Slick API in Slick Carousel 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.2 slick.api.php \slick_api
- 7.3 slick.api.php \slick_api
Information about the Slick usages.
Modules may implement any of the available hooks to interact with Slick.
Slick may be configured using the web interface via sub-modules. However below is a few sample coded ones. The simple API is to achieve consistent markups working for various skins, and layouts for both coded and sub-modules implementations.
The expected parameters are:
- items: A required array of slick contents: text, image or media.
- options: An optional array of key:value pairs of custom JS options.
- optionset: An optional optionset object to avoid multiple invocations.
- settings: An array of key:value pairs of HTML/layout related settings which may contain optionset ID if no optionset above is provided.
Quick sample #1
Returns the renderable array of a slick instance.
function my_module_render_slick() {
// Invoke the plugin class, or use a DI service container accordingly.
$slick = \Drupal::service('slick.manager');
// Access the formatter service for image-related methods:
$formatter = \Drupal::service('slick.formatter');
$build = [];
// Caption contains: alt, data, link, overlay, title.
// Each item has keys: slide, caption, settings.
$items[] = [
// Use $formatter->getImage($element) to have lazyLoad where $element
// contains:
// item: Drupal\image\Plugin\Field\FieldType\ImageItem.
'slide' => '<img src="" />',
'caption' => [
'title' => t('Description #1'),
$items[] = [
'slide' => '<img src="" />',
'caption' => [
'title' => t('Description #2'),
$items[] = [
'slide' => '<img src="" />',
'caption' => [
'title' => t('Description #3'),
// Pass the $items to the array.
$build['items'] = $items;
// If no optionset name is provided via $build['settings'], slick will
// fallback to 'default'.
// Optionally override 'default' optionset with custom JS options.
$build['options'] = [
'autoplay' => TRUE,
'dots' => TRUE,
'arrows' => FALSE,
// Build the slick.
$element = $slick
// Prepare $variables to pass into a .twig.html file.
$variables['slick'] = $element;
// Render the slick at a .twig.html file.
// {{ slick }}
// Or simply return the $element if a renderable array is expected.
return $element;
Detailed sample #2
This can go to some hook_preprocess() of a target html.twig, or any relevant PHP file.
The goal is to create a vertical newsticker, or tweets, with pure text only. First, create an unformatted Views block, says 'Ticker' containing ~ 10 titles, or any data for the contents -- using EFQ, or static array will do.
Returns the renderable array of a slick instance.
function my_module_render_slick_detail() {
// Invoke the plugin class, or use a DI service container accordingly.
$slick = \Drupal::service('slick.manager');
// Access the formatter service for image related methods:
$formatter = \Drupal::service('slick.formatter');
$build = [];
// 1.
// Optional $settings, can be removed.
// Provides HTML settings with optionset name and ID, none of JS related.
// To add JS key:value pairs, use #options below instead.
// $build['settings'] = [
// Optional optionset name, otherwise fallback to default.
// 'optionset' => 'blog',
// Optional skin name fetched from hook_slick_skins_info(), else none.
// 'skin' => 'fullwidth',
// Define the main ID. The rest are managed by the module.
// If you provide ID, be sure unique per instance as it is cached.
// Leave empty to be provided by the module.
'id' => 'slick-ticker',
// Define cache max-age, default to -1 (Cache::PERMANENT) to permanently
// cache the results. Hence a 1 hour is passed. Be sure it is an integer!
'cache' => 3600,
// 3.
// Obligatory #items, as otherwise empty slick.
// Prepare #items, note the 'slide' key is to hold the actual slide
// which can be pure and simple text, or any image/media file.
// Meaning $rows can be text only, or image/audio/video, or a combination
// of both.
// To add caption/overlay, use 'caption' key with the supported sub-keys:
// alt, data, link, overlay, title for complex content.
// Sanitize each sub-key content accordingly.
// $items = [];
foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {
// Each item has keys: slide, caption, settings.
$items[] = [
'slide' => $row,
// Optional caption contains: alt, data, link, overlay, title.
// If the above slide is an image, to add text caption, use:
'caption' => ['title' => 'some-caption data'],
// Optional slide settings to manipulate layout, can be removed.
// Individual slide supports some useful settings like layout, classes,
// etc.
// Meaning each slide can have different layout, or classes.
// 'settings' => [
// Optionally add a custom layout, can be a static uniform value, or
// dynamic one based on the relevant field value.
// 'layout' => 'bottom',
// Optionally add a custom class, can be a static uniform class, or
// dynamic one based on the relevant field value.
