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function activity_creator_post_update_8001_one_to_many_activities in Open Social 10.0.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.9 modules/custom/activity_creator/activity_creator.post_update.php \activity_creator_post_update_8001_one_to_many_activities()
  2. 8.8 modules/custom/activity_creator/activity_creator.post_update.php \activity_creator_post_update_8001_one_to_many_activities()
  3. 10.3.x modules/custom/activity_creator/activity_creator.post_update.php \activity_creator_post_update_8001_one_to_many_activities()
  4. 10.1.x modules/custom/activity_creator/activity_creator.post_update.php \activity_creator_post_update_8001_one_to_many_activities()
  5. 10.2.x modules/custom/activity_creator/activity_creator.post_update.php \activity_creator_post_update_8001_one_to_many_activities()

Migrate all the activity status information to new table.

This is necessary as we have changed the logic of reading notifications and marking them as seen. So, we have migrate the existing activity entries to new table so as to avoid any missing notifications by users.


modules/custom/activity_creator/activity_creator.post_update.php, line 17
Contains post update hook implementations.


function activity_creator_post_update_8001_one_to_many_activities(&$sandbox) {

  // Fetching amount of data we need to process.
  // Runs only once per update.
  $connection = \Drupal::database();
  if (!isset($sandbox['total'])) {

    // Get count of all the necessary fields information from current database.

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\Select $query */
    $query = $connection
      ->select('activity__field_activity_recipient_user', 'aur');
      ->join('activity__field_activity_status', 'asv', 'aur.entity_id = asv.entity_id');
    $number_of_activities = $query
      ->fields('aur', [
      ->fields('asv', [

    // Write total of entities need to be processed to $sandbox.
    $sandbox['total'] = $number_of_activities;

    // Initiate default value for current processing of element.
    $sandbox['current'] = 0;

  // Do not continue if no entities are found.
  if (empty($sandbox['total'])) {
    $sandbox['#finished'] = 1;
    return t('No activities data to be processed.');

  // Get all the necessary fields information from current database.

  /** @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Query\Select $query */
  $query = $connection
    ->select('activity__field_activity_recipient_user', 'aur');
    ->join('activity__field_activity_status', 'asv', 'aur.entity_id = asv.entity_id');
    ->addField('aur', 'field_activity_recipient_user_target_id', 'uid');
    ->addField('aur', 'entity_id', 'aid');
    ->addField('asv', 'field_activity_status_value', 'status');
    ->condition('field_activity_recipient_user_target_id', 0, '!=');
    ->range($sandbox['current'], 5000);

  // Prepare the insert query and execute using previous select query.

  // Increment currently processed entities.
  // Check if current starting point is less than our range selection.
  if ($sandbox['total'] - $sandbox['current'] > 5000) {
    $sandbox['current'] += 5000;
  else {

    // If we have less number of results to process, we increment by difference.
    $sandbox['current'] += $sandbox['total'] - $sandbox['current'];

  // The batch will finish when '#finished' will become '1'.
  $sandbox['#finished'] = $sandbox['current'] / $sandbox['total'];

  // Print some progress.
  return t('@count activities data has been migrated to activity_notification_table.', [
    '@count' => $sandbox['current'],