct IP for their content type.
        $extra['host'] = ip_address();
      $fields = spam_invoke_module($type, 'filter_fields', $content, $extra);
      if (!empty($fields) && is_array($fields['main'])) {
        $filters = db_query('SELECT name, module, gain FROM {spam_filters} WHERE status = %d ORDER BY weight', SPAM_FILTER_ENABLED);
        while ($filter = db_fetch_object($filters)) {

          // Let filters act on insert action.
          spam_invoke_module($filter->module, 'insert', $type, $content, $fields, $extra);
      else {
        watchdog('spam', 'Function spam_content_insert failed, no fields are defined for %type content type.', array(
          '%type' => $type,
        ), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
        $error = -3;
    else {
      watchdog('spam', 'Function spam_content_insert failed, unable to insert %type with id %id into spam_tracker table.', array(
        '%type' => $type,
        '%id' => $id,
      $error = -2;
  else {
    watchdog('spam', 'Function spam_content_insert failed, unable to insert %type into spam_tracker table, no id found in the content array.', array(
      '%type' => $type,
    $error = -1;

  // This content became spam during an insert, mark it as such.
  if ($score >= variable_get('spam_threshold', SPAM_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD)) {
    spam_mark_as_spam($type, $id, $extra);
    $_SESSION['spam_content'] = serialize((array) $content);
    $_SESSION['spam_type'] = $type;
    if (!in_array(variable_get('spam_visitor_action', SPAM_ACTION_PREVENT), array(
    ))) {
      _spam_update_statistics(t('prevented spam @type', array(
        '@type' => $type,
      spam_log(SPAM_DEBUG, 'spam_content_insert', t('redirecting to spam/denied'), $type, $id);
  return $error;

 * This function is called when content on your website is updated.
 * @param $content
 *  An array holding the complete content.
 * @param $type
 *  A string naming the type of content being updated.
function spam_content_update($content, $type, $extra = array()) {
  if (!spam_filter_content_type($content, $type, $extra)) {
  $id = spam_invoke_module($type, 'content_id', $content, $extra);
  if (spam_bypass_filters() || user_access('bypass filters')) {
    spam_log(SPAM_DEBUG, 'spam_content_update', t('bypassing filters'), $type, $id);
  spam_log(SPAM_VERBOSE, 'spam_content_update', t('updating'), $type, $id);
  $error = FALSE;
  $score = 0;
  if ($id) {
    $spam = spam_content_is_spam($content, $type, $extra);
    $score = $spam['score'];
    db_query("UPDATE {spam_tracker} SET score = %d, hostname = '%s', timestamp = %d WHERE content_type = '%s' AND content_id = '%s'", $score, ip_address(), time(), $type, $id);
    $sid = db_result(db_query("SELECT sid FROM {spam_tracker} WHERE content_type = '%s' AND content_id = '%s'", $type, $id));
    if ($sid) {
      watchdog('spam', 'Updated %type with id %id in spam tracker table.', array(
        '%type' => $type,
        '%id' => $id,
      $extra['sid'] = $sid;
      if (!isset($extra['host'])) {

        // Content type modules can set this value, should REMOTE_ADDR not be
        // the correct IP for their content type.
        $extra['host'] = ip_address();
      $fields = spam_invoke_module($type, 'filter_fields', $content, $extra);
      if (!empty($fields) && is_array($fields['main'])) {
        $filters = db_query('SELECT name, module, gain FROM {spam_filters} WHERE status = %d ORDER BY weight', SPAM_FILTER_ENABLED);
        while ($filter = db_fetch_object($filters)) {

          // Let filters act on insert action.
          spam_invoke_module($filter->module, 'update', $type, $content, $fields, $extra);
      else {
        watchdog('spam', 'Function spam_content_update failed, no fields are defined for %type content type.', array(
          '%type' => $type,
        ), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
        $error = -3;
    else {
      watchdog('spam', 'Update to %type with id %id not filtered before, inserting.', array(
        '%type' => $type,
        '%id' => $id,

      // It seems that the content hasn't ever been scanned before, let's try
      // inserting it.
      $error = spam_content_insert($content, $type, $extra);
  else {
    watchdog('spam', 'Function spam_content_update failed, unable to update %type in spam_tracker table, no id found in the content array.', array(
      '%type' => $type,
    $error = -1;

  // This content became spam during an update, mark it as such.
  if ($score >= variable_get('spam_threshold', SPAM_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD)) {
    spam_mark_as_spam($type, $id, $extra);
    $_SESSION['spam_content'] = serialize((array) $content);
    $_SESSION['spam_type'] = $type;
    if (!in_array(variable_get('spam_visitor_action', SPAM_ACTION_PREVENT), array(
    ))) {
      _spam_update_statistics(t('prevented spam @type', array(
        '@type' => $type,
      spam_log(SPAM_DEBUG, 'spam_content_update', t('redirecting to spam/denied'), $type, $id);
  return $error;

 * This function is called when content on your website is deleted.
 * @param $content
 *  An array holding the complete content.
 * @param $type
 *  A string naming the type of content being deleted.
function spam_content_delete($content, $type, $extra = array()) {
  $id = spam_invoke_module($type, 'content_id', $content, $extra);
  spam_log(SPAM_VERBOSE, 'spam_content_delete', t('deleting'), $type, $id);
  $error = FALSE;
  if ($id) {
    $sid = db_result(db_query("SELECT sid FROM {spam_tracker} WHERE content_type = '%s' AND content_id = '%s'", $type, $id));
    if ($sid) {
      $extra['sid'] = $sid;
      if (!isset($extra['host'])) {

        // Content type modules can set this value, should REMOTE_ADDR not be
        // the correct IP for their content type.
        $extra['host'] = ip_address();
      $fields = spam_invoke_module($type, 'filter_fields', $content, $extra);
      if (!empty($fields) && is_array($fields['main'])) {
        $filters = db_query('SELECT name, module, gain FROM {spam_filters} WHERE status = %d ORDER BY weight', SPAM_FILTER_ENABLED);
        while ($filter = db_fetch_object($filters)) {

          // Let filters act on insert action.
          spam_invoke_module($filter->module, 'delete', $type, $content, $fields, $extra);
      else {
        watchdog('spam', 'Function spam_content_delete failed, no fields are defined for %type content type.', array(
          '%type' => $type,
        ), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
        $error = -3;
      db_query("DELETE FROM {spam_tracker} WHERE sid = %d", $sid);
      watchdog('spam', 'Removed %type (id %id) from spam_tracker table.', array(
        '%type' => $type,
        '%id' => $id,
    else {
      watchdog('spam', 'Attempt to remove %type (id %id) from spam_tracker failed: does not exist.', array(
        '%type' => $type,
        '%id' => $id,
      $error = -2;
  else {
    watchdog('spam', 'Function spam_content_delete failed, unable to delete %type from spam_tracker table, no id found in the content array.', array(
      '%type' => $type,
    $error = -1;
  return $error;

 * Increment internal counters.
function _spam_update_statistics($name, $op = '+', $inc = 1) {
  spam_log(LOG_DEBUG, 'spam_update_statistics', t('@name = @name @op @inc', array(
    '@name' => $name,
    '@op' => $op,
    '@inc' => $inc,
  if ($op != '+' && $op != '-') {
    watchdog('spam', 'Invalid operator(@op), ignored.', array(
      '@op' => $op,
  db_query("UPDATE {spam_statistics} SET count = count %s %d, timestamp = %d WHERE name = '%s'", $op, $inc, time(), $name);
  if (!db_affected_rows()) {
    if ($op == '-') {
      $inc *= -1;
    db_query("INSERT INTO {spam_statistics} (name, count, timestamp) VALUES('%s', %d, %d)", $name, $inc, time());


 * Drupal _cron hook.
function spam_cron() {

  // Delete expired logs.
  if ($flush = variable_get('spam_log_delete', 259200)) {
    db_query('DELETE FROM {spam_log} WHERE timestamp < %d', time() - $flush);

