function smart_ip_help in Smart IP 6
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.4 smart_ip.module \smart_ip_help()
- 8.2 smart_ip.module \smart_ip_help()
- 8.3 smart_ip.module \smart_ip_help()
- 6.2 smart_ip.module \smart_ip_help()
- 7.2 smart_ip.module \smart_ip_help()
- 7 smart_ip.module \smart_ip_help()
Implements hook_help().
- ./
smart_ip.module, line 27 - Determines country, geo location (longitude/latitude), region, city and postal code of the user, based on IP address
function smart_ip_help($path, $arg) {
switch ($path) {
case 'admin/help#smart_ip':
return '<p>' . t("Smart IP identify visitor's geographical location (longitude/latitude), country, \n region, city and postal code based on the IP address of the user. These information \n will be stored at session variable ($_SESSION) with array key 'smart_ip' and Drupal \n $user->data object with array key 'geoip_location' of the user but optionally it can \n be disabled (by role) at Smart IP admin page. Other modules can use the function \n smart_ip_get_location($ip_address) that returns an array containing the visitor's \n ISO 3166 2-character country code, longitude, latitude, region, city and postal code. It \n provides a feature for you to perform your own IP lookup and admin spoofing of an arbitrary IP \n for testing purposes.") . '</p><p>' . t("Maxmind's database is the source of Smart IP database that makes the association between IP \n address and geographical location (longitude/latitude), region, city and postal code. It can \n be found at !maxmind it has two versions: a very accurate \n and up to date payable version and a not quite accurate free lite version. Smart IP downloads \n and process the CSV files (GeoLiteCity-Location.csv and GeoLiteCity-Blocks.csv) to store to \n Smart IP database. An optional once a month (Maxmind updates its database every first day of \n a month) automatic update of the Smart IP database is provided or it can be manually updated \n at Smart IP admin page. The database of Maxmind is very huge, the two CSV files size is about \n 150MB and the size when stored to SQL database is about 450MB with almost 5 million rows and \n about 600MB additional database space for temporary working table for Smart IP database \n update. The process of downloading the archived CSV files from Maxmind's server, extracting \n the downloaded zip file, parsing the CSV files and storing to the database will took more or \n less eight hours (depends on server's speed). It uses the batch system process. If interrupted \n by an unexpected error, it can recover from where it stopped or the administrator can manually \n continue the broken process at Smart IP admin page.", array(
'!maxmind' => l('', ''),
)) . '</p><p>' . t("Another source of Smart IP is the service which also uses Maxmind's database, in \n this case will handle database resource load instead of your server's database. \n By default the use of service as source is enabled. If is desired to \n handle database resource load, it can be configured at Smart IP admin page settings..") . '</p><div class="messages"><p>' . t('Note: The Smart IP database is empty upon initial installation of this module. Either manually
update the Smart IP database at admin page or wait for the cron to run and update Smart IP
database automatically for you.') . '</p></div>';