'class' => 'slide--custom-class--' . $key,
// Pass the $items to the array.
$build['items'] = $items;
// 4.
// Optional specific JS options, to re-use one optionset, can be removed.
// Play with speed and options to achieve desired result.
// $build['options'] = [
'arrows' => FALSE,
'autoplay' => TRUE,
'vertical' => TRUE,
'draggable' => FALSE,
// 5.
// Build the slick with the arguments as described above.
$element = $slick->build($build);
// Prepare $variables to pass into a .twig.html file.
$variables['slick'] = $element;
// Render the slick at a .twig.html file.
// {{ slick }}
// Or simply return the $element if a renderable array is expected.
return $element;
AsNavFor sample #3
The only requirement for asNavFor is optionset and optionset_thumbnail IDs:
$build['settings']['optionset'] = 'optionset_name';
$build['settings']['optionset_thumbnail'] = 'optionset_thumbnail_name';
The rest are optional, and will fallback to default:
- $build['settings']['optionset_thumbnail'] = 'optionset_thumbnail_name'; Defined at the main settings.
- $build['settings']['id'] = 'slick-asnavfor'; Only main display ID is needed. The thumbnail ID will be automatically created: 'slick-asnavfor-thumbnail', including the content attributes accordingly. If none provided, will fallback to incremented ID.
See the HTML structure below to get a clear idea.
1. Main slider:
<div id="slick-asnavfor" class="slick">
<div class="slick__slider slick-initialized slick-slider">
<div class="slick__slide"></div>
2. Thumbnail slider:
<div id="slick-asnavfor-thumbnail" class="slick">
<div class="slick__slider slick-initialized slick-slider">
<div class="slick__slide"></div>
The asnavfor targets are the 'slick-initialized' attributes, and managed by the module automatically when using SlickManager::build().
Returns the renderable array of slick instances.
function my_module_render_slick_asnavfor() {
// Invoke the plugin class, or use a DI service container accordingly.
$slick = \Drupal::service('slick.manager');
// Access the formatter service for image related methods:
$formatter = \Drupal::service('slick.formatter');
$build = [];
// 1. Main slider ---------------------------------------------------------
// Add the main display items.
$build['items'] = [];
$images = [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7];
foreach ($images as $key) {
// Each item has keys: slide, caption, settings.
$build['items'][] = [
// Use $formatter->getImage($element) to have lazyLoad where $element
// contains:
// item: Drupal\image\Plugin\Field\FieldType\ImageItem.
'slide' => '<img src="/path/to/image-0' . $key . '.jpg">',
// Main caption contains: alt, data, link, overlay, title keys which
// serve the purpose to have consistent markups and skins without
// bothering much nor remembering what HTML tags and where to place to
// provide for each purpose cosnsitently. CSS will do layout regardless
// HTML composition.
// If having more complex caption data, use 'data' key instead.
// If the common layout doesn't satisfy the need, just override twig.
'caption' => ['title' => 'Description #' . $key],
// Optionally override the optionset.
$build['options'] = [
'arrows' => FALSE,
'centerMode' => TRUE,
'centerPadding' => '',
// Satisfy the asnavfor main settings.
// $build['settings'] = [
// The only required is 'optionset_thumbnail'.
// Define both main and thumbnail optionset names at the main display.
'optionset' => 'optionset_main_name',
'optionset_thumbnail' => 'optionset_thumbnail_name',
'nav' => TRUE,
// The rest is optional, just FYI.
'id' => 'slick-asnavfor',
'skin' => 'skin-main-name',
'skin_thumbnail' => 'skin-thumbnail-name',
// 2. Thumbnail slider ----------------------------------------------------
// The thumbnail array is grouped by 'thumb', yet has the same structured
// array as the main display: items, options, optionset, settings.
$build['thumb'] = ['items' => []];
foreach ($images as $key) {
// Each item has keys: slide, caption, settings.
$build['thumb']['items'][] = [
// Use $formatter->getThumbnail($settings) where $settings contain:
// uri, image_style, height, width, alt, title.
'slide' => '<img src="/path/to/image-0' . $key . '.jpg">',
// Thumbnail caption accepts direct markup or custom renderable array
// without any special key to be simple as much as complex.
// Think Youtube playlist with scrolling nav: thumbnail, text, etc.
'caption' => ['#markup' => 'Description #' . $key],
// Optionally override 'optionset_thumbnail_name' with custom JS options.
$build['thumb']['options'] = [
'arrows' => TRUE,
'centerMode' => TRUE,
'centerPadding' => '10px',
// Be sure to have multiple slides for the thumbnail, otherwise nonsense.