 * Drupal _menu() hook.
function spam_menu() {
  $items = spam_invoke_api('menu');
  $items['admin/content/spam'] = array(
    'title' => 'Spam',
    'page callback' => 'spam_admin_list',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer spam',
    'description' => 'Manage spam on your website.',
  $items['admin/content/spam/list'] = array(
    'title' => 'list',
    'page callback' => 'spam_admin_list',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer spam',
  $items['admin/content/spam/feedback'] = array(
    'title' => 'feedback',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'page callback' => 'spam_admin_list_feedback',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer spam',
    'weight' => 2,
  $items['admin/settings/spam'] = array(
    'title' => 'Spam',
    'page callback' => 'spam_admin_settings',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer spam',
    'description' => 'Configure the spam module.',
  $items['admin/settings/spam/general'] = array(
    'title' => 'General',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer spam',
    'weight' => -4,
  $items['admin/settings/spam/filters'] = array(
    'title' => 'Filters',
    'page callback' => 'spam_admin_filter_overview',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer spam',
    'weight' => -2,
  $items['admin/settings/spam/filters/overview'] = array(
    'title' => 'Overview',
    'weight' => -2,
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer spam',
  $items['admin/reports/spam'] = array(
    'title' => 'Spam logs',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer spam',
    'page callback' => 'spam_logs_overview',
    'description' => 'Detect and manage spam posts.',
  $items['admin/reports/spam/logs'] = array(
    'title' => 'Logs',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer spam',
    'page callback' => 'spam_logs_overview',
    'weight' => -10,
  $items['admin/reports/spam/statistics'] = array(
    'title' => 'Statistics',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer spam',
    'page callback' => 'spam_logs_statistics',
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'weight' => -7,
  $items['spam/denied'] = array(
    'page callback' => 'spam_denied_page',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'access callback' => TRUE,
  $items['spam/denied/error/%spam_hash/%'] = array(
    'title' => 'Report legitimate content',
    'load arguments' => array(
    'page callback' => 'spam_denied_in_error_page',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'access callback' => TRUE,
  $items['spam/%spam_mark/%/spam'] = array(
    'page callback' => 'spam_mark_as_spam_callback',
    'page arguments' => array(
        'redirect' => TRUE,
    'load arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer spam',
  $items['spam/%spam_mark/%/not_spam'] = array(
    'page callback' => 'spam_mark_as_not_spam_callback',
    'page arguments' => array(
        'redirect' => TRUE,
    'load arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer spam',
  $items["admin/reports/spam/%spam_number/detail"] = array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer spam',
    'page callback' => 'spam_logs_entry',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  $items["admin/reports/spam/%spam_number/trace"] = array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer spam',
    'page callback' => 'spam_logs_trace',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
  $items["admin/content/spam/feedback/%spam_number"] = array(
    'title' => 'View feedback',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access arguments' => array(
      'administer spam',
    'weight' => 2,
  return $items;

 * Wildcard loader function.
function spam_hash_load($hash1, $hash2) {
  return $hash1 == md5($_SESSION['spam_content']) && ($hash2 = _spam_sign($_SESSION['spam_content']));

 * Spam Mark wildcard loader function.
function spam_mark_load($type, $id, $action) {
  if (is_numeric($id) && ($action == 'spam' || $action == 'not_spam')) {

    // We load these files here in case the menu function is called before _init. See
    if (spam_invoke_module($type, 'content_module') == $type) {
      if ($action == 'spam') {
        _spam_update_statistics(t('@type manually marked as spam', array(
          '@type' => $type,
      else {
        _spam_update_statistics(t('@type manually marked as not spam', array(
          '@type' => $type,
      return $type;
  return FALSE;

 * Spam module is_numeric test wildcard loader function.
function spam_number_load($num) {
  return is_numeric($num) ? $num : FALSE;

 * Drupal _theme() hook.
function spam_theme() {
  $spam_theme_forms = array(
    'spam_admin_filters' => array(
      'file' => 'spam.module',
      'arguments' => array(
        'form' => NULL,
    'spam_filter_form' => array(
      'file' => 'spam.module',
      'arguments' => array(
        'form' => NULL,
    'spam_overview_filters' => array(
      'file' => 'spam.module',
      'arguments' => array(
        'form' => NULL,
    'spam_admin_overview' => array(
      'file' => 'spam.module',
      'arguments' => array(
        'form' => NULL,
  return array_merge_recursive($spam_theme_forms, spam_invoke_api('theme_forms'));

 * Drupal _perm hook.
function spam_perm() {
  return array(
    'administer spam',
    'bypass filters',

 * Online help.  Drupal _help() hook.
function spam_help($path, $arg) {
  switch ($path) {
    case 'admin/settings/spam':
      return t('Enable and disable individual spam filters for each content type, controlling which order the content is passed through the filters.');

 * Drupal form_alter() hook.
function spam_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  foreach (module_list() as $module) {

    // For PHP4, allows modules to update $form.
    $function = $module . '_spamapi_form_alter';
    if (function_exists($function)) {
      $function($form, $form_state, $form_id);

    // Alternative method, for modules that don't need to update $form.
    $function = $module . '_spamapi';
    if (function_exists($function)) {
      $function('process_form', $form_id, $form);

 * Drupal _link() hook.
function spam_link($type, $content = 0, $main = 0) {
  return spam_invoke_module($type, 'link', $content, $main);


 * Spam filter overview page.  Allows enabling/disabling, ordering, and tuning
 * of individual filters.
function spam_admin_filter_overview() {

  // Install any new filters that may have become available.
  $output = drupal_get_form('spam_admin_filters');
  return $output;

 * Spam module settings page.
function spam_admin_settings() {
  $output = drupal_get_form('spam_admin_settings_form');
  return $output;
function spam_admin_filters() {
  $result = pager_query('SELECT fid, name, status, weight, gain FROM {spam_filters} ORDER BY weight ASC', 50, 0, NULL, 0);
  $counter = 0;
  while ($filter = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $form['status']["status-{$counter}"] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#default_value' => $filter->status,
    $form['name'][$counter] = array(
      '#value' => $filter->name,
    $form['gain']["gain-{$counter}"] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#options' => drupal_map_assoc(spam_range(0, 250, 10)),
      '#default_value' => $filter->gain,
    $form['weight']["weight-{$counter}"] = array(
      '#type' => 'weight',
      '#default_value' => $filter->weight,
    $form['fid']["fid-{$counter}"] = array(
      '#type' => 'hidden',
      '#value' => $filter->fid,
  $form['pager'] = array(
    '#value' => theme('pager', NULL, 50, 0),
  $form['counter'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => $counter,
  $form['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Update filters'),
  return $form;

 * Perform the actual update.
function spam_admin_filters_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  for ($i = 0; $i < $form_state['values']['counter']; $i++) {
    db_query('UPDATE {spam_filters} SET status = %d, gain = %d, weight = %d WHERE fid = %d', $form_state['values']["status-{$i}"], $form_state['values']["gain-{$i}"], $form_state['values']["weight-{$i}"], $form_state['values']["fid-{$i}"]);

 * Display list of filters.
function theme_spam_admin_filters($form) {
  $header = array(
  if (isset($form['name']) && is_array($form['name'])) {
    foreach (element_children($form['name']) as $key) {
      $row = array();
      $row[] = drupal_render($form['status']["status-{$key}"]);
      $row[] = drupal_render($form['name'][$key]);
      $row[] = drupal_render($form['gain']["gain-{$key}"]);
      $row[] = drupal_render($form['weight']["weight-{$key}"]);
      $rows[] = $row;
  else {
    $rows[] = array(
        'data' => t('There are currently no spam filters available.'),
        'colspan' => 4,
  $output = theme('table', $header, $rows);
  if ($form['pager']['#value']) {
    $output .= drupal_render($form['pager']);
  $output .= drupal_render($form);
  return $output;

 * Spam module settings form.
function spam_admin_settings_form() {
  $form['content'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Content to filter'),
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
  $modules = spam_invoke_api('content_module');
  foreach ($modules as $module) {
    $content_types = spam_invoke_module($module, 'content_types');
    if (is_array($content_types)) {
      foreach ($content_types as $content_type) {
        $name = $content_type['name'];
        $form['content']["spam_filter_{$name}"] = array(
          '#type' => 'checkbox',
          '#title' => $content_type['title'],
          '#description' => $content_type['description'],
          '#default_value' => variable_get("spam_filter_{$name}", (int) $content_type['default_value']),
  $form['actions'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Actions'),
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
  $form['actions']['spam_visitor_action'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Posting action'),
    '#options' => array(
      SPAM_ACTION_PREVENT_SILENT => t('silently prevent spam content from being posted'),
      SPAM_ACTION_PREVENT => t('prevent spam content from being posted, notify visitor'),
      SPAM_ACTION_UNPUBLISH => t('allow spam content to be posted, automatically unpublish and notify visitor'),
      SPAM_ACTION_HOLD => t('allow spam content to be posted, do not unpublish and do not notify visitor'),
    // TODO: add 'place spam into special review queue, notify visitor' when SPAM_ACTION_HOLD is ready
    '#default_value' => variable_get('spam_visitor_action', SPAM_ACTION_PREVENT),
  $form['actions']['spam_filtered_message'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textarea',
    '#title' => t('Spam filter message'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('spam_filtered_message', t('<p>Your posting on @site from %IP has been automatically flagged by our spam filters as being inappropriate for this website.</p><p>At @site we work very hard behind the scenes to keep our web pages free of spam.  Unfortunately, sometimes we accidentally block legitimate content.  If you are attempting to post legitimate content to this website, you can help us to improve our spam filters by emailing the following information to a site administrator:</p><p>%LINK</p>', array(
      '@site' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'),
    '#description' => t('Message to show visitors when the spam filters block them from posting content.  The text "%IP" will be replaced by the visitors actual IP address.'),

