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33 calls to spaces_gid() in Spaces 5

spaces_announce_form_alter in spaces_announce/spaces_announce.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter.
spaces_announce_group_save in spaces_announce/spaces_announce.module
After build handler for announcement node forms.
spaces_announce_nodeapi in spaces_announce/spaces_announce.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi
spaces_casetracker_block in spaces_casetracker/spaces_casetracker.module
Implementation of hook_block()
spaces_casetracker_form_alter in spaces_casetracker/spaces_casetracker.module
Implementation of hook_form_alter()
spaces_casetracker_project_options in spaces_casetracker/spaces_casetracker.module
Build option array of project id's for the current group.
spaces_casetracker_user_options in spaces_casetracker/spaces_casetracker.module
Build option array of users in the current group
spaces_contacts_user in spaces_contacts/spaces_contacts.module
Implementation of hook_user()
spaces_core_documents in spaces_core/spaces_core.module
spaces_core_taxonomy in spaces_core/spaces_core.module
Page call back to handle taxonomy listing
spaces_custom_menu in ./spaces.module
Returns a custom label or weight for a given group & path.
spaces_dashboard_form_alter in spaces_dashboard/spaces_dashboard.module
spaces_dashboard_group_dashboard in spaces_dashboard/spaces_dashboard.module
Implements a group dashboard for users in multiple groups TODO: implement "fires" listing
spaces_feature in ./spaces.module
Test if feature exists
spaces_features_menu in ./spaces.module
returns a keyed array of features split by public/private/group-agnostic TODO: can this be optimized? maybe if we store our data differently : |
spaces_get_users in ./spaces.module
Get drupal users
spaces_is_member in ./spaces.module
spaces_menu in ./spaces.module
spaces_nodeapi in ./spaces.module
Implentation of hook_nodeapi
spaces_og_subscription_link in ./spaces.module
Custom subscription link - use "join" instead of "subscribe" - make it shorter.
spaces_og_wrapper in ./spaces.module
Spaces OG wrapper
spaces_router in ./spaces.module
Consolidated group context routing logic.
spaces_setting in ./spaces.module
Return the value of an spaces setting.
spaces_shoutbox_ajax in spaces_shoutbox/spaces_shoutbox.module
Shoutbox AJAX callback
spaces_views_post_view in ./spaces.module
theme_spaces_button in ./spaces.module
Generates a themed set of links for node types associated with the current active contexts.
_spaces_block_nav in ./
Default navigation menu - you may want use customized version in tic.
_spaces_calendar_feed_links in spaces_calendar/spaces_calendar.module
Helper function to display feed links in calendar view footers
_spaces_core_block_tags in spaces_core/spaces_core.module
BLOCKS =============================================================
_spaces_core_book_link in spaces_core/spaces_core.module
_spaces_core_book_tree in spaces_core/spaces_core.module
Group-aware book tree generation
_spaces_form_alter_node in ./spaces.module
_spaces_views_arg_og_handler in ./
Provides og arg handling -- use in views arg with <?php ?> tags