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spaces_og.module in Spaces 6.2


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define('SPACES_OG_PRIVATE', 1);
define('SPACES_OG_PUBLIC', 2);

 * Spaces OG must be included after the Spaces module. We check this
 * condition here -- if the check fails, at least we don't break Drupal.
if (function_exists('spaces_menu')) {
  class space_og implements space {
    var $group = NULL;
    var $title = NULL;

     * Constructor
    function __construct($type, $sid = NULL, $is_active = FALSE) {
      if ($sid) {
        $this->group = node_load($sid);
        $this->title = $this->group->title;
        if ($is_active) {

          // Set the group context on behalf of OG

          // Handle theme switching for OG
          if ($this->group->og_theme) {
            global $custom_theme;
            $custom_theme = $group->og_theme;
      else {
        $this->group = new StdClass();

     * Implementation of space->save().
    function save() {
      if (!isset($space->no_access_rebuid)) {

        // If access settings have changed we'll want to update og_ancestry.
        $node_types = spaces_features_map('node');
        foreach ($this->features as $feature => $access) {
          if ($type = array_search($feature, $node_types)) {
            if ($access == SPACES_OG_PRIVATE) {
              $is_public = 0;
            elseif ($access == SPACES_OG_PUBLIC) {
              $is_public = 1;
            else {

            // Check the schema to see if we're using OG 1.x or 2.x
            $schema = drupal_get_schema('og_ancestry');
            if (isset($schema['fields']['is_public'])) {

              // OG 1.x
              db_query("UPDATE {og_ancestry}\n                        SET is_public = %d\n                        WHERE group_nid = %d\n                        AND nid IN (\n                          SELECT nid\n                          FROM {node}\n                          WHERE type = '%s'\n                        )", $is_public, $this->group->nid, $type);
            else {

              // OG 2.x
              db_query("UPDATE {og_access_post}\n                        SET og_public = %d\n                        WHERE nid IN (\n                          SELECT og_a.nid\n                          FROM {og_ancestry} og_a\n                          JOIN {node} n ON og_a.nid = n.nid\n                          WHERE og_a.group_nid = %d\n                          AND n.type = '%s'\n                        )", $is_public, $this->group->nid, $type);

     * Implementation of space->delete().
    function delete() {

      // We do not delete the group node here:
      // 1. to allow the group to remain and perhaps later be re-registered as a space
      // 2. to avoid recursion

     * Implementation of space->feature_access().
    function feature_access($feature = NULL) {
      if (isset($this->features[$feature])) {
        if ($this->features[$feature] == SPACES_FEATURE_DISABLED) {
          return FALSE;
        else {
          if (og_is_group_member($this->sid)) {
            return TRUE;
          else {
            if ($this->features[$feature] == SPACES_OG_PUBLIC) {
              return TRUE;
      return FALSE;

     * Implementation of space->admin_access().
    function admin_access() {
      global $user;
      if ($this->group && og_is_group_admin($this->group)) {
        return true;
      else {
        if (user_access('administer spaces') || user_access('administer organic groups')) {
          return true;
        else {
          if ($this->group->uid == $user->uid) {
            return true;
      return false;

     * Implementation of space->feature_options().
    function feature_options() {
      return array(
        SPACES_FEATURE_DISABLED => t('Disabled'),
        SPACES_OG_PRIVATE => t('Private'),
        SPACES_OG_PUBLIC => t('Public'),

     * Implementation of space->user_links().
    function user_links() {
      $links = array();
      if ($subscribe = spaces_og_subscription_link()) {
        $links['subscribe'] = $subscribe;
      return $links;

     * Implementation of space->admin_links().
    function admin_links() {
      $item = menu_get_item("og/users/{$this->sid}/faces");
      if ($item && $item['access']) {
        $links['members'] = array(
          'title' => t('Members'),
          'href' => "og/users/{$this->sid}/faces",
      $item = menu_get_item("node/{$this->sid}/edit");
      if ($item && $item['access']) {

        // Add settings link for administering spaces
        $links['settings'] = array(
          'title' => t('@type settings', array(
            '@type' => node_get_types('name', $this->group->type),
          'href' => "node/{$this->sid}/edit",
      $item = menu_get_item("node/{$this->sid}/spaces/features");
      if ($item && $item['access']) {
        $links['features'] = array(
          'title' => t('Customize features'),
          'href' => "node/{$this->sid}/spaces/features",
      return $links;

