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function spaces_menu_rebuild in Spaces 6

Rebuilds the spaces menu stored in the menu_links tables via the menu API.

3 calls to spaces_menu_rebuild()
spaces_features_menu in ./spaces.module
Returns a links array in the theme_links() format of the current space's menu items for features accessible to the current user. Each item has a keyed array of children items if applicable.
spaces_form_alter in ./spaces.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter().
spaces_init in ./spaces.module
Implementation of hook_init().


./spaces.module, line 1424


function spaces_menu_rebuild() {

  // @TODO there is probably a better API-based way to achieve this ...
  $spaces_menu = array();
  $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {menu_links} WHERE menu_name = 'spaces' AND module = 'spaces'");
  while ($item = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $spaces_menu[$item->link_path] = $item;
  $cleanup = $spaces_menu;

  // Loop through features and create or update menu items.
  $cache = array();
  $features = spaces_features();
  foreach ($features as $feature) {
    if (isset($feature->spaces['menu']) && count($feature->spaces['menu'])) {
      foreach ($feature->spaces['menu'] as $key => $item) {

        // Use the array key as the menu path if not set explicitly --
        // should allow backwards compatibility with old feature
        // defintions.
        $path = !empty($item['href']) ? $item['href'] : $key;

        // Remove this item from list of menu items to clean up

        // Load an existing menu item if it already exists
        $existing_item = isset($spaces_menu[$path]) ? menu_link_load($spaces_menu[$path]->mlid) : array();
        $customized = $existing_item['customized'];
        $attributes = isset($item['attributes']) ? array(
          'attributes' => $item['attributes'],
        ) : array();
        $new_item = array(
          'link_title' => $customized && isset($existing_item['title']) ? $existing_item['title'] : $item['title'],
          'link_path' => $path,
          'options' => $customized && isset($existing_item['options']) ? $existing_item['options'] : $attributes,
          'menu_name' => 'spaces',
          'module' => 'spaces',
        $new_item = array_merge($existing_item, $new_item);
        $mlid = menu_link_save($new_item);
        if ($mlid) {
          $cache[$new_item['link_path']] = $feature->value;

  // Clean up stale items for features that no longer exist
  foreach ($cleanup as $item) {
  cache_set('spaces_menu', $cache, 'cache');
  return $cache;