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function social_theme_setup in Open Social 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 social.profile \social_theme_setup()
  2. 8.2 social.profile \social_theme_setup()
  3. 8.4 social.profile \social_theme_setup()
  4. 8.5 social.profile \social_theme_setup()
  5. 8.6 social.profile \social_theme_setup()
  6. 8.7 social.profile \social_theme_setup()

Install the theme.


array $install_state: The install state.


./social.profile, line 341
Enables modules and site configuration for a social site installation.


function social_theme_setup(array &$install_state) {

  // Clear all status messages generated by modules installed in previous step.
  drupal_get_messages('status', TRUE);

  // Also install improved theme settings & color module, because it improves
  // the social blue theme settings page.
  $modules = [
  $themes = [
    ->set('default', 'socialblue')

  // Ensure that the install profile's theme is used.
  // @see _drupal_maintenance_theme()
  $modules = [