     * Implementation of space->form().
    function form() {

      // Only show group form options on preset form
      if (empty($this->sid)) {
        $old_gid = NULL;
        if (isset($this->group->nid)) {

          // Stupid OG will only set values when the node object has a nid set
          $old_gid = $this->group->nid;
          $this->group->nid = -1;

        // Generate OG settings form
        $form = og_group_form($this->group, array());

        // @TODO figure out if it makes sense to pass $form_state to $space->form().
        if (module_exists('og_access')) {
          drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'og_access') . '/og_access.js');
          og_access_alter_group_form($form, $this->group);
        $this->group->nid = $old_gid;

        // Omit description & theme selection

        // Pack the form into a fieldset
        $form['#title'] = t('Group settings');
        $form['#type'] = 'fieldset';
        return $form;

     * Implementation of space->preset_validate().
    function validate($values) {

      // No need to validate

     * Implementation of space->preset_submit().
    function submit($values) {

      // Only process group form options on preset form
      if (!$this->sid) {
        $preset = array();
        $preset['og_selective'] = $values['og_selective'];
        $preset['og_register'] = $values['og_register'];
        $preset['og_directory'] = $values['og_directory'];
        $preset['og_private'] = $values['og_private'];
        return $preset;
      return array();

     * Implementation of space->preset_enforce().
    function preset_enforce($preset) {
      $this->group->og_selective = isset($preset['og']['og_selective']) ? $preset['og']['og_selective'] : 0;
      $this->group->og_register = isset($preset['og']['og_register']) ? $preset['og']['og_register'] : 0;
      $this->group->og_directory = isset($preset['og']['og_directory']) ? $preset['og']['og_directory'] : 0;
      $this->group->og_private = isset($preset['og']['og_private']) ? $preset['og']['og_private'] : 0;

     * Implementation of space->redirect().
    function redirect($op = 'home') {
      switch ($op) {
        case 'home':
          if (!empty($this->purl)) {

            // Use the menu path of the selected feature as homepage
            if ($home = $this->settings['home']) {
              if (menu_get_item($home)) {
                purl_goto($home, array(
                  'purl' => array(
                    'provider' => 'spaces_og',
                    'id' => $this->sid,

            // The previous checks fail, there is no valid homepage set
            if ($this
              ->admin_access() && user_access('configure spaces features')) {
              drupal_set_message(t("Please setup your group by choosing a homepage setting."));
              purl_goto("node/{$this->sid}/spaces/features", array(
                'purl' => array(
                  'provider' => 'spaces_og',
                  'id' => $this->sid,
          else {
            drupal_goto('node/' . $this->sid . '/edit');
        case 'features':
          purl_goto("node/{$this->sid}/spaces/features", array(
            'purl' => array(
              'provider' => 'spaces_og',
              'id' => $this->sid,

     * Implementation of space->menu_access().
    function menu_access($op, $object = NULL, $is_active = TRUE) {
      switch ($op) {
        case 'menu':

          // Group space is active
          if ($is_active) {
            global $user;

            // Group is public, allow access
            if ($this->group->og_private != 1) {
              return TRUE;
            else {
              if (og_is_group_member($this->sid)) {
                return TRUE;
              else {
                if (!$user->uid) {
                  return TRUE;

            // Deny all other access
            return FALSE;
          return TRUE;
        case 'node':
          $node = $object;
          $form = !isset($node->nid) || isset($node->date) ? TRUE : FALSE;
          if (!og_is_omitted_type($node->type) && !og_is_group_type($node->type)) {

            // If the group space is not active
            // Node forms: we care -- deny access since we don't want people submitting nodes from outside groups.
            // Node views: we don't care -- let routing and standard node access kick in.
            if (!$is_active) {
              return $form ? FALSE : TRUE;
            else {

              // Case 1: the node does not belong here
              if (!empty($node->nid) && !in_array($this->sid, $node->og_groups)) {
                return FALSE;
              else {
                if (!og_is_group_member($this->sid, FALSE)) {
                  $node_types = spaces_features_map('node');

