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protected function Node::preprocessElement in Open Social 8.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.9 themes/socialbase/src/Plugin/Preprocess/Node.php \Drupal\socialbase\Plugin\Preprocess\Node::preprocessElement()
  2. 8 themes/socialbase/src/Plugin/Preprocess/Node.php \Drupal\socialbase\Plugin\Preprocess\Node::preprocessElement()
  3. 8.2 themes/socialbase/src/Plugin/Preprocess/Node.php \Drupal\socialbase\Plugin\Preprocess\Node::preprocessElement()
  4. 8.3 themes/socialbase/src/Plugin/Preprocess/Node.php \Drupal\socialbase\Plugin\Preprocess\Node::preprocessElement()
  5. 8.5 themes/socialbase/src/Plugin/Preprocess/Node.php \Drupal\socialbase\Plugin\Preprocess\Node::preprocessElement()
  6. 8.6 themes/socialbase/src/Plugin/Preprocess/Node.php \Drupal\socialbase\Plugin\Preprocess\Node::preprocessElement()
  7. 8.7 themes/socialbase/src/Plugin/Preprocess/Node.php \Drupal\socialbase\Plugin\Preprocess\Node::preprocessElement()
  8. 8.8 themes/socialbase/src/Plugin/Preprocess/Node.php \Drupal\socialbase\Plugin\Preprocess\Node::preprocessElement()

Preprocess the variables array if an element is present.


\Drupal\bootstrap\Utility\Element $element: The Element object.

\Drupal\bootstrap\Utility\Variables $variables: The Variables object.

Overrides PreprocessBase::preprocessElement


themes/socialbase/src/Plugin/Preprocess/Node.php, line 23


Pre-processes variables for the "node" theme hook.




protected function preprocessElement(Element $element, Variables $variables) {

  /** @var \Drupal\node\Entity\Node $node */
  $node = $variables['node'];
  $account = $node
  $variables['content_type'] = $node

  // We get the group link to the node if there is one,
  // will return NULL if not.
  $group_link = socialbase_group_link($node);
  if (!empty($group_link)) {
    $variables['group_link'] = $group_link;

  // Display author information.
  if ($account) {

    // Author profile picture.
    $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    if (!empty($storage)) {
      $user_profile = $storage
        ->loadByUser($account, 'profile');
      if ($user_profile) {
        $content = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
          ->view($user_profile, 'compact');
        $variables['author_picture'] = $content;

    // Author name.
    $username = [
      '#theme' => 'username',
      '#account' => $account,
    $variables['author'] = drupal_render($username);
  if (isset($variables['elements']['#node']) && !isset($variables['created_date_formatted'])) {
    $variables['created_date_formatted'] = \Drupal::service('date.formatter')
      ->getCreatedTime(), 'social_long_date');

  // Get current node.
  $node = $variables['node'];

  // Get current user.
  $currentuser = \Drupal::currentUser();

  // Only add submitted data on teasers since we have the page hero block.
  if ($variables['view_mode'] === 'teaser') {

    // Not for AN..
    $is_anonymous = \Drupal::currentUser()
    if (!$is_anonymous && $variables['node']
      ->id()) {

      // Only on Events & Topics.
      if ($variables['node']
        ->getType() == 'event' || $variables['node']
        ->getType() == 'topic') {

        // Add group name to the teaser (if it's part of a group).
        $group_content = GroupContent::loadByEntity($variables['node']);
        if (!empty($group_content)) {

          // It can only exist in one group.
          // So we get the first pointer out of
          // the array that gets returned from loading GroupContent.
          $group = reset($group_content)
          if (!empty($group)) {
            $variables['content']['group_name'] = $group
    $variables['display_submitted'] = TRUE;
  if ($variables['view_mode'] === 'hero') {

  // Date formats.
  $date = $variables['node']
  if ($variables['view_mode'] === 'small_teaser') {
    $variables['date'] = \Drupal::service('date.formatter')
      ->format($date, 'social_short_date');