  // TODO: These options are for debugging the spam module.  They should be
  //       disabled before the module is released.
  $form['advanced'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Advanced configuration'),
    '#collapsible' => TRUE,
    '#collapsed' => TRUE,
  $options = drupal_map_assoc(spam_range(10, 40, 10)) + drupal_map_assoc(spam_range(45, 70, 5)) + drupal_map_assoc(spam_range(72, 88, 2)) + drupal_map_assoc(spam_range(90, 99));
  $form['advanced']['spam_threshold'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Spam threshold'),
    '#options' => $options,
    '#default_value' => variable_get('spam_threshold', SPAM_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD),
    '#description' => t('Each of filtered content will be assigned a single number from 1 to 99.  This number signifies the percent of likelihood that the filtered content is spam.  Any piece of content whose spam value is equal to or greater than this threshold will be considered spam.  Any piece of content whose spam value is less than this threshold will be considered not spam.'),
  $form['advanced']['spam_log_level'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Log level'),
    '#options' => array(
      0 => t('Disabled'),
      SPAM_LOG => t('Important'),
      SPAM_VERBOSE => t('Verbose'),
      SPAM_DEBUG => t('Debug'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('spam_log_level', SPAM_LOG),
    // TODO: Add informative description.
    '#description' => t('Logging level.'),
  $period = drupal_map_assoc(array(
  ), 'format_interval');
  $period[0] = t('never');
  $form['advanced']['spam_log_delete'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Discard spam logs older than'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('spam_log_delete', 259200),
    '#options' => $period,
    '#description' => t('Older spam log entries will be automatically discarded. (Requires a correctly configured <a href="@cron">cron maintenance task</a>.)', array(
      '@cron' => url('admin/reports/status'),
  return system_settings_form($form);

 * Determine if we should be filtering a given content type.
function spam_filter_content_type($content, $type, $extra) {
  $filter = spam_invoke_module($type, 'filter_content_type', $content, $extra);
  if (!$filter) {
    spam_log(SPAM_DEBUG, 'spam_filter_content_type', t('not configured to scan this content type'), $type);
  return $filter;

 * Determine if a given filter is enabled.
function spam_filter_enabled($filter, $type, $content, $fields, $extra) {
  return db_result(db_query("SELECT status FROM {spam_filters} WHERE module = '%s'", $filter));

 * Check if any new spam filters are available for installation.
function spam_init_filters() {
  static $initialized = FALSE;
  if (!$initialized) {
    $modules = spam_invoke_api('filter_module');
    foreach ($modules as $module) {
      $filter = spam_invoke_module($module, 'filter_info');
      $fid = db_result(db_query_range("SELECT fid FROM {spam_filters} WHERE name = '%s' AND module = '%s'", $filter['name'], $filter['module'], 0, 1));
      if (!$fid) {

 * Install the named spam filter, making it available for detecting spam
 * content.  It will be configured per any defaults defined by the filter.
 * @param $filter array
 *  array - must contain 'name' and 'module' elements
function spam_install_filter($filter) {

  // Typically we install a filter that's never been installed before.  But
  // it's also possible to use this function to restore a filter to its default
  // settings.
  db_query("DELETE FROM {spam_filters} WHERE name = '%s' AND module = '%s'", $filter['name'], $filter['module']);
  $default['name'] = $filter['name'];
  $default['module'] = $filter['module'];
  $default['status'] = SPAM_FILTER_ENABLED;
  $default['weight'] = 0;
  $default['gain'] = 100;

  // Allow module to override defaults.  The module can also set other defaults
  // when this hook is called.
  $defaults = spam_invoke_module($filter['module'], 'filter_install', NULL, array(), array(), $default);
  foreach ($defaults as $key => $value) {
    $default[$key] = $value;
  db_query("INSERT INTO {spam_filters} (name, module, status, weight, gain) VALUES('%s', '%s', %d, %d, %d)", $default['name'], $default['module'], $default['status'], $default['weight'], $default['gain']);

 * Since the spam module is not a core Drupal module, the core modules won't
 * know of the spam module API.
 * Instead, we define the appropriate hooks for these modules in the
 * spam/content/ sub-directory.  For example, we define the spam api hooks for the
 * node module in spam/content/
 * Any other 3rd party module is expected to define its own spam hooks if it
 * wants to implement its own filters.
 * The include files MUST be loaded at the same time this .module file is loaded.
 * This is important because they include hook functions that should be defined
 * in the corresponding .module file (i.e. node.module. See [#1222546])
 * Loading in the hook_boot() is too early (i.e. before is loaded?!)
 * Loading in the hook_init() is too late since all the modules having a hook_init()
 * function implemented and that run before the spam_init() hook is called would
 * not see the special spam hooks. Especially, the hook_nodeapi(), hook_user(), and
 * other similar hooks would be missing and not be run as expected.
 * The only way to go like the system does is to load those .inc files at the same
 * time we get loaded.
 * @see spam_load_inc_files()

 * Load the inc files for the various content types.
function spam_load_inc_files() {
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'spam') . '/content';

  // These files must be names spam_content_*.inc, such as
  $files = drupal_system_listing('spam_content_.*\\.inc$', $path, 'name', 0);
  foreach ($files as $file) {
    $module = substr_replace($file->name, '', 0, 13);
    if (module_exists($module)) {
      require_once './' . $file->filename;

 * Invoke spam API functions defined by other modules.
function spam_invoke_api() {
  $args = func_get_args();
  array_unshift($args, 'spamapi');
  return call_user_func_array('module_invoke_all', $args);

 * Invoke spam API functions in a specific module.
function spam_invoke_module() {
  $args = func_get_args();
  $module = array_shift($args);
  array_unshift($args, $module, 'spamapi');
  return call_user_func_array('module_invoke', $args);

 * Manage spam content.
function spam_admin_list() {
  $output = drupal_get_form('spam_filter_form');
  $output .= drupal_get_form('spam_admin_overview');
  return $output;

 * Spam feedback overview.
function spam_admin_list_feedback() {
  $header = array(
      'data' => t('Date'),
      'field' => 'timestamp',
      'sort' => 'desc',
      'data' => t('Type'),
      'field' => 'content_type',
      'data' => t('From'),
      'field' => 'hostname',
      'data' => t('Preview'),
      'data' => t('Options'),
  $sql = 'SELECT * FROM {spam_filters_errors}';
  $sql .= tablesort_sql($header);
  $result = pager_query($sql, 25);
  $rows = array();
  while ($feedback = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $row = array();
    $row[] = array(
      'data' => format_date($feedback->timestamp, 'small'),
    $row[] = array(
      'data' => $feedback->content_type,
    $row[] = array(
      'data' => $feedback->hostname,
    $row[] = array(
      'data' => _spam_truncate($feedback->feedback, 32),
    $row[] = l(t('view'), "admin/content/spam/feedback/{$feedback->bid}");
    $rows[] = $row;
  $output = theme('table', $header, $rows);
  $output .= theme('pager', NULL, 25, 0);
  return $output;

 * Spam feedback details.
function spam_admin_feedback_form($form_state, $bid) {
  $form = array();
  $feedback = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT * FROM {spam_filters_errors} WHERE bid = %d', $bid));
  $form = spam_invoke_module($feedback->content_type, 'feedback_form', unserialize($feedback->content));
  if (!is_array($form)) {
    $form = array();
  $form['date'] = array(
    '#type' => 'markup',
    '#prefix' => '<div><strong>' . t('Posted') . ':</strong></div>',
    '#value' => format_date($feedback->timestamp),
  $form['feedback'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textarea',
    '#title' => t('Feedback'),
    '#value' => $feedback->feedback,
    '#disabled' => TRUE,
  $trid = db_result(db_query_range("SELECT trid FROM {spam_log} WHERE content_type = '%s' AND content_id = '%s'", $feedback->content_type, $feedback->content_id, 0, 1));
  if (!empty($trid)) {
    $form['logs'] = array(
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#prefix' => '<div>',
      '#suffix' => '</div>',
      '#value' => l(t('Spam logs'), "admin/reports/spam/{$trid}/trace"),
  $form['publish'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Publish content'),
  $form['delete'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Delete feedback'),
    '#submit' => array(
  $form['cancel'] = array(
    '#value' => l(t('Cancel'), 'admin/content/spam/feedback'),
  $form['content'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => $feedback->content,
  $form['spam_form'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => $feedback->form,
  $form['bid'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => $feedback->bid,
  $form['type'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => $feedback->content_type,
  $form['id'] = array(
    '#type' => 'hidden',
    '#value' => $feedback->content_id,
  return $form;

