user.yml in Open Social 8.9
Same filename in this branch
Same filename and directory in other branches
- 8 modules/custom/social_demo/eaa/content/entity/user.yml
- 8.2 modules/custom/social_demo/eaa/content/entity/user.yml
- 8.3 modules/custom/social_demo/eaa/content/entity/user.yml
- 8.4 modules/custom/social_demo/eaa/content/entity/user.yml
- 8.5 modules/custom/social_demo/eaa/content/entity/user.yml
- 8.6 modules/custom/social_demo/eaa/content/entity/user.yml
- 8.7 modules/custom/social_demo/eaa/content/entity/user.yml
- 8.8 modules/custom/social_demo/eaa/content/entity/user.yml
- 10.3.x modules/custom/social_demo/eaa/content/entity/user.yml
- 10.0.x modules/custom/social_demo/eaa/content/entity/user.yml
- 10.1.x modules/custom/social_demo/eaa/content/entity/user.yml
- 10.2.x modules/custom/social_demo/eaa/content/entity/user.yml
modules/custom/social_demo/eaa/content/entity/user.ymlView source
- ---
- 10477c08-f850-4c1d-bbaa-13413afa7055:
- uuid: 10477c08-f850-4c1d-bbaa-13413afa7055
- name: esthersmith
- mail:
- timezone: UTC
- status: 1
- image: 5dc39cc9-04e7-4514-a267-f19927aa2be7
- image_alt: Esther Smith
- first_name: Esther
- last_name: Smith
- organization: EEA
- function: Community Manager
- phone_number: 0800 2452
- expertise:
- - 3ec716a2-5cf1-43b5-b165-d1a82805807c
- - 7f81a4f8-cec0-4c65-b64d-2c1dc21529c4
- interests:
- - 1a47cad3-8687-4eac-a18f-788488471303
- field_event_address:
- country_code: GB
- locality: London
- postal_code: E2 7YZ
- address_line1: 62 Cheshire Street
- self_introduction: >
- Hi everyone! My name is Esther Smith and I am the Community Manager for the online EEA community. Please feel free to reach out to me for any and all questions you have about this online community and anything else EEA related and will try and help you as best as I can or refer you to someone else within the organization who can help you with your issue. For technical issues please reach out to my colleague and Site Manager @Peter Parker. I look forward to getting to know you on- and offline. Together, we can ensure that everyone receives the right education to help make this a better planet for us AND for our future generations!
- 6b5b2952-bec3-4dfb-982c-71ed6b271ebc:
- uuid: 6b5b2952-bec3-4dfb-982c-71ed6b271ebc
- name: peterparker
- mail:
- timezone: UTC
- status: 1
- roles:
- - sitemanager
- image: 63c0e520-dcf7-4ece-8496-8b13866056bd
- image_alt: Peter Parker
- first_name: Peter
- last_name: Parker
- organization: EAA
- function: Site Manager
- phone_number: 0800 2452
- expertise:
- - 78be9d4a-04ab-4101-a265-af931fce27e6
- interests:
- - 454c31bb-ebbf-4ada-8ddf-884bb1561073
- - 79ea5098-bcf8-421c-811f-37201fb8a0f6
- field_event_address:
- country_code: GB
- locality: London
- postal_code: E2 7YZ
- address_line1: 62 Cheshire Street
- self_introduction: >
- Hi everybody! My name is Peter Parker and I am the Site Manager for the online EEA community. Please feel free to reach out to me for any technical difficulties you are experiencing with our site. For any other questions about this community or EEA please get in touch with @Esther Smith, our Community Manager. I’m excited to see what kind of environmental change we can inspire together - both online and offline!