  // Teasers and activity stream.
  $teaser_view_modes = [
  if (in_array($variables['view_mode'], $teaser_view_modes)) {
    $variables['date'] = \Drupal::service('date.formatter')
      ->format($date, 'social_medium_date');

  // Content visibility.
  if (isset($node->field_content_visibility) && !$currentuser
    ->isAnonymous()) {
    $node_visibility_value = $node->field_content_visibility
    $content_visibility = reset($node_visibility_value);
    switch ($content_visibility['value']) {
      case 'community':
        $variables['visibility_icon'] = 'community';
        $variables['visibility_label'] = t('community');
      case 'public':
        $variables['visibility_icon'] = 'public';
        $variables['visibility_label'] = t('public');
      case 'group':
        $variables['visibility_icon'] = 'lock';
        $variables['visibility_label'] = t('group');
  if ($node->status->value == NODE_NOT_PUBLISHED) {
    $variables['status_label'] = t('unpublished');

  // Let's see if we can remove comments from the content and render them in a
  // separate content_below array.
  $comment_field_name = '';
  $variables['comment_field_name'] = '';

  // Check on our node if we have the comment type field somewhere.
  $fields_on_node = $node
  foreach ($fields_on_node as $field) {
    if ($field
      ->getType() == 'comment') {
      $comment_field_name = $field

  // Our node has a comment reference. Let's remove it from content array.
  $variables['below_content'] = [];
  if (!empty($comment_field_name)) {
    if (!empty($variables['content'][$comment_field_name])) {

      // Add it to our custom comments_section for the template purposes and
      // remove it.
      $variables['below_content'][$comment_field_name] = $variables['content'][$comment_field_name];

    // If we have a comment and the status is
    // OPEN or CLOSED we can render icon for
    // comment count, and add the comment count to the node.
    if ($node->{$comment_field_name}->status != CommentItemInterface::HIDDEN) {
      $comment_count = _socialbase_node_get_comment_count($node, $comment_field_name);
      $t_args = [
        ':num_comments' => $comment_count,
      $variables['below_content'][$comment_field_name]['#title'] = t('Comments (:num_comments)', $t_args);

      // If it's closed, we only show the comment section when there are
      // comments placed. Closed means we show comments but you are not able
      // to add any comments.
      if ($node->{$comment_field_name}->status == CommentItemInterface::CLOSED && $comment_count > 0 || $node->{$comment_field_name}->status == CommentItemInterface::OPEN) {
        $variables['comment_field_status'] = $comment_field_name;
        $variables['comment_count'] = $comment_count;

  // If we have the like and dislike widget available
  // for this node, we can print the count even for Anonymous.
  $enabled_types = \Drupal::config('like_and_dislike.settings')
  $variables['likes_count'] = NULL;
  if (in_array($node
    ->getType(), $enabled_types['node'])) {
    $variables['likes_count'] = _socialbase_node_get_like_count($node
      ->getEntityTypeId(), $node

  // Add styles for nodes in preview.
  if ($node->in_preview) {
    $variables['#attached']['library'][] = 'socialbase/preview';

  // Add no_image flag if there are no image uploaded.
  $variables['no_image'] = TRUE;
  $image_field = "field_{$node->getType()}_image";
  if (!empty($node->{$image_field}->entity)) {
    $variables['no_image'] = FALSE;
  else {

    // If machine name too long or using another image field.
    $node_fields = $node
    $image_fields = array_filter($node_fields, '_social_core_find_image_field');

    // Get the first image field of all the fields.
    $field = reset($image_fields);
    if ($field !== NULL && $field !== FALSE) {
      if ($field
        ->get("field_type") === 'image') {
        if (!empty($node
          ->getName())->entity)) {
          $variables['no_image'] = FALSE;

  // A landing page has a different way of determining this.
  if ($node
    ->getType() === 'landing_page') {
    $variables['no_image'] = FALSE;
    $image = _social_landing_page_get_hero_image($node);
    if (empty($image)) {
      $variables['no_image'] = TRUE;