 * Process spam feedback.
function spam_admin_feedback_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $content = unserialize($form_state['values']['content']);

  // mark the content as not spam
  $extra['content'] = $content;
  $extra['type'] = $form_state['values']['type'];
  $extra['feedback_form'] = TRUE;

  // This will publish any content that is unpublished.
  spam_mark_as_not_spam($form_state['values']['type'], $form_state['values']['id'], $extra);
  $values = $form_state['values'];

  // process the form if applicable, we optionally let the content type module take care of this.
  if (!spam_invoke_module($form_state['values']['type'], 'feedback_approved', $form_state['values']['id'], $extra)) {
    if (variable_get('spam_visitor_action', SPAM_ACTION_PREVENT)) {
      $form = unserialize($form_state['values']['spam_form']);
      $_SESSION['spam_bypass_spam_filter'] = TRUE;
      $form_state = array();

      // We only have a form if we use this setting
      // return will contain a url to the new content
      $return = drupal_process_form($content['form_id'], $form, $form_state);
  db_query('DELETE FROM {spam_filters_errors} WHERE bid = %d', $values['bid']);
  drupal_set_message(t('Content published.'));
function spam_admin_feedback_delete_submit($form, &$form_state) {

  // TODO: Confirm the delete.
  db_query('DELETE FROM {spam_filters_errors} WHERE bid = %d', $form_state['values']['bid']);
  drupal_set_message(t('Feedback deleted.'));
function _spam_truncate($text, $length = 64) {
  if (drupal_strlen($text) > $length) {
    $text = drupal_substr($text, 0, $length) . '...';
  return $text;

 * Return form for spam administration overview filters.
function spam_filter_form() {
  $session =& $_SESSION['spam_overview_filter'];
  $session = is_array($session) ? $session : array();
  $filters = spam_overview_filters();
  $i = 0;
  $form['filters'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Show only spam where'),
    '#theme' => 'spam_overview_filters',
  foreach ($session as $filter) {
    list($type, $value) = $filter;
    if ($filters[$type]['options']) {
      $value = $filters[$type]['options'][$value];
    if ($type == 'feedback') {
      if ($value) {
        $value = t('not provided');
      else {
        $value = t('provided');
    $string = $i++ ? '<em>and</em> where <strong>%a</strong> is <strong>%b</strong>' : '<strong>%a</strong> is <strong>%b</strong>';
    $form['filters']['current'][] = array(
      '#value' => t($string, array(
        '%a' => $filters[$type]['title'],
        '%b' => $value,

  // See if module type is set, if not we can't yet perform certain filters.
  if (isset($filters['module'])) {
  foreach ($filters as $key => $filter) {
    $names[$key] = $filter['title'];
    if ($filter['options']) {
      $form['filters']['status'][$key] = array(
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#options' => $filter['options'],
    else {
      if ($key == 'feedback') {
        $form['filters']['status'][$key] = array(
          '#type' => 'select',
          '#options' => array(
            t('not provided'),
      else {
        $form['filters']['status'][$key] = array(
          '#type' => 'textfield',
          '#size' => 15,
  $form['filters']['filter'] = array(
    '#type' => 'radios',
    '#options' => $names,
    '#default_value' => 'status',
  $form['filters']['buttons']['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => count($session) ? t('Refine') : t('Filter'),
  if (count($session)) {
    $form['filters']['buttons']['undo'] = array(
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => t('Undo'),
    $form['filters']['buttons']['reset'] = array(
      '#type' => 'submit',
      '#value' => t('Reset'),
  return $form;

 * Theme spam administration filter form.
function theme_spam_filter_form($form) {
  $output .= '<div id="spam-admin-filter">';
  $output .= drupal_render($form['filters']);
  $output .= '</div>';
  $output .= drupal_render($form);
  return $output;

 * Process result from ad administration filter form.
function spam_filter_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $filters = spam_overview_filters();

  /* TODO The 'op' element in the form values is deprecated.
     Each button can have #validate and #submit functions associated with it.
     Thus, there should be one button that submits the form and which invokes
     the normal form_id_validate and form_id_submit handlers. Any additional
     buttons which need to invoke different validate or submit functionality
     should have button-specific functions. */
  switch ($form_state['values']['op']) {
    case t('Filter'):
    case t('Refine'):
      if (isset($form_state['values']['filter'])) {
        $filter = $form_state['values']['filter'];
        if (isset($filters[$filter]['options'])) {

          // Flatten the options array to accommodate hierarchical/nested options.
          $flat_options = form_options_flatten($filters[$filter]['options']);
          if (isset($flat_options[$form_state['values'][$filter]])) {
            $_SESSION['spam_overview_filter'][] = array(
        else {
          $_SESSION['spam_overview_filter'][] = array(
    case t('Undo'):
    case t('Reset'):
      $_SESSION['spam_overview_filter'] = array();

 * List spam administration filters that can be applied.
function spam_overview_filters() {
  $filters['module'] = array(
    'title' => t('Type'),
    'options' => module_invoke_all('spamapi', 'content_module', array()),
  $filters['hostname'] = array(
    'title' => t('IP'),
  $filters['feedback'] = array(
    'title' => t('Feedback'),
  $filters['title'] = array(
    'title' => t('Title'),
  $filters['status'] = array(
    'title' => t('Status'),
    'options' => array(
      t('not published'),
  return $filters;

 * Theme spam administration filter selector.
function theme_spam_overview_filters($form) {
  $output .= '<ul class="clear-block">';
  if (sizeof($form['current'])) {
    foreach (element_children($form['current']) as $key) {
      $output .= '<li>' . drupal_render($form['current'][$key]) . '</li>';
  $help = FALSE;
  $output .= '<li><dl class="multiselect">' . (sizeof($form['current']) ? '<dt><em>' . t('and') . '</em> ' . t('where') . '</dt>' : '') . '<dd class="a">';
  foreach (element_children($form['filter']) as $key) {
    if ($key == 'module') {
      $help = TRUE;
    $output .= drupal_render($form['filter'][$key]);
  $output .= '</dd>';
  $output .= '<dt>' . t('is') . '</dt><dd class="b">';
  foreach (element_children($form['status']) as $key) {
    $output .= drupal_render($form['status'][$key]);
  $output .= '</dd>';
  $output .= '</dl>';
  $output .= '<div class="container-inline" id="spam-admin-buttons">' . drupal_render($form['buttons']) . '</div>';
  $output .= '</li></ul>';
  if ($help) {
    $output .= '<p><em>' . t('To filter on the Title or the Status, you must first filter on the Type.') . '</em></p>';
  return $output;

 * A filterable list of spam.
function spam_admin_overview() {
  $filter = spam_build_filter_query();
  $result = pager_query('SELECT t.* FROM {spam_tracker} t ' . $filter['join'] . ' ' . $filter['where'] . ' ORDER BY t.timestamp DESC', 50, 0, NULL, $filter['args']);
  $form['options'] = array(
    '#type' => 'fieldset',
    '#title' => t('Update options'),
    '#prefix' => '<div class="container-inline">',
    '#suffix' => '</div>',

  // Set labels for desired callbacks using spam_spam_operations().
  $options = array(
    'markasnotspam' => array(),
    'publish' => array(),
    'unpublish' => array(),
  $operations = module_invoke_all('spam_operations');
  foreach ($options as $option => $array) {
    $options[$option] = $operations[$option]['label'];
  $form['options']['operation'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#options' => $options,
    '#default_value' => 'approve',
  $form['options']['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Update'),
  $destination = drupal_get_destination();
  while ($spam = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $all["{$spam->content_type}-{$spam->content_id}"] = '';
    $form['content_type']["{$spam->content_type}-{$spam->content_id}"] = array(
      '#value' => $spam->content_type,
    $title = spam_invoke_module($spam->content_type, 'title', $spam->content_id);
    $link = spam_invoke_module($spam->content_type, 'edit_link', $spam->content_id);
    if ($link) {
      $form['title']["{$spam->content_type}-{$spam->content_id}"] = array(
        '#value' => l($title, $link),
    else {
      $form['title']["{$spam->content_type}-{$spam->content_id}"] = array(
        '#value' => check_plain($title),
    $form['score']["{$spam->content_type}-{$spam->content_id}"] = array(
      '#value' => $spam->score,
    $status = spam_invoke_module($spam->content_type, 'status', $spam->content_id);
    $form['status']["{$spam->content_type}-{$spam->content_id}"] = array(
      '#value' => $status == SPAM_PUBLISHED ? t('published') : t('not published'),
    $form['hostname']["{$spam->content_type}-{$spam->content_id}"] = array(
      '#value' => $spam->hostname,
    $feedback = db_result(db_query("SELECT bid FROM {spam_filters_errors} WHERE content_type = '%s' AND content_id = '%s'", $spam->content_type, $spam->content_id));
    if ($feedback) {
      $form['feedback']["{$spam->content_type}-{$spam->content_id}"] = array(
        '#value' => l('view', "admin/content/spam/feedback/{$feedback}"),
    else {
      $form['feedback']["{$spam->content_type}-{$spam->content_id}"] = array(
        '#value' => '<em>n/a</em>',
  $form['spam'] = array(
    '#type' => 'checkboxes',
    '#options' => $all,
  $form['pager'] = array(
    '#value' => theme('pager', NULL, 50, 0),
  return $form;

