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function social_media_links_social_media_links_iconset_info in Social Media Links Block and Field 7

Register the default icon sets.

Return value

array Array of icon sets.


./, line 14
Callbacks for the icon sets.


function social_media_links_social_media_links_iconset_info() {
  $icons['elegantthemes'] = array(
    'name' => 'Elegant Themes Icons',
    'publisher' => 'Elegant Themes',
    'publisher url' => '',
    'styles' => array(
      '32' => '32x32',
    'path callback' => 'social_media_links_path_elegantthemes',
    'download url' => '',
  $icons['nouveller'] = array(
    'name' => 'Social Meida Bookmark Icon +',
    'publisher' => 'nouveller',
    'publisher url' => '',
    'path callback' => 'social_media_links_path_nouveller',
    'download url' => '',
    'styles' => array(
      '16' => '16x16',
      '32' => '32x32',
      'buttons' => '122x42',
  $icons['themeid'] = array(
    'name' => 'themeiD 26 Social Media Icon Sets',
    'publisher' => 'themeiD',
    'publisher url' => '',
    'download url' => '',
    'path callback' => 'social_media_links_path_themeid',
    'styles' => array(
      '32' => '32x32',
  $icons['webtoolkit'] = array(
    'name' => 'webtoolkit Icon Set',
    'publisher' => '',
    'publisher url' => '',
    'download url' => '',
    'path callback' => 'social_media_links_path_webtoolkit',
    'styles' => array(
      '24' => '24x24',
      '32' => '32x32',
      '48' => '48x48',
      '62' => '62x62',
  return $icons;