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23 calls to spaces_get_space() in Spaces 6.2

spaces_admin_access in ./spaces.module
Menu admin access wrapper.
spaces_admin_links in ./spaces.module
Generates an array of admin links for the current space suitable for use in theme_links().
spaces_basic_form in ./
BASIC FORM =========================================================
spaces_context_active_contexts_alter in ./spaces.module
Implementation of hook_context_active_contexts_alter().
spaces_customize_form in ./
Feature customization form.
spaces_design_preprocess_page in spaces_design/spaces_design.module
Turn design choices into theme variables.
spaces_features_form in ./
FEATURE SETTINGS ===================================================
spaces_features_menu_links_alter in ./spaces.module
Implementation of hook_features_menu_links_alter(). This function is deprecated and is no longer a real drupal_alter() callback. It is invoked directly from spaces_preprocess_page().
spaces_feature_access in ./spaces.module
Menu feature access wrapper.
spaces_handler_filter_spaces_current::query in includes/
Meta query handler which delegates query building to the implementing spaces.
spaces_init in ./spaces.module
Implementation of hook_init().
spaces_menu_access in ./spaces.module
Spaces menu access callback. Allows space types to manage menu access as related to their space workflow. See hook_menu_alter() for how the original menu access callback / argument gets passed to an altered item.
spaces_og_context_links_alter in spaces_og/spaces_og.module
Implementation of hook_context_links_alter().
spaces_og_nodeapi in spaces_og/spaces_og.module
Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
spaces_og_subscription_link in spaces_og/spaces_og.module
Custom subscription link - use "join" instead of "subscribe" - make it shorter.
spaces_preprocess_block in ./spaces.module
theme_block() preprocessor.
spaces_preprocess_page in ./spaces.module
theme_page() preprocessor.
spaces_router in ./spaces.module
Wrapper around implementations of $space->router. Provides additional intelligence, including a global killswitch and routing when no spaces are active.
spaces_site_init in spaces_site/spaces_site.module
Implementation of hook_init().
spaces_user_context_links_alter in spaces_user/spaces_user.module
Implementation of hook_context_links_alter().
spaces_user_links in ./spaces.module
Generates an array of user links for the current space suitable for use in theme_links().
space_setting_home::form in ./
_spaces_og_form_alter_node in spaces_og/spaces_og.module
Group-enabled node form_alter()