                  // If the feature is public, show the node but don't allow form access
                  if (!empty($node_types[$node->type])) {
                    $feature = $node_types[$node->type];
                    if (isset($this->features[$feature]) && $this->features[$feature] == SPACES_OG_PUBLIC) {
                      return !$form ? TRUE : FALSE;
                  return FALSE;
          return TRUE;
        case 'user':
          global $user;
          $account = $object;
          if ($is_active) {
            $test_user = og_is_group_member($this->sid);
            $test_account = og_is_group_member($this->sid, FALSE, $account->uid);

            // Both user and account belong to current space
            if ($test_user && $test_account || user_access('view users outside groups')) {
              return TRUE;
            else {
              return FALSE;

          // @TODO: determine status of viewing users outside of groups
          return TRUE;

     * Implementation of space->router().
    function router($op, $object = NULL, $is_active = TRUE) {
      global $user;
      switch ($op) {
        case 'menu':
          if ($is_active && drupal_is_front_page()) {
        case 'node':
          $node = $object;
          $form = !isset($node->nid) || isset($node->date) ? TRUE : FALSE;

          // Group node -- send to spaces homepage
          if (og_is_group_type($node->type)) {
            if ($form) {
              $space = spaces_get_space();

              // If editing, make sure we're in the correct space
              if (isset($node->nid) && (!$is_active || $is_active && $this->sid != $node->nid)) {
                purl_goto($_GET['q'], array(
                  'purl' => array(
                    'provider' => 'spaces_og',
                    'id' => $node->nid,
              else {
                if (!isset($node->nid) && $is_active) {
                  purl_goto($_GET['q'], array(
                    'purl' => array(
                      'disabled' => TRUE,
            else {
              $space = spaces_load('og', $node->nid);
          else {
            if (!og_is_omitted_type($node->type) && !og_is_group_type($node->type)) {

              // If the node has no groups let admins through so they can fix the situation
              if (!$form && empty($node->og_groups) && user_access('administer nodes')) {
                drupal_set_message(t('This content is not assigned to a group and is not visible to non-administrative users.'));
              else {
                if (!empty($node->og_groups)) {
                  $space = spaces_get_space();

                  // If the node belongs to the current active group space, or we're in an allowable other space type, pass thru
                  if ($is_active && in_array($this->sid, $node->og_groups) || !$form && $space && in_array($space->type, array(
                  ))) {

                  // Otherwise route
                  purl_goto($_GET['q'], array(
                    'purl' => array(
                      'provider' => 'spaces_og',
                      'id' => current($node->og_groups),

              // We're on the node add form from outside an active space.
              if (!isset($node->nid) && !$is_active) {
                drupal_set_message(t('This form should only be submitted within a properly configured group. Continue at your own risk.'), 'warning');

    // Spaces OG views filter
    function views_filter(&$query, $base_table = '', $relationship = '') {
      switch ($base_table) {
        case 'node':
          $table = $query
            ->ensure_table('og_ancestry', $relationship);
            ->add_where(0, "{$table}.group_nid  = ***CURRENT_GID***");
        case 'users':
          $table = $query
            ->ensure_table('og_uid', $relationship);
            ->add_where(0, "{$table}.nid = ***CURRENT_GID***");


 * Implementation of hook_init();
 * We're gonna bulldoze your OG settings. Get over it.
function spaces_og_init() {
  global $conf;
  $conf['og_visibility_directory'] = 2;

  // Default to 'visible'.
  $conf['og_visibility_registration'] = 3;

  // Default to 'visible' on form.
  $conf['og_private_groups'] = 3;

  // Default group to 'public'.
  $conf['og_notification'] = 0;

  // Disable OG's Notifications.
  $conf['og_audience_checkboxes'] = 0;

  // Disable audience checkboxes.
  $conf['og_visibility'] = 2;

  // Default visibility to 'public'.
  $conf['og_audience_required'] = 1;

  // Require audience.
  $conf['og_member_pics'] = 0;

  // Disable pictures.
  // Force feature content types to be OG enabled.
  // Don't like this behavior? Turn off feature modules.
  $map = spaces_features_map('node');
  $features = spaces_features('og');
  foreach ($map as $type => $feature) {

    // If the feature apples to OG spaces, force the OG content type usage.
    if (!empty($features[$feature])) {
      $conf['og_content_type_usage_' . $type] = 'group_post_standard';

