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function socialblue_update_gin_color_settings in Open Social 8.9

Updates the gin color settings from socialblue it's config.

This ensures the brand color also applies to GIN.


array $form: The submitted form structure.

\Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state: The state of the submitted form.



1 string reference to 'socialblue_update_gin_color_settings'
socialblue_form_system_theme_settings_alter in themes/socialblue/theme-settings.php
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().


themes/socialblue/theme-settings.php, line 182
Allows users to change the color scheme of themes.


function socialblue_update_gin_color_settings(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

  // Grab the default socialblue colors, these are set if the color settings
  // aren't overridden yet.
  $default_colors = \Drupal::configFactory()

  // Unfortunately the color module doesnt add the color details to the
  // $form_state. So we need to grab it from the config once overridden.
  // luckily color does set their submit function as first, so we can
  // safely assume the config uses the updated colors.
  $socialblue_colors = \Drupal::configFactory()

  // The brand colors are first of all coming from the overridden color
  // settings. But if that is not set, we will grab them from the
  // default Social Blue settings.
  $brand_primary = !empty($socialblue_colors) ? $socialblue_colors['palette']['brand-primary'] : $default_colors['color_primary'];
  $brand_secondary = !empty($socialblue_colors) ? $socialblue_colors['palette']['brand-secondary'] : $default_colors['color_secondary'];

  // See if we can update GIN settings with our brand colors.
  if (isset($brand_primary, $brand_secondary)) {
    $config = \Drupal::configFactory()
    if (!empty($config
      ->getRawData())) {
      $gin_config = $config

      // Override preset colors as custom so we can fill in the hex colors.
      $gin_config['preset_accent_color'] = 'custom';
      $gin_config['preset_focus_color'] = 'custom';

      // Update the accent and focus with our branded colors.
      $gin_config['accent_color'] = $brand_primary;
      $gin_config['focus_color'] = $brand_secondary;