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function slickgrid_field_attach_validate in Slickgrid 7.2

Implements hook_field_attach_validate().

This is simply here to prevent errors when editing an entity that was associated with a term that has been deleted.

This error is to prevent errors being thrown under the following situation:

  • Create term
  • Associate term with entity
  • Delete term
  • Edit term in slickgrid, but editing a different field.

These would normally be prevented because the values in a taxonomy field do not include links to terms that have been deleted.


./slickgrid.module, line 672


function slickgrid_field_attach_validate($entity_type, $entity, &$errors) {
  if ($_GET['q'] == 'slickgrid/callback/update') {
    foreach ($errors as $key => $value) {

      // Check if the $key is a taxonomy field, and if it is, we remove the
      // error.
      $field = field_info_field($key);
      if ($field['type'] == 'taxonomy_term_reference') {