 * Required to select something.
function spam_admin_overview_validate($form, &$form_state) {
  $spam = array_filter($form_state['values']['spam']);
  if (count($spam) == 0) {
    form_set_error('', t('You have not selected any spam content.'));

 * Submit the spam administration update form.  Reusable for content
 * submodules.  This should probably be a TODO for going into the API docs,
 * and replacing some custom submits.  Submodules will need to define
 * #spam_submit_valuetype and #spam_submit_itemtype in their forms. Should
 * also specify their wanted callbacks as a subset of spam_spam_operations()
 * (see spam_admin_overview for example).
function spam_admin_overview_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $operations = module_invoke_all('spam_operations');
  if ($operations[$form_state['values']['operation']]) {
    $operation = $operations[$form_state['values']['operation']];
    if (!($valuetype = $form['#spam_submit_valuetype'])) {
      $valuetype = "spam";

    // Filter out unchecked nodes

    //$spam = array_filter($form_state['values'][$valuetype]);
    if ($form['#spam_submit_itemtype']) {
      foreach ($form_state['values'][$valuetype] as $item => $content) {
        $spam["{$form['#spam_submit_itemtype']}-{$item}"] = "{$form['#spam_submit_itemtype']}-{$item}";
    else {
      $spam = $form_state['values'][$valuetype];
    if ($function = $operation['callback']) {

      // Add in callback arguments if present.
      if (isset($operation['callback arguments'])) {
        $args = array_merge(array(
        ), $operation['callback arguments']);
      else {
        $args = array(
      call_user_func_array($function, $args);
      drupal_set_message(t('The update has been performed.'));

 * Theme spam administration overview.
function theme_spam_admin_overview($form) {

  // Overview table:
  $header = array(
  $output .= drupal_render($form['options']);
  if (isset($form['title']) && is_array($form['title'])) {
    foreach (element_children($form['title']) as $key) {
      $row = array();
      $row[] = drupal_render($form['spam'][$key]);
      $row[] = drupal_render($form['content_type'][$key]);
      $row[] = drupal_render($form['title'][$key]);
      $row[] = drupal_render($form['score'][$key]);
      $row[] = drupal_render($form['status'][$key]);
      $row[] = drupal_render($form['hostname'][$key]);
      $row[] = drupal_render($form['feedback'][$key]);
      $rows[] = $row;
  else {
    $rows[] = array(
        'data' => t('No spam content found.'),
        'colspan' => '7',
  $output .= theme('table', $header, $rows);
  if ($form['pager']['#value']) {
    $output .= drupal_render($form['pager']);
  $output .= drupal_render($form);
  return $output;

 * Implementation of hook_spam_operations(). Probably doesn't need to be an
 * API hook, because spam functions won't differ much between submodules (ex.
 *  mark and unmark) and are  already abstracted from the content type. Forms
 * should only implement what they want out of this. TODO: refactor out of
 * content submodules, take out of API calls.  See spam_admin_overview_submit.
function spam_spam_operations() {
  $operations = array(
    'markasspam' => array(
      'label' => t('Mark as spam'),
      'callback' => 'spam_operations_callback',
      'callback arguments' => array(
    'markasnotspam' => array(
      'label' => t('Mark as not spam'),
      'callback' => 'spam_operations_callback',
      'callback arguments' => array(
    'trainasnotspam' => array(
      'label' => t('Train as not spam'),
      'callback' => 'spam_operations_callback',
      'callback arguments' => array(
    'publish' => array(
      'label' => t('Publish'),
      'callback' => 'spam_operations_callback',
      'callback arguments' => array(
    'unpublish' => array(
      'label' => t('Unpublish'),
      'callback' => 'spam_operations_callback',
      'callback arguments' => array(
  return $operations;

 * Callback function for admin mass editing spam.  Mark as spam.
function spam_operations_callback($spam, $op) {
  foreach ($spam as $content) {
    $pieces = explode('-', $content);
    if (drupal_strlen($pieces[0]) && drupal_strlen($pieces[1]) && drupal_strlen($op)) {
      $func = "spam_{$op}";
      if (function_exists($func)) {
        spam_log(SPAM_VERBOSE, 'spam_operations_callback', t('bulk update @op', array(
          '@op' => $op,
        )), $pieces[0], $pieces[1]);
        $func($pieces[0], $pieces[1]);
      else {
        spam_log(SPAM_LOG, 'spam_operations_callback', t('no such function (@func), failed op(@op)', array(
          '@func' => $func,
          '@op' => $op,
        )), $pieces[0], $pieces[1]);
    else {
      spam_log(SPAM_LOG, 'spam_operations_callback', t('unexpected error: content_type(@type) content_id(@id) op(@op)', array(
        '@type' => $pieces[0],
        '@id' => $pieces[1],
        '@op' => $op,

 * Build query for spam administration filters based on session.
function spam_build_filter_query() {
  $filters = spam_overview_filters();

  // Build query
  $where = $args = array();
  $join = '';
  $where[] = 't.score >= ' . variable_get('spam_threshold', SPAM_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD);
  foreach ($_SESSION['spam_overview_filter'] as $index => $filter) {
    list($key, $value) = $filter;
    switch ($key) {
      case 'module':
        $modules = spam_invoke_api('content_module', array());
        $where[] = "t.content_type = '%s'";
        $args[] = $type = $modules[$value];
      case 'hostname':
        $where[] = "t.hostname LIKE '%%%s%%'";
        $args[] = $value;
      case 'title':
        $join = spam_invoke_module($type, 'overview_filter_join', 'title');
        $where[] = spam_invoke_module($type, 'overview_filter_where', 'title');
        $args[] = $value;
      case 'status':
        $join = spam_invoke_module($type, 'overview_filter_join', 'status');
        $where[] = spam_invoke_module($type, 'overview_filter_where', 'status');
        $args[] = $value;
      case 'feedback':
        if ($value) {
          $join = "INNER JOIN {spam_filters_errors} e ON e.content_id != t.content_id";
        else {
          $join = "INNER JOIN {spam_filters_errors} e ON e.content_id = t.content_id";
  $where = count($where) ? 'WHERE ' . implode(' AND ', $where) : '';
  return array(
    'where' => $where,
    'join' => $join,
    'args' => $args,

 * Be sure the spam score is within the allowable range of 1 and 99.
function spam_sanitize_score($score) {
  if ((int) $score < 1) {
    return 1;
  else {
    if ((int) $score > 99) {
      return 99;
  return round($score, 0);

 * Helper function, returns a randomized token used to build a unique path for
 * reporting mis-filtered content.  Intended as a spam deterrent.
function _spam_sign($text) {
  if (!variable_get('spam_sign_start', '')) {
    variable_set('spam_sign_start', rand(0, 22));
    variable_set('spam_sign_end', rand(45, 115));
  if (!variable_get('spam_sign_key', '')) {
    variable_set('spam_sign_key', md5(microtime()));

  // TODO: Be sure signing is changing...
  return md5(drupal_substr($text, variable_get('spam_sign_start', 0), variable_get('spam_sign_end', 11)) . variable_get('spam_sign_key', ''));

 * Helper function, generate a link for reporting mis-filtered content.
function _spam_error_link($text) {
  if ($text && is_array(unserialize($text))) {
    return l(t('Report spam filter error.'), "spam/denied/error/" . md5($text) . '/' . _spam_sign($text));
  else {
    return t('Unable to generate link.  Please be sure you have cookies enabled and try your posting again.');

