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function social_media_links_icon in Social Media Links Block and Field 7

Get the path of a platform icon.


string $iconset: Name of the icon set.

string $platform: Name of the platform.

string $style: Icon size.

Return value

string Path to the icon image.

1 call to social_media_links_icon()
template_preprocess_social_media_links_platform in ./social_media_links.module
Processes variables for social-media-links-platform.tpl.php.


./social_media_links.module, line 464
Functions for the Social Media Links module.


function social_media_links_icon($iconset, $platform, $style) {
  $iconset = social_media_links_iconset($iconset);
  return call_user_func($iconset['path callback'], $platform, $style);