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function sms_default_gateway in SMS Framework 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 sms.module \sms_default_gateway()
  2. 6.2 sms.module \sms_default_gateway()
  3. 6 sms.module \sms_default_gateway()

Returns the current default gateway machine name.

5 calls to sms_default_gateway()
SmsFrameworkWebTest::testDefaultGateway in tests/sms.module.test
Tests setting up the default gateway.
sms_format_number in ./sms.module
Formats a number for display using the gateway's formatting functionality.
sms_send in ./sms.module
Sends a message using the active gateway.
sms_send_form in ./sms.module
Form builder for send sms form.
sms_validate_number in ./sms.module
Validates a phone number.
12 string references to 'sms_default_gateway'
SmsActionWebTest::testSmsActionsActionsIntegration in modules/sms_actions/sms_actions.test
Tests integration with the actions module.
SmsBlastWebTest::testSendBlast in modules/sms_blast/sms_blast.test
Tests sending sms blast.
SmsContainsKeywordConditionTestCase::testSmsContainsKeywordCondition in tests/sms.rules.test
Tests whether the sms rules condition for sms contains keyword works as it is supposed to.
SmsDevelTestSendFormTestCase::testDevelSendReceiveForm in modules/sms_devel/tests/sms_devel.test
Tests if messages sent using the test send form are stored properly.
SmsSendToPhoneWebTest::testAdminSettingsAndSendToPhone in modules/sms_sendtophone/sms_sendtophone.test
Tests admin settings page and sendtophone node integration.

... See full list


./sms.module, line 331
The core of the SMS Framework. Provides gateway management and API for sending and receiving SMS messages.


function sms_default_gateway() {
  return sms_gateways('gateway', variable_get('sms_default_gateway', 'log'));