'slidesToShow' => 5,
// Build the slick once.
$element = $slick->build($build);
// Prepare variables to pass into a .twig.html file.
$variables['slick'] = $element;
// Render the slick at a .twig.html file.
// {{ slick }}
// Or simply return the $element if a renderable array is expected.
return $element;
Registering Slick skins
To register a skin, implement hook_slick_skins_info() in a module file, and defines skins at the registered class which implements SlickSkinInterface.
The class must implement \Drupal\slick\SlickSkinInterface, and it has 3 supported methods: ::skins(), ::dots(), ::arrows() to have skin options for main/thumbnail/overlay/nested displays, dots, and arrows skins respectively. The declared skins will be available for custom coded, or UI selections.
Add the needed methods accordingly. This can be used to register skins for the Slick. Skins will be available when configuring the Optionset, Field formatter, or Views style, or custom coded slicks.
Slick skins get a unique CSS class to use for styling, e.g.: If your skin name is "my_module_slick_carousel_rounded", the CSS class is: slick--skin--my-module-slick-carousel-rounded
A skin can specify CSS and JS files to include when Slick is displayed, except for a thumbnail skin which accepts CSS only.
Each skin supports 5 keys:
- name: The human readable name of the skin.
- description: The description about the skin, for help and manage pages.
- css: An array of CSS files to attach.
- js: An array of JS files to attach, e.g.: image zoomer, reflection, etc.
- group: A string grouping the current skin: main, thumbnail.
- provider: A module name registering the skins.
Defines the Slick main and thumbnail skins
public function skins() {
$theme_path = base_path() . drupal_get_path('theme', 'my_theme');
return [
'skin_name' => [
// Human readable skin name.
'name' => 'Skin name',
// Description of the skin.
'description' => t('Skin description.'),
// Group skins to reduce confusion on form selection: main, thumbnail.
'group' => 'main',
// Optional module name to prefix the library name.
'provider' => 'my_module',
// Custom assets to be included within a skin, e.g.: Zoom, Reflection,
// Slicebox, etc.
'css' => [
'theme' => [
// Full path to a CSS file to include with the skin.
$theme_path . '/css/my-theme--slider.css' => [],
$theme_path . '/css/my-theme--carousel.css' => [],
'js' => [
// Full path to a JS file to include with the skin.
$theme_path . '/js/my-theme--slider.js' => [],
$theme_path . '/js/my-theme--carousel.js' => [],
// To act on afterSlick event, or any other slick events,
// put a lighter weight before slick.load.min.js (0).
$theme_path . '/js/' => ['weight' => -2],
// Alternatively, add extra library dependencies for re-usable
// libraries. These must be registered as module libraries first.
// Use above CSS and JS directly if reluctant to register libraries.
'dependencies' => [
// Add custom options to be merged into [data-slick] attribute.
// Below is a sample of Slicebox options merged into Slick options.
// These options later can be accessed in the custom JS acccordingly.
'options' => [
'orientation' => 'r',
'cuboidsCount' => 7,
'maxCuboidsCount' => 7,
'cuboidsRandom' => TRUE,
'disperseFactor' => 30,
'itemAnimation' => TRUE,
'perspective' => 1300,
'reflection' => TRUE,
'effect' => ['slicebox', 'zoom'],
Defines Slick dot skins
The provided dot skins will be available at sub-module UI form. A skin dot named 'hop' will have a class 'slick-dots--hop' for the UL.
The array is similar to the self::skins(), excluding group, JS.
public function dots() {
// Create an array of dot skins.
return [];
Defines Slick arrow skins
The provided arrow skins will be available at sub-module UI form. A skin arrow 'slit' will have a class 'slick__arrow--slit' for the NAV.
The array is similar to the self::skins(), excluding group, JS.
public function arrows() {
// Create an array of arrow skins.
return [];
See also
\Drupal\slick\SlickDefault for most supported settings.
template_preprocess_slick_slide() for more info.
src/Plugin/Field/ for the supported layout keys.
- ./
slick.api.php, line 10 - Hooks and API provided by the Slick module.
Name![]() |
Location | Description |
hook_slick_optionset_alter |
./ |
Modifies Slick optionset before being passed to preprocess, or templates. |
hook_slick_overridable_options_info_alter |
./ |
Modifies overridable options at admin UI to re-use one optionset. |
hook_slick_settings_alter |
./ |
Modifies Slick HTML settings before being passed to preprocess, or templates. |
hook_slick_skins_info |
./ |
Registers a class that should hold skin definitions. |