 * Implementation of hook_spaces_types().
function spaces_og_spaces_types() {
  return array(
    'og' => array(
      'class' => 'space_og',
      'title' => t('Group space'),
      'custom purl' => TRUE,
      'base path' => 'node/%sid',

 * Implementation of hook_spaces_presets().
function spaces_og_spaces_presets() {
  $items = array();
  $items['private'] = array(
    'type' => 'og',
    'name' => t('Private group'),
    'description' => t('Only members will be able to access this group. Membership is strictly managed by admins.'),
    'preset' => array(
      'og' => array(
        'og_selective' => OG_CLOSED,
        'og_directory' => OG_DIRECTORY_NEVER,
        'og_register' => OG_REGISTRATION_ALWAYS,
        'og_private' => defined(OG_PRIVATE_GROUPS_ALWAYS) ? OG_PRIVATE_GROUPS_ALWAYS : 1,
  $items['controlled'] = array(
    'type' => 'og',
    'name' => t('Controlled group'),
    'description' => t('All users may view public content from this group. Users must request to join this group.'),
    'preset' => array(
      'og' => array(
        'og_selective' => OG_MODERATED,
        'og_directory' => OG_DIRECTORY_ALWAYS,
        'og_register' => OG_REGISTRATION_ALWAYS,
        'og_private' => defined(OG_PRIVATE_GROUPS_NEVER) ? OG_PRIVATE_GROUPS_NEVER : 0,
  $items['public'] = array(
    'type' => 'og',
    'name' => t('Public group'),
    'description' => t('All users may view public content from this group. User may join this group at will.'),
    'preset' => array(
      'og' => array(
        'og_selective' => OG_OPEN,
        'og_directory' => OG_DIRECTORY_ALWAYS,
        'og_register' => OG_REGISTRATION_ALWAYS,
        'og_private' => defined(OG_PRIVATE_GROUPS_NEVER) ? OG_PRIVATE_GROUPS_NEVER : 0,
  return $items;

 * Implementation of hook_context_links_alter().
function spaces_og_context_links_alter(&$links) {
  $space = spaces_get_space();
  if ($space && $space->type == 'og') {
  else {

    // Yank any group-enabled node types out of the links array.
    // @TODO: implement this through access callback overrides and menu access checks.
    foreach ($links as $key => $link) {
      $args = explode('/', $link['href']);
      if ($args[0] == 'node' && $args[1] == 'add' && ($type = $args[2])) {
        $type = str_replace('-', '_', $type);
        if (!og_is_omitted_type($type) && !og_is_group_type($type)) {

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function spaces_og_menu() {
  $spaces_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'spaces');
  $items = array();
  $items['user/%user/groups'] = array(
    'title' => 'Groups',
    'title callback' => 'spaces_og_menu_title',
    'title arguments' => array(
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => 'user_edit_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
  $items["og/users/%node/ucreate"] = array(
    'title' => 'Add new account',
    'page callback' => 'spaces_og_ucreate',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'access callback' => 'spaces_admin_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'weight' => 1,
  $items["node/%node/spaces/features"] = array(
    'title' => 'Features',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => '_spaces_og_admin_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'file path' => $spaces_path,
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'weight' => 1,
  $items["node/%node/spaces/features/%"] = array(
    'title' => 'Features',
    'page callback' => 'drupal_get_form',
    'page arguments' => array(
    'access callback' => '_spaces_og_admin_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
    'file' => '',
    'file path' => $spaces_path,
    'type' => MENU_LOCAL_TASK,
    'weight' => 1,
  return $items;

 * Menu title callback for nicer user account tab titles.
function spaces_og_menu_title($account) {
  global $user;
  return $user->uid == $account->uid ? t('My groups') : t('Groups');

 * Implementation of hook_perm().
function spaces_og_perm() {
  return array(
    'view users outside groups',

 * Form for modifying a user's OG subscriptions quickly.
function spaces_og_user_groups_form($form_state, $account) {
  $form = og_user('register', array(), $account, $category = NULL);
  $form['og_register']['og_register']['#default_value'] = array_keys($account->og_groups);

  // Don't display as a fieldset
  $form['account'] = array(
    '#type' => 'value',
    '#value' => $account,
  $form['buttons'] = array(
    '#tree' => FALSE,
  $form['buttons']['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Save'),
  return $form;

