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function socialfeed_facebook_data in Social Feed 7.2

Rendering values from the Facebook feed.


int $i: Accepts int as value.

string $facebook_entry: Accepts string as value.

bool $display_all_posts: Accepts bool as value.

bool $display_time: Accepts bool as value.

bool $display_pic: Accepts bool as value.

bool $display_video: Accepts bool as value.

string $teaser_text: Accepts string as value.

string $facebook_hash_tag: Accepts string as value.

Return value

mixed Returns mixed.

1 call to socialfeed_facebook_data()
socialfeed_facebook_feeds in ./
Returns HTML with feeds in required format.


./, line 48
File include for Social Feed module.


function socialfeed_facebook_data($i, $facebook_entry, $display_all_posts, $display_time, $display_pic, $display_video, $teaser_text, $facebook_hash_tag) {
  $trim_length = variable_get('socialfeed_facebook_trim_length');
  if (array_key_exists('message', $facebook_entry)) {
    if (isset($facebook_entry['full_picture']) && $display_all_posts == 0) {
      if ($display_pic == 1) {
        $message_feed['full_picture'] = $facebook_entry['full_picture'];
    if (isset($facebook_entry['source']) && $display_all_posts == 0) {
      if ($display_video == 1) {
        $message_feed['video'] = $facebook_entry['source'];
    if (isset($facebook_entry['message'])) {
      if (isset($trim_length) && !empty($trim_length)) {
        $trimmed_message = substr($facebook_entry['message'], 0, $trim_length);
        $message_feed['message'] = $trimmed_message;
      else {
        $message_feed['message'] = substr($facebook_entry['message'], 0, 200);
    if (isset($teaser_text) && !empty($teaser_text) && isset($facebook_entry['permalink_url'])) {
      $message_feed['full_feed_link'] = l(t('@teaser_text', [
        '@teaser_text' => $teaser_text,
      ]), $facebook_entry['permalink_url'], [
        'attributes' => [
          'target' => '_blank',
    else {
      $message_feed['full_feed_link'] = t('@teaser_text', [
        '@teaser_text' => $teaser_text,
    if ($facebook_hash_tag == 1) {
      $message_feed['message'] = preg_replace_callback('/#(\\w+)/', function ($hash) {
        return l($hash[0], '' . $hash[1], [
          'attributes' => [
            'target' => '_blank',
      }, $message_feed['message']);
    if ($display_time == 1) {
      $formatted_date = new DateTime($facebook_entry['created_time']);
      $message_feed['created_stamp'] = $formatted_date
  else {
    if (isset($facebook_entry['full_picture']) && $display_all_posts == 0) {
      if ($display_pic == 1) {
        $message_feed['full_picture'] = $facebook_entry['full_picture'];
    if (isset($facebook_entry['source']) && $display_all_posts == 0) {
      if ($display_video == 1) {
        $message_feed['video'] = $facebook_entry['source'];
    if (isset($facebook_entry['message']) && !empty($facebook_entry['message'])) {
      $message_feed['message'] = substr($facebook_entry['message'], 0, variable_get('socialfeed_facebook_trim_length'));
    if (isset($teaser_text) && !empty($teaser_text) && isset($facebook_entry['permalink_url'])) {
      $message_feed['full_feed_link'] = l(t('@teaser_text', [
        '@teaser_text' => $teaser_text,
      ]), $facebook_entry['permalink_url'], [
        'attributes' => [
          'target' => '_blank',
    else {
      $message_feed['full_feed_link'] = t('@teaser_text', [
        '@teaser_text' => $teaser_text,
  return $message_feed;