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Deprecated in Open Social 8.4

Primary tabs

Examples: "before Drupal 9", "in Drupal 8.4"
Namesort descending Location Type Deprecation Direct uses Namespaced uses Overrides Use statements
hook_social_user_account_header_links modules/social_features/social_user/social_user.api.php function This method is replaced by hook_social_user_account_header_account_links for greater flexibility.
post--activity-comment.html.twig themes/socialbase/templates/post/post--activity-comment.html.twig file The template is not used anymore since comments are aggegrated with the post itself. If a developer disables aggegration of comments this template will be used again. Available variables: content: A list of content items. Use 'content' to print all content, or attributes: HTML attributes for the container element.
social_group_get_all_group_members modules/social_features/social_group/social_group.module function in Open Social 4.2 and will be removed in one of the next major updates. This function is moved to the service social_group.helper_service, use getAllGroupsForUser() instead. 2

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