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public function SmsUserWebTest::testSmsUserOptOut in SMS Framework 7

Tests whether a user can opt out and in for sms messages from the site.


modules/sms_user/tests/sms_user.test, line 158
Contains tests for the functions in sms_user.module and user integration.


Provides integration tests for the sms_user module.


public function testSmsUserOptOut() {

  // Create Excluded User
  $excluded_user = $this
    'administer smsframework',
    'receive sms',
    'edit own sms number',

  // Set up test default gateway.
  variable_set('sms_default_gateway', 'test');
  $sms_user_settings = array(
    'sms_user_registration_enabled' => TRUE,
    'sms_user_allow_password' => TRUE,
    'sms_user_allow_opt_out' => TRUE,
    ->drupalPost('admin/smsframework/sms_user_options', $sms_user_settings, t('Save configuration'));

  // Confirm excluded_user number.
  $edit = array(
    'number' => '1234567890',
    ->drupalPost('user/' . $excluded_user->uid . '/edit/mobile', $edit, t('Confirm number'));
    ->drupalPost(NULL, NULL, t('Confirm without code'));
    ->assertText('Your mobile phone number has been confirmed.', 'Authors number is confirmed');

  // Set the Opt Out checkbox.
  $opt_out = array(
    'sms_user_opt_out' => TRUE,
    ->drupalPost('user/' . $excluded_user->uid . '/edit/mobile', $opt_out, t('Set'));
    ->assertText(t('The changes have been saved.'), 'Excluded user has chosen to opt out of messages from the site.');
  $test_message1 = array(
    'number' => '1234567890',
    'message' => 'Test opting out of messages',
    ->drupalPost('admin/smsframework/devel', $test_message1, t('Send Message'));
    ->assertText('Form submitted ok for number ' . $test_message1['number'] . ' and message: ' . $test_message1['message'], 'Successfully sent message to recipient with registered number');

  // Test if the message was not sent by checking the cached sms_test message
  // result.
    ->assertFalse(sms_test_gateway_result(), t('Message was not sent to user that opted out.'));

  // Create Normal User
  $normal_user = $this
    'administer smsframework',
    'receive sms',
    'edit own sms number',

  // Confirm normal_user number.
  $edit = array(
    'number' => '0987654321',
    ->drupalPost('user/' . $normal_user->uid . '/edit/mobile', $edit, t('Confirm number'));
    ->drupalPost(NULL, NULL, t('Confirm without code'));
    ->assertText('Your mobile phone number has been confirmed.', 'Authors number is confirmed');

  // Set the Opt Out checkbox.
  $opt_in = array(
    'sms_user_opt_out' => FALSE,
    ->drupalPost('user/' . $normal_user->uid . '/edit/mobile', $opt_in, t('Set'));
    ->assertText(t('The changes have been saved.'), t('Author has chosen opt in for messages from the site.'));
  $test_message2 = array(
    'number' => '0987654321',
    'message' => 'Test opting in for messages.',
    ->drupalPost('admin/smsframework/devel', $test_message2, t('Send Message'));
    ->assertText('Form submitted ok for number ' . $test_message2['number'] . ' and message: ' . $test_message2['message'], 'Successfully sent message to recipient with registered number');

  // Test if the message was not sent by checking the cached sms_test message
  // result.
  $gw_result = sms_test_gateway_result();
    ->assertTrue(in_array($test_message2['number'], explode(',', $gw_result['number'])), t('Message was sent to user that did not opt out.'));

  // Disable Opt Out for this site.
  $sms_user_settings['sms_user_allow_opt_out'] = FALSE;
    ->drupalPost('admin/smsframework/sms_user_options', $sms_user_settings, t('Save configuration'));
    ->assertFalse(variable_get('sms_user_allow_opt_out', NULL), 'Opt out globally disabled.');

  // Confirm that the opt-out button is not available to users.
    ->drupalGet('user/' . $excluded_user->uid . '/edit/mobile');
    ->assertNoText(t('Opt out of sms messages from this site.'), t('Opt out checkbox not visible in UI.'));

  // Ensure opt out doesn't work when message is sent.
    ->drupalPost('admin/smsframework/devel', $test_message1, t('Send Message'));
    ->assertText('Form submitted ok for number ' . $test_message1['number'] . ' and message: ' . $test_message1['message'], 'Successfully sent message to recipient with registered number');
  $gw_result = sms_test_gateway_result();
    ->assertTrue(in_array($test_message1['number'], explode(',', $gw_result['number'])), t('Message was sent to user who opted out due to global override.'));