 * Generate an error message informing the user that their posting has been
 * blocked by the spam filter.  Provide a dynamic link for reporting if their
 * posting was blocked in error.
 * TODO: We don't need to use the maintenance_page, we could create our own
 *       using the current theme.
function spam_denied_page($message = NULL, $title = NULL) {
  global $theme;
  $no_maintenance = !empty($theme);
  if (!$no_maintenance) {
  drupal_set_header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden');
  if (!$message) {
    $message = strtr(variable_get('spam_filtered_message', t('<p>Your posting on @site from %IP has been automatically flagged by our spam filters as being inappropriate for this website.</p>At @site we work very hard to keep our web pages free of spam.  Unfortunately, sometimes we accidentally block legitimate content.  If you are attempting to post legitimate content to this website, you can help us to improve our spam filters and ensure that your post appears on our website by clicking this link:</p><blockquote>%LINK</blockquote>', array(
      '@site' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'),
    ))), array(
      '%IP' => ip_address(),
      '%LINK' => _spam_error_link($_SESSION['spam_content']),
  if (!$title) {
    $title = t('Your posting was blocked by our spam filter');
  if (!$no_maintenance) {
    echo theme('maintenance_page', filter_xss_admin($message));
  else {
    echo '<html><head><title>', check_plain($title), '</title></head><body><h1>', check_plain($title), '</h1><p>', filter_xss_admin($message), '</p></body></html>';

 * Allow the user to report when their content was inapropriately marked as
 * spam.
function spam_denied_in_error_page() {
  if ($_SESSION['spam_content']) {
    $content = unserialize($_SESSION['spam_content']);
    if (is_array($content)) {
      $hash = md5($_SESSION['spam_content']);
      $exists = db_result(db_query("SELECT bid FROM {spam_filters_errors} WHERE content_hash = '%s'", $hash));
      if ($exists) {
        $output = t('You have already reported this content as not spam.  Please be patient; a site administrator will review it soon.');
      else {
        return drupal_get_form('spam_error_page');
  return $output;

 * Require user reporting non-spam to submit feedback.

// TODO: add captcha
function spam_error_page() {
  $content = unserialize($_SESSION['spam_content']);
  $type = $_SESSION['spam_type'];
  $form = $_SESSION['spam_form'];
  $form = spam_invoke_module($type, 'error_form', $content);
  if (!is_array($form)) {
    $form = array();
  $form['feedback'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textarea',
    '#title' => t('Feedback'),
    '#required' => TRUE,
    '#description' => t('Please offer some feedback to the site administrator, explaining how your content is relevant to this website.'),
  $form['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Send'),
  return $form;

 * Form submit callback for feedback form.
function spam_error_page_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  drupal_set_message(t('Your feedback will be reviewed by a site administrator.'));
  $form_state['redirect'] = '';

 * Store reported legitimate content in database.
function spam_feedback_insert($feedback) {
  global $user, $language;
  $content = unserialize($_SESSION['spam_content']);
  $type = $_SESSION['spam_type'];
  $id = spam_invoke_module($type, 'content_id', $content);
  $hash = md5($_SESSION['spam_content']);
  if (is_array($_SESSION['spam_form'])) {
    $spam_form = serialize($_SESSION['spam_form']);
  else {
    $spam_form = $_SESSION['spam_form'];

  // We do not want to have spammers spam the error form and discard identical entries.
  if (!db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {spam_filters_errors} WHERE content_hash = '%s'", $hash))) {
    db_query("INSERT INTO {spam_filters_errors} (uid, language, content_type, content_id, content_hash, content, form, hostname, feedback, timestamp) VALUES(%d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d)", $user->uid, $language->language, $type, $id, $hash, $_SESSION['spam_content'], $spam_form, ip_address(), $feedback, time());
  $_SESSION['spam_content'] = $_SESSION['spam_type'] = $_SESSION['spam_form'] = '';

 * Add the appropriate links to all content that is actively being filtered.
function spam_links($type, $id, $content) {
  $links = array();
  if (spam_invoke_module($type, 'filter_content_type', $content)) {
    if (user_access('administer spam')) {
      $score = (int) db_result(db_query("SELECT score FROM {spam_tracker} WHERE content_type = '%s' AND content_id = '%s'", $type, $id));
      if ($score >= variable_get('spam_threshold', SPAM_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD)) {
        $links['spam'] = array(
          'title' => t('spam (@score)', array(
            '@score' => $score,
        $token = drupal_get_token("not spam {$type} {$id}");
        $links['mark-as-not-spam'] = array(
          'href' => "spam/{$type}/{$id}/not_spam",
          'title' => t('mark as not spam'),
          'query' => array(
            'token' => $token,
      else {
        $token = drupal_get_token("spam {$type} {$id}");
        $links['spam'] = array(
          'title' => t('not spam (@score)', array(
            '@score' => $score,
        $links['mark-as-spam'] = array(
          'href' => "spam/{$type}/{$id}/spam",
          'title' => t('mark as spam'),
          'query' => array(
            'token' => $token,
  return $links;

 * Menu callback that is used for the spam mark links.
 * This is a wrapper with CSFR protection for spam_mark_as_spam 
function spam_mark_as_spam_callback($type, $id, $extra = array()) {
  if (drupal_valid_token($_GET['token'], "spam {$type} {$id}")) {
    spam_mark_as_spam($type, $id, $extra);
  else {
    return drupal_access_denied();

 * Menu callback that is used for the not spam mark links.
 * This is a wrapper with CSFR protection for spam_mark_as_not_spam 
function spam_mark_as_not_spam_callback($type, $id, $extra = array()) {
  if (drupal_valid_token($_GET['token'], "not spam {$type} {$id}")) {
    spam_mark_as_not_spam($type, $id, $extra);
  else {
    return drupal_access_denied();

 * Invoke appropriate actions for marking content as spam.
 * TODO: Integrate with the Actions module, making actions fully configurable.
function spam_mark_as_spam($type, $id, $extra = array()) {

  // TODO: Fix this loop
  static $loop = array();
  if (isset($loop[$id])) {
    spam_log(SPAM_DEBUG, 'spam_mark_as_spam', t('FIX ME: looping'), $type, $id);
  $loop[$id] = TRUE;
  _spam_update_statistics(t('@type marked as spam', array(
    '@type' => $type,
  $extra['sid'] = db_result(db_query("SELECT sid FROM {spam_tracker} WHERE content_type = '%s' AND content_id = '%s'", $type, $id));
  if (empty($extra['score'])) {
    $extra['score'] = 99;
  spam_log(SPAM_VERBOSE, 'spam_mark_as_spam', t('marked as spam, score(@score)', array(
    '@score' => $extra['score'],
  )), $type, $id);
  if ($extra['sid']) {
    db_query('UPDATE {spam_tracker} SET score = %d WHERE sid = %d', $extra['score'], $extra['sid']);
  else {
    $hostname = spam_invoke_module($type, 'hostname', $id);
    db_query("INSERT INTO {spam_tracker} (content_type, content_id, score, hostname, timestamp) VALUES('%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d)", $type, $id, $extra['score'], $hostname, time());
    $extra['sid'] = db_result(db_query("SELECT sid FROM {spam_tracker} WHERE content_type = '%s' AND content_id = '%s'", $type, $id));
  $extra['content'] = spam_invoke_module($type, 'load', $id);
  $extra['id'] = $id;
  spam_invoke_api('mark_as_spam', $type, array(), array(), $extra);
  if ($id) {

    // For now, we're hard coding the actions...
    if (!in_array(variable_get('spam_visitor_action', SPAM_ACTION_PREVENT), array(
    ))) {
      spam_unpublish($type, $id);
  if (!empty($extra['redirect'])) {
    spam_invoke_module($type, 'redirect', $id);

 * Invoke appropriate actions for marking content as not spam.
 * TODO: Integrate with the Actions module, making actions fully configurable.
function spam_mark_as_not_spam($type, $id, $extra = array()) {

  // TODO: Fix this loop
  static $loop = array();
  if (isset($loop[$id])) {
    spam_log(SPAM_DEBUG, 'spam_mark_as_not_spam', t('FIX ME: looping'), $type, $id);
  $loop[$id] = TRUE;
  _spam_update_statistics(t('@type marked as not spam', array(
    '@type' => $type,
  $extra['sid'] = db_result(db_query("SELECT sid FROM {spam_tracker} WHERE content_type = '%s' AND content_id = '%s'", $type, $id));
  if (!isset($extra['score'])) {
    $extra['score'] = 1;
  spam_log(SPAM_VERBOSE, 'spam_mark_as_not_spam', t('marked as not spam, score(@score)', array(
    '@score' => $extra['score'],
  )), $type, $id);
  if ($extra['sid']) {
    db_query('UPDATE {spam_tracker} SET score = %d WHERE sid = %d', $extra['score'], $extra['sid']);
  else {
    if ($id) {
      $hostname = spam_invoke_module($type, 'hostname', $id);
      db_query("INSERT INTO {spam_tracker} (content_type, content_id, score, hostname, timestamp) VALUES('%s', '%s', %d, '%s', %d)", $type, $id, $extra['score'], $hostname, time());
      $extra['sid'] = db_result(db_query("SELECT sid FROM {spam_tracker} WHERE content_type = '%s' AND content_id = '%s'", $type, $id));
  if (!isset($extra['content'])) {
    $extra['content'] = spam_invoke_module($type, 'load', $id);
  $extra['id'] = $id;
  spam_invoke_api('mark_as_not_spam', $type, array(), array(), $extra);
  if ($id) {

