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36 calls to spam_invoke_module() in Spam 6

spam_admin_feedback_form in ./spam.module
Spam feedback details.
spam_admin_feedback_form_submit in ./spam.module
Process spam feedback.
spam_admin_overview in ./spam.module
A filterable list of spam.
spam_admin_settings_form in ./spam.module
Spam module settings form.
spam_build_filter_query in ./spam.module
Build query for spam administration filters based on session.
spam_content_delete in ./spam.module
This function is called when content on your website is deleted.
spam_content_filter in ./spam.module
API call to determine the likeliness that a given piece of content is spam, returning a rating from 1% likelihood to 99% likelihood. It is unlikely that you want to call this function directly.
spam_content_insert in ./spam.module
This function is called when new content is first posted to your website.
spam_content_is_spam in ./spam.module
API call to simply test if content is spam or not. No action is taken.
spam_content_update in ./spam.module
This function is called when content on your website is updated.
spam_error_page in ./spam.module
spam_feedback_insert in ./spam.module
Store reported legitimate content in database.
spam_filter_bayesian_spamapi in filters/spam_filter_bayesian/spam_filter_bayesian.module
Spam API Hook
spam_filter_bayesian_spam_filter in filters/spam_filter_bayesian/spam_filter_bayesian.module
Determine whether or not the content is spam.
spam_filter_bayesian_tokenize in filters/spam_filter_bayesian/spam_filter_bayesian.module
Split content into an array of tokens.
spam_filter_content_type in ./spam.module
Determine if we should be filtering a given content type.
spam_filter_custom_spam_filter in filters/spam_filter_custom/spam_filter_custom.module
Apply enabled custom filter rules against content.
spam_filter_duplicate_spamapi in filters/spam_filter_duplicate/spam_filter_duplicate.module
Spam API Hook
spam_filter_duplicate_spam_filter in filters/spam_filter_duplicate/spam_filter_duplicate.module
Determine whether or not the content is spam.
spam_filter_node_age_spam_filter in filters/spam_filter_node_age/spam_filter_node_age.module
Determine if a comment is being posted against too old of a node.
spam_filter_surbl_spam_filter in filters/spam_filter_surbl/spam_filter_surbl.module
Search for known spam urls in content.
spam_filter_url_spamapi in filters/spam_filter_url/spam_filter_url.module
@file URL filter plug in for the spam module. Copyright(c) 2007-2008 Jeremy Andrews <>. All rights reserved.
spam_filter_url_spam_filter in filters/spam_filter_url/spam_filter_url.module
Search for known spam urls in content.
spam_hold in ./spam.module
Invoke hold action for given content type. TODO: Integrate with the Actions module.
spam_init_filters in ./spam.module
Check if any new spam filters are available for installation.
spam_install_filter in ./spam.module
Install the named spam filter, making it available for detecting spam content. It will be configured per any defaults defined by the filter.
spam_link in ./spam.module
Drupal _link() hook.
spam_links in ./spam.module
Add the appropriate links to all content that is actively being filtered.
spam_mark_as_not_spam in ./spam.module
Invoke appropriate actions for marking content as not spam. TODO: Integrate with the Actions module, making actions fully configurable.
spam_mark_as_spam in ./spam.module
Invoke appropriate actions for marking content as spam. TODO: Integrate with the Actions module, making actions fully configurable.
spam_mark_load in ./spam.module
Spam Mark wildcard loader function.
spam_publish in ./spam.module
Invoke publish action for given content type. TODO: Integrate with the Actions module.
spam_scan in ./spam.module
API call for scanning content for spam. If spam is found, the appropriate action will be taken.
spam_unpublish in ./spam.module
Invoke unpublish action for given content type. TODO: Integrate with the Actions module.
_spam_filter_surbl_url_extract in filters/spam_filter_surbl/spam_filter_surbl.module
Extract URLs from content.
_spam_filter_url_extract in filters/spam_filter_url/spam_filter_url.module