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function spaces_setting in Spaces 5

Return the value of an spaces setting.


$setting: String, a setting id to get

$gid: String, An optional group id -- if unspecified, current context $gid is used.

Return value

Mixed, the value of the setting.

2 calls to spaces_setting()
spaces_goto_grouphome in ./spaces.module
Given a group id redirect a user to the group home page.
spaces_shoutbox_block in spaces_shoutbox/spaces_shoutbox.module
Implementation of hook_block()


./spaces.module, line 860


function spaces_setting($setting, $gid = null) {
  $gid = !$gid ? spaces_gid() : $gid;
  $settings = $gid ? spaces_settings($gid) : array();
  if (array_key_exists($setting, $settings)) {
    return $settings[$setting];
  else {
    return false;