    // We've already filtered the content
    $_SESSION['spam_bypass_spam_filter'] = TRUE;

    // For now, we're hard coding the actions...
    spam_publish($type, $id);
  if (!empty($extra['redirect'])) {
    spam_invoke_module($type, 'redirect', $id);

 * Extract text from content array.
function spam_get_text($content, $type, $fields, $extra = array(), $full = TRUE) {
  if (is_object($content)) {
    $content = (array) $content;
  $text = '';
  if (isset($fields['main']) && is_array($fields['main'])) {
    foreach ($fields['main'] as $field) {
      $text .= $content[$field] . ' ';
  if ($full && isset($fields['other']) && is_array($fields['other'])) {
    foreach ($fields['other'] as $field) {
      $text .= $content[$field] . ' ';
  return $text;

 * Write to the spam_log database table.
function spam_log($level, $function, $message, $type = NULL, $id = NULL) {
  global $user;
  $trid = _spam_log_trace($message, $type, $id);
  if (variable_get('spam_log_level', SPAM_LOG) >= $level) {
    db_query("INSERT INTO {spam_log} (level, trid, content_type, content_id, uid, function, message, hostname, timestamp) VALUES(%d, %d, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d)", $level, $trid, $type, $id, $user->uid, $function, $message, ip_address(), time());

 * Maintain a "trace id", allowing easy tracing of all spam actions for each
 * page load.  Only active if logging is set to verbose or higher.
function _spam_log_trace($message, $type, $id) {
  global $user;
  static $trid = NULL;
  if (!$trid && variable_get('spam_log_level', SPAM_DEBUG) >= SPAM_VERBOSE) {
    $key = md5(microtime() . $message);
    db_query("INSERT INTO {spam_log} (level, content_type, content_id, uid, function, message, hostname, timestamp) VALUES(%d, '%s', '%s', %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d)", SPAM_VERBOSE, $type, $id, $user->uid, '_spam_log_trace', $key, ip_address(), time());
    $trid = db_result(db_query("SELECT lid FROM {spam_log} WHERE message = '%s'", $key));
    if ($trid) {
      db_query("UPDATE {spam_log} SET trid = %d, message = '%s' WHERE lid = %d", $trid, t('--'), $trid);
    else {
      $trid = 1;
      spam_log(SPAM_LOG, '_spam_log_trace', t('Failed to obtain a valid trid.'));
  return $trid;

 * Display statistics overview.
function spam_logs_statistics() {
  drupal_set_title("Spam statistics");
  $statistics = array();
  $stats = array(
      'title' => 'scanned @module',
      'query' => 'scan %s',
      'title' => 'prevented @module spam',
      'query' => 'prevented spam %s',
      'title' => 'marked @module as spam',
      'query' => '%s marked as spam',
      'title' => 'manually marked @module as spam',
      'query' => '%s manually marked as spam',
      'title' => 'marked @module as not spam',
      'query' => '%s marked as not spam',
      'title' => 'manually marked @module as not spam',
      'query' => '%s manually marked as not spam',
  $header = array(
  $displayed = array();
  $modules = spam_invoke_api('content_module');
  foreach ($modules as $module) {
    foreach ($stats as $stat) {
      $query = str_replace('@name', $stat['query'], "SELECT * FROM {spam_statistics} WHERE name = '@name'");
      if ($result = db_fetch_object(db_query($query, $module))) {
        $row = array();
        if (!isset($displayed[$module])) {
          $displayed[$module] = TRUE;
          $row[] = array(
            'data' => "<b>{$module}</b>",
            'colspan' => 4,
          $rows[] = $row;
          $row = array();
        $row[] = '';
        $row[] = array(
          'data' => t($stat['title'], array(
            '@module' => $module,
        $row[] = array(
          'data' => number_format($result->count),
        $row[] = array(
          'data' => t('@time ago', array(
            '@time' => format_interval(time() - $result->timestamp),
        $rows[] = $row;
  $output = theme('table', $header, $rows);
  return $output;

 * Display an overview of the latest spam_log entries.
function spam_logs_overview($type = NULL, $id = NULL) {
  drupal_set_title(t('Spam module logs'));
  $header = array(
      'data' => t('type'),
      'field' => 'content_type',
      'data' => t('id'),
      'field' => 'content_id',
      'data' => t('date'),
      'field' => 'lid',
      'sort' => 'desc',
      'data' => t('message'),
      'field' => 'message',
      'data' => t('user'),
      'field' => 'uid',
      'data' => t('operations'),
  if ($id) {
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM {spam_log} WHERE content_type = '%s' AND content_id = '%s'";
    $arguments = array(
  else {
    if ($type) {
      $sql = "SELECT * FROM {spam_log} WHERE content_type = '%s'";
      $arguments = array(
    else {
      $sql = "SELECT * FROM {spam_log}";
      $arguments = array();
  $result = pager_query($sql . tablesort_sql($header), 50, 0, NULL, $arguments);
  while ($log = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $options = '';
    if ($log->trid > 1) {
      $options = l(t('trace'), "admin/reports/spam/{$log->trid}/trace") . ' | ';
    $options .= l(t('detail'), "admin/reports/spam/{$log->lid}/detail");
    $rows[] = array(
      'data' => array(
        format_date($log->timestamp, 'small'),
        truncate_utf8($log->message, 64) . (drupal_strlen($log->message) > 64 ? '...' : ''),
        theme('username', user_load(array(
          'uid' => $log->uid,
  if (!$rows) {
    $rows[] = array(
        'data' => t('No log messages available.'),
        'colspan' => 6,
  return theme('table', $header, $rows) . theme('pager', NULL, 50, 0);

 * Displays complete information about a single log entry.
function spam_logs_entry($id = NULL) {
  if (!$id) {
    return NULL;
  $breadcrumb[] = l(t('Home'), NULL);
  $breadcrumb[] = l(t('Administer'), 'admin');
  $breadcrumb[] = l(t('Logs'), 'admin/reports');
  $breadcrumb[] = l(t('Spam'), 'admin/reports/spam');
  $breadcrumb[] = l(t('Spam module log entry'), 'admin/reports/spam/detail');
  $message = db_fetch_object(db_query('SELECT * FROM {spam_log} WHERE lid = %d', $id));
  if ($message->content_type) {
    $table[] = array(
        'data' => t('Content type'),
        'header' => TRUE,
        'data' => l(t($message->content_type), "admin/reports/spam/{$message->content_type}"),
  else {
    $table[] = array(
        'data' => t('Content type'),
        'header' => TRUE,
        'data' => t('unknown'),
  if ($message->content_id) {
    $table[] = array(
        'data' => t('!type ID', array(
          '!type' => drupal_ucfirst($message->content_type),
        'header' => TRUE,
        'data' => l(t($message->content_id), "admin/reports/spam/{$message->content_type}/{$message->content_id}"),
  $table[] = array(
      'data' => t('Date'),
      'header' => TRUE,
      'data' => format_date($message->timestamp, 'large'),
  $table[] = array(
      'data' => t('User'),
      'header' => TRUE,
      'data' => theme('username', user_load(array(
        'uid' => $message->uid,
  $table[] = array(
      'data' => t('Spam module function'),
      'header' => TRUE,
      'data' => $message->function,
  $table[] = array(
      'data' => t('Message'),
      'header' => TRUE,
      'data' => $message->message,
  $table[] = array(
      'data' => t('Hostname'),
      'header' => TRUE,
      'data' => $message->hostname,
  $table[] = array(
      'data' => t('Options'),
      'header' => TRUE,
      'data' => l(t('trace'), "admin/reports/spam/{$message->trid}/trace"),
  return theme('table', NULL, $table);