 * Submit handler for OG user groups form.
function spaces_og_user_groups_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  if (is_array($form_state['values']['og_register']) && !empty($form_state['values']['account'])) {
    $og_register = $form_state['values']['og_register'];
    $account = $form_state['values']['account'];
    $dsm = FALSE;
    $active_groups = array_keys(array_filter($og_register));

    // Subscribe users to any selected groups.
    foreach (array_diff($active_groups, array_keys($account->og_groups)) as $gid) {
      $return = og_subscribe_user($gid, $account);
      if (!empty($return['message'])) {
        $dsm = TRUE;

    // Remove users from any unselected groups.
    foreach (array_diff(array_keys($og_register), $active_groups) as $gid) {
      og_delete_subscription($gid, $account->uid);
    if (!$dsm) {
      drupal_set_message(t('Your group membership settings were saved successfully.'));

 * Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
function spaces_og_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $teaser = NULL, $page = NULL) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'prepare':
      if (og_is_group_type($node->type) && ($space = spaces_load('og', $node->nid))) {
        $node->purl = $space->purl;
      else {
        if (!og_is_omitted_type($node->type)) {
          $space = spaces_get_space();
          if ($space->type == 'og') {
            _spaces_enforce_feature($space->sid, $node);
    case 'presave':

      // switch node's group if specified
      if (!og_is_omitted_type($node->type)) {
        if (isset($node->spaces_og['gid']) && !in_array($node->spaces_og['gid'], $node->og_groups)) {
          $new_gid = $node->spaces_og['gid'];
          _spaces_enforce_feature($new_gid, $node);
    case 'insert':
    case 'update':

      // save PURL modifier & preset from node form information
      if (og_is_group_type($node->type)) {
        $space = !empty($node->space) ? $node->space : spaces_load('og', $node->nid);
        $space->purl = is_array($node->purl) && !empty($node->purl['value']) ? $node->purl['value'] : $space->purl;
        $space->preset = isset($node->preset) ? $node->preset : $space->preset;
        $space->group = $node;

        // Save that shiz

        // Enforce OG preset directly on node object for inserts
        if ($op == 'insert') {
          $node->og_selective = $space->group->og_selective;
          $node->og_register = $space->group->og_register;
          $node->og_directory = $space->group->og_directory;
          $node->og_private = $space->group->og_private;
    case 'delete':
      if (og_is_group_type($node->type)) {
        $space = spaces_load('og', $node->nid);
        if ($space) {

 * Implementation of hook_form_alter()
function spaces_og_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
  switch ($form_id) {
    case 'node_delete_confirm':
      $node = node_load($form['nid']['#value']);
      if (og_is_group_type($node->type)) {
        $form['#submit'][] = '_spaces_og_node_delete_confirm_submit';
      if ($form['#id'] == 'node-form' && arg(0) . '/' . arg(1) != 'admin/content') {

        // GROUP NODES
        if (og_is_group_type($form['#node']->type)) {
          _spaces_og_form_alter_group($form, $form_state);
        elseif (!og_is_omitted_type($form['#node']->type)) {
          _spaces_og_form_alter_node($form, $form_state);

 *  Implementation of hook_form_alter for node_type_form.
function spaces_og_form_node_type_form_alter(&$form, $form_state) {
  if (isset($form['identity']['type'])) {
    $map = spaces_features_map('node');
    $features = spaces_features('og');
    if (!empty($map[$form['#node_type']->type])) {
      $feature = $map[$form['#node_type']->type];
      if (!empty($features[$feature])) {
        $form['og']['#collapsible'] = $form['og']['#collapsed'] = FALSE;
        $form['og']['message'] = array(
          '#type' => 'markup',
          '#value' => t('This content type is provided by the <strong>!feature</strong> feature and will be used as a <strong>standard group post</strong>.', array(
            '!feature' => $feature,
        $form['og']['og_content_type_usage']['#access'] = FALSE;

 * Group node form_alter().
 * @TODO: repair default values on node previews.
function _spaces_og_form_alter_group(&$form, $form_state) {

  // Add purl form
  // This case handles node previews
  if (isset($form_state['node_preview'])) {
    $form['purl'] = purl_form('spaces_og', $form['#node']->nid, $form['#node']->purl['value']);
  else {
    $form['purl'] = purl_form('spaces_og', $form['#node']->nid, $form['#node']->purl);

