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function social_activity_update_10301 in Open Social 10.3.x

Resolve missing filter on Activity Stream view.


modules/social_features/social_activity/social_activity.install, line 267
The Social activity install.


function social_activity_update_10301() {

  // Set the key for the filter to remove from all displays.
  $filter_to_remove = 'activity_filter_nodes_from_my_groups_filter';
  $config_factory = \Drupal::configFactory();

  // Load the activity stream.
  $view = $config_factory

  // Get the displays.
  $displays = $view

  // Remove the filter from any displays where it is used.
  $updated = [];
  if (is_array($displays)) {
    foreach ($displays as $display_name => &$display) {

      // Remove the redundant filter.
      if (isset($display['display_options']['filters'][$filter_to_remove])) {
        $updated[] = $display_name;

  // Save and log if we changed a display.
  if (count($updated)) {
      ->set('display', $displays);

    // Log the updates.
    foreach ($updated as $display_name) {
        ->info('Filter removed from display: %name', [
        '%name' => $display_name,