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Functions in Simple Node Archive Blocks 7.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
sna_blocks_get_view_style_options ./sna_blocks.module Check whether snablocks style_plugin is set for a view page. If found return style_options. 2
sna_blocks_views_api ./sna_blocks.module Implements hook_views_api().
sna_blocks_views_default_views ./ Implements hook_views_default_views().
sna_blocks_views_plugins ./ Implements hook_views_plugins().
sna_blocks_views_query_alter ./ Implements hook_views_query_alter().
template_preprocess_sna_blocks ./sna_blocks.module
_sna_blocks_archivehtml theme/ Theme the result set to HTML. 1
_sna_blocks_preprocess_sna_blocks theme/ @file The theme system, which controls the output of simple node archive. 1
_sna_blocks_resultset theme/ Format views results to add year, month and count. 1
_sna_blocks_resultset_add_count theme/ Format views results to add year, month and count. 1

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