 * Trace all logs generated by the same page load.
function spam_logs_trace($trid = NULL) {
  if (!$trid) {
  drupal_set_title(t('Spam module logs trace'));
  $breadcrumb[] = l(t('Home'), NULL);
  $breadcrumb[] = l(t('Administer'), 'admin');
  $breadcrumb[] = l(t('Logs'), 'admin/reports');
  $breadcrumb[] = l(t('Spam'), 'admin/reports/spam');
  $breadcrumb[] = l(t('Spam module log trace'), 'admin/reports/spam/trace');
  $header = array(
      'data' => t('type'),
      'field' => 'content_type',
      'data' => t('id'),
      'field' => 'content_id',
      'data' => t('date'),
      'field' => 'lid',
      'sort' => 'asc',
      'data' => t('function'),
      'field' => 'function',
      'data' => t('message'),
      'field' => 'message',
      'data' => t('user'),
      'field' => 'uid',
      'data' => t('operations'),
  $sql = "SELECT * FROM {spam_log} WHERE trid = %d";
  $arguments = array(
  $result = pager_query($sql . tablesort_sql($header), 50, 0, NULL, $arguments);
  while ($log = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $options = l(t('detail'), "admin/reports/spam/{$log->lid}/detail");
    $rows[] = array(
      'data' => array(
        format_date($log->timestamp, 'small'),
        truncate_utf8($log->function, 20) . (drupal_strlen($log->function) > 20 ? '...' : ''),
        truncate_utf8($log->message, 64) . (drupal_strlen($log->message) > 64 ? '...' : ''),
        theme('username', user_load(array(
          'uid' => $log->uid,
  if (!$rows) {
    $rows[] = array(
        'data' => t('No log messages available.'),
        'colspan' => 7,
  return theme('table', $header, $rows) . theme('pager', NULL, 50, 0);
function spam_score_is_spam($score) {
  if ($score >= variable_get('spam_threshold', SPAM_DEFAULT_THRESHOLD)) {
    return TRUE;
  else {
    return FALSE;

 * Support PHP4 which has no 'step' parameter in its range() function.
function spam_range($low, $high, $step = 1) {
  if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5') < 0) {

    // Emultate range with a step paramater for PHP4 users.
    $rng = array();
    for ($i = $low; $i <= $high; $i += $step) {
      $rng[] = $i;
    return $rng;
  else {
    return range($low, $high, $step);

 * Invoke unpublish action for given content type.
 * TODO: Integrate with the Actions module.
function spam_unpublish($type, $id, $extra = array()) {
  spam_log(SPAM_VERBOSE, 'spam_unpublish', t('unpublished'), $type, $id);
  spam_invoke_module($type, 'unpublish', $id, $extra);
  _spam_update_statistics(t('unpublish @type', array(
    '@type' => $type,

 * Invoke publish action for given content type.
 * TODO: Integrate with the Actions module.
function spam_publish($type, $id, $extra = array()) {
  spam_log(SPAM_VERBOSE, 'spam_publish', t('published'), $type, $id);
  spam_invoke_module($type, 'publish', $id, $extra);
  _spam_update_statistics(t('publish @type', array(
    '@type' => $type,

 * Invoke hold action for given content type.
 * TODO: Integrate with the Actions module.
function spam_hold($type, $id, $extra = array()) {
  spam_log(SPAM_VERBOSE, 'spam_hold', t('held'), $type, $id);
  spam_invoke_module($type, 'hold', $id, $extra);

* Implementation of hook_action_info().
function spam_action_info() {
  $spam_actions = array();
  $spam_types = array(
  foreach ($spam_types as $type) {
    if (module_exists($type)) {
      $spam_actions['spam_mark_' . $type . '_as_spam_action'] = array(
        'description' => t('Mark ' . $type . ' as spam'),
        'type' => $type,
        'configurable' => FALSE,
        'hooks' => array(
          'any' => TRUE,
      $spam_actions['spam_mark_' . $type . '_as_not_spam_action'] = array(
        'description' => t('Mark ' . $type . ' as not spam'),
        'type' => $type,
        'configurable' => FALSE,
        'hooks' => array(
          'any' => TRUE,
  return $spam_actions;

 * Helper function to check whether the filter or their actions should be
 * bypassed.
function spam_bypass_filters() {
  if (isset($_SESSION['spam_bypass_spam_filter']) && $_SESSION['spam_bypass_spam_filter']) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;


Namesort descending Description
spam_action_info Implementation of hook_action_info().
spam_admin_feedback_form Spam feedback details.
spam_admin_feedback_form_submit Process spam feedback.
spam_admin_filters_submit Perform the actual update.
spam_admin_filter_overview Spam filter overview page. Allows enabling/disabling, ordering, and tuning of individual filters.
spam_admin_list Manage spam content.
spam_admin_list_feedback Spam feedback overview.
spam_admin_overview A filterable list of spam.
spam_admin_overview_submit Submit the spam administration update form. Reusable for content submodules. This should probably be a TODO for going into the API docs, and replacing some custom submits. Submodules will need to define #spam_submit_valuetype and…
spam_admin_overview_validate Required to select something.
spam_admin_settings Spam module settings page.
spam_admin_settings_form Spam module settings form.
spam_build_filter_query Build query for spam administration filters based on session.
spam_bypass_filters Helper function to check whether the filter or their actions should be bypassed.
spam_content_delete This function is called when content on your website is deleted.
spam_content_filter API call to determine the likeliness that a given piece of content is spam, returning a rating from 1% likelihood to 99% likelihood. It is unlikely that you want to call this function directly.
spam_content_insert This function is called when new content is first posted to your website.
spam_content_is_spam API call to simply test if content is spam or not. No action is taken.
spam_content_update This function is called when content on your website is updated.
spam_cron Drupal _cron hook.
spam_denied_in_error_page Allow the user to report when their content was inapropriately marked as spam.
spam_denied_page Generate an error message informing the user that their posting has been blocked by the spam filter. Provide a dynamic link for reporting if their posting was blocked in error.
spam_error_page_submit Form submit callback for feedback form.
spam_feedback_insert Store reported legitimate content in database.
spam_filter_content_type Determine if we should be filtering a given content type.
spam_filter_enabled Determine if a given filter is enabled.
spam_filter_form Return form for spam administration overview filters.
spam_filter_form_submit Process result from ad administration filter form.
spam_form_alter Drupal form_alter() hook.
spam_get_text Extract text from content array.
spam_hash_load Wildcard loader function.
spam_help Online help. Drupal _help() hook.
spam_hold Invoke hold action for given content type. TODO: Integrate with the Actions module.
spam_init_filters Check if any new spam filters are available for installation.
spam_install_filter Install the named spam filter, making it available for detecting spam content. It will be configured per any defaults defined by the filter.
spam_invoke_api Invoke spam API functions defined by other modules.
spam_invoke_module Invoke spam API functions in a specific module.
spam_link Drupal _link() hook.
spam_links Add the appropriate links to all content that is actively being filtered.
spam_load_inc_files Load the inc files for the various content types.
spam_log Write to the spam_log database table.
spam_logs_entry Displays complete information about a single log entry.
spam_logs_overview Display an overview of the latest spam_log entries.
spam_logs_statistics Display statistics overview.
spam_logs_trace Trace all logs generated by the same page load.
spam_mark_as_not_spam Invoke appropriate actions for marking content as not spam. TODO: Integrate with the Actions module, making actions fully configurable.
spam_mark_as_not_spam_callback Menu callback that is used for the not spam mark links.
spam_mark_as_spam Invoke appropriate actions for marking content as spam. TODO: Integrate with the Actions module, making actions fully configurable.
spam_mark_as_spam_callback Menu callback that is used for the spam mark links.
spam_mark_load Spam Mark wildcard loader function.
spam_menu Drupal _menu() hook.
spam_number_load Spam module is_numeric test wildcard loader function.
spam_operations_callback Callback function for admin mass editing spam. Mark as spam.
spam_overview_filters List spam administration filters that can be applied.
spam_perm Drupal _perm hook.
spam_publish Invoke publish action for given content type. TODO: Integrate with the Actions module.
spam_range Support PHP4 which has no 'step' parameter in its range() function.
spam_sanitize_score Be sure the spam score is within the allowable range of 1 and 99.
spam_scan API call for scanning content for spam. If spam is found, the appropriate action will be taken.
spam_spam_operations Implementation of hook_spam_operations(). Probably doesn't need to be an API hook, because spam functions won't differ much between submodules (ex. mark and unmark) and are already abstracted from the content type. Forms should only…
spam_theme Drupal _theme() hook.
spam_unpublish Invoke unpublish action for given content type. TODO: Integrate with the Actions module.
theme_spam_admin_filters Display list of filters.
theme_spam_admin_overview Theme spam administration overview.
theme_spam_filter_form Theme spam administration filter form.
theme_spam_overview_filters Theme spam administration filter selector.
_spam_error_link Helper function, generate a link for reporting mis-filtered content.
_spam_log_trace Maintain a "trace id", allowing easy tracing of all spam actions for each page load. Only active if logging is set to verbose or higher.
_spam_sign Helper function, returns a randomized token used to build a unique path for reporting mis-filtered content. Intended as a spam deterrent.
_spam_update_statistics Increment internal counters.