  // Add presets form
  $nid = isset($form['#node']->nid) ? $form['#node']->nid : NULL;
  $space = spaces_load('og', $nid);

  // Preserve value on preview
  if (isset($form_state['node_preview'])) {
    $space->preset = $form_state['values']['preset'];
  $form['spaces_preset'] = spaces_form_presets($space);

  // Pass existing space through
  if ($nid) {
    $form['space'] = array(
      '#type' => 'value',
      '#value' => $space,

  // Add custom submit handler
  $form['#submit'][] = '_spaces_og_group_node_form_submit';

 * Custom submit handler for group delete confirmation.
function _spaces_og_node_delete_confirm_submit($form, &$form_state) {

 * Custom submit handler for group node forms
function _spaces_og_group_node_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {

  // Prefix might have changed -- do the redirect correctly
  if (isset($form_state['values']['nid'])) {
    $nid = $form_state['values']['nid'];
    if (isset($form_state['values']['space'])) {
      $space = $form_state['values']['space'];

      // Disable PURL for the current redirect
      $form_state['redirect'] = "node/{$nid}";

      // If the preset has changed we need to adust feature settings.
      if ($form_state['values']['preset'] != $form['spaces_preset']['preset']['#default_value']) {

        // Change settings the enabled features to match the preset.
        $preset = spaces_presets('og');
        foreach ($space->features as $feature => $access) {
          $space->features[$feature] = $preset[$form_state['values']['preset']]['preset']['features'][$feature];
      else {

        // Set a flag to block node access rebuilding.
        $space->no_access_rebuid = true;

 * Group-enabled node form_alter()
function _spaces_og_form_alter_node(&$form, $form_state) {
  global $user;
  $space = spaces_get_space();

  // Retrieve the content type label
  $types = node_get_types();
  if ($group_type = array_filter(array_keys($types), 'og_is_group_type')) {
    $type = array_pop($group_type);
    $typename = $types[$type]->name;

  // Collect groups for which this feature is enabled
  $options = array(
    0 => '--' . t('Select a !typename', array(
      '!typename' => $typename,
    )) . '--',
  $valid_groups = _spaces_og_group_options($form['#node']->type);
  $user_groups = array();
  foreach (og_get_subscriptions($user->uid) as $node) {
    if (!empty($valid_groups[$node['nid']])) {
      $user_groups[$node['nid']] = $node['title'];

  // Give users access to only their groups
  $options[t('My !typenames', array(
    '!typename' => $typename,
  ))] = $user_groups;

  // Give admins access to all group options
  if (user_access('administer organic groups')) {
    $options[t('All !typenames', array(
      '!typename' => $typename,
    ))] = array_diff_key($valid_groups, $user_groups);

  // Only show the dialogue if we have at least 1 group to target
  if (count($options > 1)) {

    // Node preview handling
    if (!empty($form['#node']->spaces_og['gid'])) {
      $default_gid = $form['#node']->spaces_og['gid'];
    else {
      if (is_array($form['#node']->og_groups) && count($form['#node']->og_groups)) {
        $default_gid = key($form['#node']->og_groups);
      else {
        if ($space) {
          $default_gid = $space->sid;
        else {
          $default_gid = 0;

          // The invalid group

    // If the current user doesn't have this group as an option,
    // they probably aren't a member here but have admin perms.
    if (!isset($valid_groups[$default_gid])) {
      $disabled = TRUE;
    else {
      if (!empty($default_gid) && !user_access('administer spaces') && !user_access('administer organic groups')) {
        $disabled = TRUE;
    if ($disabled) {
      $form['spaces_og'] = array(
        '#tree' => TRUE,
        'gid' => array(
          '#type' => 'value',
          '#value' => $default_gid,
    else {
      $form['spaces_og'] = array(
        '#type' => 'fieldset',
        '#tree' => true,
        '#title' => $typename,
      $message = $form['#node']->nid ? t('Please select a !typename to move this post to.', array(
        '!typename' => strtolower($typename),
      )) : t('Please select a !typename to add this post to.', array(
        '!typename' => strtolower($typename),
      $form['spaces_og']['gid'] = array(
        '#required' => TRUE,
        '#type' => 'select',
        '#options' => $options,
        '#default_value' => $default_gid,
        '#description' => $message,
        '#element_validate' => array(

  // Recurse into og_options hiding all of them.

