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11 calls to spaces_types() in Spaces 6.3

SpacesContextControllerTestCase::test in tests/spaces.test
Test override inheritance of variable controller.
SpacesVariableControllerTestCase::test in tests/spaces.test
Test override inheritance of variable controller.
spaces_features in ./spaces.module
Retrieve all available features.
spaces_frontpage in ./spaces.module
Route the user to the proper homepage for this space.
spaces_handler_field_node::options_form in includes/
Override of options_form().
spaces_load in ./spaces.module
Spaces loader.
spaces_menu_alter in ./spaces.module
Implementation of hook_menu_alter().
spaces_preset_editor in spaces_ui/export_ui/spaces_presets_export_ui.class.php
Preset editor form.
spaces_preset_form in ./
Generate a form snippet for choosing a spaces preset.
spaces_preset_list in spaces_ui/export_ui/spaces_presets_export_ui.class.php
Presets form.
spaces_router in ./spaces.module
Calls the router method on all space types, giving them a chance to route requests accordingly.