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function _smiley_get_smileys in Smiley 7.2

Helper function to get a list of smileys from other modules.


bool $reset: Reset the smiley static cache.

Return value

array An array where the keys are the text to replace and the values are the path to the image that will replace it.

4 calls to _smiley_get_smileys()
smiley_flush_caches in ./smiley.module
Implements hook_flush_caches().
smiley_modules_disabled in ./smiley.module
Implements hook_modules_disabled().
smiley_modules_enabled in ./smiley.module
Implements hook_modules_enabled().
_smiley_filter_smiley_process in ./smiley.module
Implements hook_filter_FILTER_process().


./smiley.module, line 184
A framework for replacing text smileys with images.


function _smiley_get_smileys($reset = FALSE) {
  $smileys =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__);
  if (!isset($smileys) || $reset) {
    $smileys = module_invoke_all('smiley_replacements');

  // See module_implements() for an explanation of this cast.
  return (array) $smileys;