  // We can only determine the privacy of this node if currently in
  // a group space. Otherwise, it will be determined by the feature
  // setting of the group targeted by the selector above.
  if ($space->type == 'og') {
    $form['spaces'] = array(
      '#title' => t('Privacy'),
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#weight' => 100,
    switch ($form['#node']->og_public) {
        $form['spaces']['#description'] = t('A post of this type is <strong>private</strong>. Only members of this !typename will be able to see it.', array(
          '!typename' => strtolower($typename),
      case OG_VISIBLE_BOTH:
        $form['spaces']['#description'] = t('A post of this type is <strong>public</strong>. All visitors will be able to see it.');

 * Element validator for group targeting selector.
function spaces_og_nodeform_validate($element, &$form_state) {
  if ($element['#value'] == 0) {

    // Retrieve the content type label
    $types = node_get_types();
    if (!empty($types['group'])) {
      $typename = $types['group']->name;
    form_error($element, t('Please choose a !typename to post to.', array(
      '!typename' => strtolower($typename),

 * Set all elements in a given form to 'value'. Using value preserves the tree and prevents
 * The element from being rendered.
function _spaces_og_make_hidden(&$form) {
  if (isset($form['#type'])) {
    $form['#type'] = 'value';
    $form['#required'] = false;
  if (is_array($form)) {
    foreach ($form as $key => $value) {
      if (is_array($value) && strpos($key, '#') !== 0) {

 * Spaces OG wrapper
function spaces_og_ucreate($node) {
  drupal_set_title(t('Add new account'));
  if (module_exists('ucreate')) {
    $form = drupal_get_form('ucreate_user_form');
    return $form;
  return '';

 * Custom subscription link - use "join" instead of "subscribe" - make it shorter.
function spaces_og_subscription_link() {
  global $user;
  if ($user->uid && is_array($user->og_groups) && ($space = spaces_get_space())) {
    $gid = $space->sid;
    $node = node_load($gid);

    // User is a member
    if (isset($user->og_groups[$gid])) {

      // Do not let managers leave the group -- TODO: figure out a
      // better workflow for these situations.
      if (!og_is_group_admin($node) && $node->og_selective != OG_CLOSED) {
        return array(
          'title' => t('Leave this group'),
          'href' => "og/unsubscribe/{$node->nid}/{$user->uid}",
          'query' => 'destination=' . $_GET['q'],
    else {
      if (db_result(db_query("SELECT count(nid) FROM {og_uid} WHERE nid = %d AND uid = %d AND is_active = 0", $gid, $user->uid))) {
        return array(
          'title' => t('Cancel request to join'),
          'href' => "og/unsubscribe/{$node->nid}/{$user->uid}",
          'query' => 'destination=' . $_GET['q'],
      else {
        if ($node->og_selective == OG_MODERATED) {
          return array(
            'title' => t('Request to join'),
            'href' => "og/subscribe/" . $node->nid,
            'query' => 'destination=' . $_GET['q'],
        elseif ($node->og_selective == OG_OPEN) {
          return array(
            'title' => t('Join this group'),
            'href' => "og/subscribe/" . $node->nid,
            'query' => 'destination=' . $_GET['q'],

 * API function that enforces OG group and privacy settings on a node.
function _spaces_enforce_feature($gid, &$node) {
  $map = spaces_features_map('node');
  $space = spaces_load('og', $gid);
  if ($space) {
    if (isset($map[$node->type])) {
      $privacy = $space->features[$map[$node->type]];
    else {
      $privacy = $space->group->og_private ? SPACES_OG_PRIVATE : SPACES_OG_PUBLIC;
    switch ($privacy) {
        $node->og_public = OG_VISIBLE_GROUPONLY;
      case SPACES_OG_PUBLIC:
        $node->og_public = OG_VISIBLE_BOTH;
    $node->og_groups = array(
      $gid => $gid,

 * Generates an array of groups that a node could potentially
 * be a member of based on enabled spaces features and optionally
 * the specified user's groups
function _spaces_og_group_options($type, $uid = 0) {
  $types = spaces_features_map('node');
  $group_options = array();
  $where = $join = '';
  $args = array();

