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trait MigratePhoneNumberTestTrait in SMS Framework 2.1.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 tests/src/Kernel/Migrate/MigratePhoneNumberTestTrait.php \Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\Migrate\MigratePhoneNumberTestTrait
  2. 2.x tests/src/Kernel/Migrate/MigratePhoneNumberTestTrait.php \Drupal\Tests\sms\Kernel\Migrate\MigratePhoneNumberTestTrait

This trait executes tests for D6 and D7 SMS Framework migrations.


See also




tests/src/Kernel/Migrate/MigratePhoneNumberTestTrait.php, line 23


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trait MigratePhoneNumberTestTrait {

   * Tests migration of phone number settings based on legacy configuration.
  public function testPhoneSettingsMigration() {
    $settings = PhoneNumberSettings::loadMultiple();
      ->assertEquals([], $settings);

    // Execute the phone number settings migration and confirm.

    // Confirm new phone number settings is created.
    $settings = PhoneNumberSettings::loadMultiple();
      ->assertEquals(1, count($settings));

    /** @var \Drupal\sms\Entity\PhoneNumberSettingsInterface $setting */
    $setting = reset($settings);
      ->assertEquals(PhoneNumberSettingsPlugin::DEFAULT_VERIFICATION_MESSAGE, $setting
      ->assertEquals('phone_number', $setting
      ->assertEquals(TRUE, $setting
      ->assertEquals('user', $setting
      ->assertEquals('user', $setting
      ->assertEquals(600, $setting

    // Confirm that a new phone number field is created.
    $field_storage = FieldStorageConfig::load('user.phone_number');
      ->assertEquals('user.phone_number', $field_storage
      ->assertEquals('phone_number', $field_storage
      ->assertEquals('user', $field_storage
      ->assertEquals('telephone', $field_storage
    $field_config = FieldConfig::load('user.user.phone_number');
      ->assertEquals('user', $field_config
      ->assertEquals('user', $field_config

   * Tests phone number migration with custom phone number verification message.
  public function testPhoneSettingsMigrationWithCustomVerificationMessage() {

    // Execute the phone number settings migration and confirm.
    $settings = PhoneNumberSettings::loadMultiple();
      ->assertEquals(1, count($settings));

    /** @var \Drupal\sms\Entity\PhoneNumberSettingsInterface $setting */
    $setting = reset($settings);
    $expected_message = 'This is a custom confirmation message from [site:name]. Confirmation code: [sms-message:verification-code]';
      ->assertEquals($expected_message, $setting

   * Tests that the users' phone numbers verification status is migrated.
  public function testPhoneNumberMigration() {

    // Set up phone number verifications.
    $user = User::load(40);
      ->assertEquals('1234567890', $user
      ->assertVerifiedPhoneNumber($user, '1234567890');
    $user = User::load(41);
      ->assertEquals('87654321190', $user
      ->assertUnVerifiedPhoneNumber($user, '87654321190');
      ->assertVerificationCode('87654321190', '8002');

    // No phone number for user 15.
    $user = User::load(42);
      ->assertEquals('', $user

   * Tests that conditions are reverted after rollback.
  public function testRollBack() {

    // Create an entity form display.
      'targetEntityType' => 'user',
      'bundle' => 'user',
      'mode' => 'default',
      ->assertVerifiedPhoneNumber(User::load(40), '1234567890');

    // Test that the default entity form display has the field added.
    $entity_form_display = EntityFormDisplay::load('user.user.default');

    // Rollback migration and check that verifications, phone number settings
    // and phone number fields are removed.

    // Assert no phone number verifications, phone number settings or phone
    // number fields exist.
      ->assertEquals([], PhoneNumberVerification::loadMultiple());
      ->assertEquals([], PhoneNumberSettings::loadMultiple());
      ->assertNull(FieldConfig::loadByName('user', 'user', 'phone_number'));
      ->assertNull(FieldStorageConfig::loadByName('user', 'phone_number'));

    // Test that the display field is removed.
    $entity_form_display = EntityFormDisplay::load('user.user.default');

   * Asserts that the specified user has a verified phone number.
  protected function assertVerifiedPhoneNumber(UserInterface $user, $number) {
    $phone_numbers = $this->container
      ->getPhoneNumbers($user, TRUE);
    $phone_number = reset($phone_numbers);
    return $this
      ->assertEquals($number, $phone_number, "Phone number '{$number}' is verified.");

   * Asserts that the specified user has an unverified phone number.
  protected function assertUnVerifiedPhoneNumber(UserInterface $user, $number) {
    $phone_numbers = $this->container
      ->getPhoneNumbers($user, FALSE);
    $phone_number = reset($phone_numbers);
    return $this
      ->assertEquals($number, $phone_number, "Phone number '{$number}' is unverified.");

   * Asserts that the specified user has no phone number verified or unverified.
  protected function assertNoVerifiedPhoneNumber(UserInterface $user) {
    $phone_numbers = $this->container
    return $this
      ->assertEquals([], $phone_numbers, "No phone numbers for user {$user->id()}.");

   * Asserts that the specified number has a pending verification code.
  protected function assertVerificationCode($number, $code) {
    $verification = $this->container
      ->getPhoneVerificationByPhoneNumber($number, FALSE);
    $verification = reset($verification);
    return $this
      ->assertEquals($code, $verification

   * Rolls back a specified migration.
  protected function rollBackMigrations(array $ids) {
    foreach ($ids as $id) {
      $this->migration = $this
      (new MigrateExecutable($this->migration, $this))

   * Provides the relative path to the fixture that sets up the database.
  protected abstract function smsUserFixtureFilePath();

   * Provides the relative path to the fixture that adds confirmation message.
  protected abstract function confirmationMessageFixturePath();

   * Returns the list of D6 or D7 sms_user phone number migrations to test.
  protected abstract function getMigrationsToTest();

   * Returns the list of migrations to rollback for the rollback test.
  protected abstract function getMigrationsToRollback();



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
MigratePhoneNumberTestTrait::assertNoVerifiedPhoneNumber protected function Asserts that the specified user has no phone number verified or unverified.
MigratePhoneNumberTestTrait::assertUnVerifiedPhoneNumber protected function Asserts that the specified user has an unverified phone number.
MigratePhoneNumberTestTrait::assertVerificationCode protected function Asserts that the specified number has a pending verification code.
MigratePhoneNumberTestTrait::assertVerifiedPhoneNumber protected function Asserts that the specified user has a verified phone number.
MigratePhoneNumberTestTrait::confirmationMessageFixturePath abstract protected function Provides the relative path to the fixture that adds confirmation message. 2
MigratePhoneNumberTestTrait::getMigrationsToRollback abstract protected function Returns the list of migrations to rollback for the rollback test. 2
MigratePhoneNumberTestTrait::getMigrationsToTest abstract protected function Returns the list of D6 or D7 sms_user phone number migrations to test. 2
MigratePhoneNumberTestTrait::rollBackMigrations protected function Rolls back a specified migration.
MigratePhoneNumberTestTrait::smsUserFixtureFilePath abstract protected function Provides the relative path to the fixture that sets up the database. 2
MigratePhoneNumberTestTrait::testPhoneNumberMigration public function Tests that the users' phone numbers verification status is migrated.
MigratePhoneNumberTestTrait::testPhoneSettingsMigration public function Tests migration of phone number settings based on legacy configuration.
MigratePhoneNumberTestTrait::testPhoneSettingsMigrationWithCustomVerificationMessage public function Tests phone number migration with custom phone number verification message.
MigratePhoneNumberTestTrait::testRollBack public function Tests that conditions are reverted after rollback.