- Cb92f0c9-1d34-4c05-a50b-2ea985342953:
- uuid: Cb92f0c9-1d34-4c05-a50b-2ea985342953
- name: babswarren
- mail:
- timezone: UTC
- status: 1
- image: 40971751-4b75-49be-bd4c-79f8d4cbe4d5
- image_alt: Babs Warren
- first_name: Babs
- last_name: Warren
- organization:
- function: Retired Teacher
- phone_number:
- expertise:
- - 7f81a4f8-cec0-4c65-b64d-2c1dc21529c4
- interests:
- - 1a47cad3-8687-4eac-a18f-788488471303
- - 454c31bb-ebbf-4ada-8ddf-884bb1561073
- - 1ba7fb1c-44ac-45f6-a855-7d40fe79f0a6
- field_event_address:
- country_code: GB
- locality: Whitstable
- postal_code:
- address_line1:
- self_introduction: >
- Hello, I’m Babs Warren! I’m a retired teacher living in Whitstable! I’ve recently retired. As I’ve always been impressed with the way EEA made learning about the environment fun and actionable at my previous school. I decided to join them as a volunteer upon retiring. I’ve worked as a teacher for over 30 years! If there’s anything you need help with (bureaucracy is a minefield!) get in touch! :)
- 42fc0a3c-5e90-44a3-bfab-8b0ea7b6dead:
- uuid: 42fc0a3c-5e90-44a3-bfab-8b0ea7b6dead
- name: tinajones
- mail:
- timezone: UTC
- status: 1
- image: C2f9ac2f-52dc-4de5-bc8a-d6956dc37e2e
- image_alt: Tina Jones
- first_name: Tina
- last_name: Jones
- organization: Birmingham Secondary School
- function: Teacher
- phone_number:
- expertise:
- - 7f81a4f8-cec0-4c65-b64d-2c1dc21529c4
- interests:
- - 1a47cad3-8687-4eac-a18f-788488471303
- - 1ba7fb1c-44ac-45f6-a855-7d40fe79f0a6
- field_event_address:
- country_code: GB
- locality: Birmingham
- postal_code:
- address_line1:
- self_introduction: >
- Hello! I’m Tina! I work at a secondary school in Birmingham. My school is one of the first to develop an after school educational program for students who are interested in working to improve the environment in the future. I want to continue to contribute to the wonderful work the EEA has done. And I’m here to learn.
- E86254ca-1c50-4f37-81f8-13aef995ae33:
- uuid: E86254ca-1c50-4f37-81f8-13aef995ae33
- name: timcullen
- mail:
- timezone: UTC
- status: 1
- image: 16200a8e-98be-4e9d-b01b-e4541f8cc524
- image_alt: Tim Cullen
- first_name: Tim
- last_name: Cullen
- organization: Brighton College
- function: Assistant Professor
- phone_number:
- expertise:
- - 7f81a4f8-cec0-4c65-b64d-2c1dc21529c4
- interests:
- - 1a47cad3-8687-4eac-a18f-788488471303
- - 1ba7fb1c-44ac-45f6-a855-7d40fe79f0a6
- field_event_address:
- country_code: GB
- locality: Brighton
- postal_code:
- address_line1:
- self_introduction: >
- My name is Tim Cullen, I am a political assistant (I help my political candidate with anything, basically). I am also a student at Brighton College and getting my bachelor's degree in Politics. I believe that we need to educate our society at all levels, including governmental, to help make a change.
- 4ded60a5-693b-4c64-bc84-d5f325ead6f1:
- uuid: 4ded60a5-693b-4c64-bc84-d5f325ead6f1
- name: Lorelai Margrate
- mail:
- timezone: UTC
- status: 1
- image: 9bafc7b0-9c80-4df5-8e05-a642b01dbc1d
- image_alt: Lorelai Margrate
- first_name: Lorelai
- last_name: Margrate
- organization:
- function: PhD Student
- phone_number:
- expertise:
- - 6b909f04-631d-4695-8d79-34afc36dd0c7
- interests:
- - Fe5373ad-bbe2-4e76-bdef-fd80e39f8aa3
- - 1ba7fb1c-44ac-45f6-a855-7d40fe79f0a6
- - 1a47cad3-8687-4eac-a18f-788488471303
- field_event_address:
- country_code: GB
- locality: London
- postal_code:
- address_line1:
- self_introduction: >
- Hey, I’m a Ph.D. candidate and am conducting research in chemistry and clean energy technologies. I’m lobbying with my fellow students to educate other students (and of course, the general population if we can) to be more aware of their impact on the environment. Here to learn and share knowledge! Go EEA! :)