  // Only join to features table if this node is part of a feature.
  if (isset($types[$type])) {
    $join .= " JOIN {spaces_features} sf ON sf.sid = og.nid";
    $where .= " AND = '%s' AND sf.value != '%s'";
    $args = array(
  if ($uid) {
    $join .= " JOIN {og_uid} ogu ON ogu.nid = og.nid";
    $where .= " AND ogu.uid = %d AND ogu.is_active >= 1";
    $args[] = $uid;
  $result = db_query("SELECT og.nid, n.title\n      FROM {og} og\n      JOIN {node} n ON og.nid = n.nid\n      {$join}\n    WHERE n.status = 1\n      {$where}\n    ORDER BY n.title ASC", $args);
  while ($group = db_fetch_object($result)) {
    $group_options[$group->nid] = $group->title;
  return $group_options;

 * Wrapper around spaces_admin_access(). Used to determine menu local
 * task visibility : |
function _spaces_og_admin_access($node, $type = NULL, $op = NULL) {
  if (og_is_group_type($node->type)) {
    return spaces_admin_access($type, $op);
  return false;

 * Implementation of hook_token_values().
function spaces_og_token_values($type, $object = NULL, $options = array()) {
  if ($type == 'node' && (property_exists($object, 'og_groups') || property_exists($object, 'spaces_og'))) {
    $node = $object;
    if (property_exists($node, 'spaces_og')) {
      $gid = $node->spaces_og['gid'];
    elseif (property_exists($object, 'og_groups')) {
      $gid = current($node->og_groups);
    $space = spaces_load('og', $gid);
    $tokens['space-og-path'] = check_plain($space->purl);
    $tokens['space-og-path-raw'] = $space->purl;
    return $tokens;
  else {
    return array(
      'space-og-path' => '',
      'space-og-path-raw' => '',

 * Implementation of hook_token_list().
function spaces_og_token_list($type = 'all') {
  if ($type == 'node' || $type == 'all') {
    $tokens['node']['space-og-path'] = t("The filtered value of the space prefix path");
    $tokens['node']['space-og-path-raw'] = t("The raw value of the space prefix path");
    return $tokens;

 * DEPRECATED FUNCTIONS ===============================================

 * Tests for user membership in group
function spaces_og_is_member($gid = null, $uid = null) {
  return og_is_group_member($gid);


Namesort descending Description
spaces_og_context_links_alter Implementation of hook_context_links_alter().
spaces_og_form_node_type_form_alter Implementation of hook_form_alter for node_type_form.
spaces_og_init Implementation of hook_init(); We're gonna bulldoze your OG settings. Get over it.
spaces_og_is_member Tests for user membership in group
spaces_og_menu Implementation of hook_menu().
spaces_og_menu_title Menu title callback for nicer user account tab titles.
spaces_og_nodeapi Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
spaces_og_nodeform_validate Element validator for group targeting selector.
spaces_og_perm Implementation of hook_perm().
spaces_og_spaces_presets Implementation of hook_spaces_presets().
spaces_og_spaces_types Implementation of hook_spaces_types().
spaces_og_subscription_link Custom subscription link - use "join" instead of "subscribe" - make it shorter.
spaces_og_token_list Implementation of hook_token_list().
spaces_og_token_values Implementation of hook_token_values().
spaces_og_ucreate Spaces OG wrapper
spaces_og_user_groups_form Form for modifying a user's OG subscriptions quickly.
spaces_og_user_groups_form_submit Submit handler for OG user groups form.
_spaces_enforce_feature API function that enforces OG group and privacy settings on a node.
_spaces_og_admin_access Wrapper around spaces_admin_access(). Used to determine menu local task visibility : |
_spaces_og_form_alter_group Group node form_alter(). @TODO: repair default values on node previews.
_spaces_og_form_alter_node Group-enabled node form_alter()
_spaces_og_group_node_form_submit Custom submit handler for group node forms
_spaces_og_group_options Generates an array of groups that a node could potentially be a member of based on enabled spaces features and optionally the specified user's groups
_spaces_og_make_hidden Set all elements in a given form to 'value'. Using value preserves the tree and prevents The element from being rendered.
_spaces_og_node_delete_confirm_submit Custom submit handler for group delete confirmation.
