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CHANGELOG.txt in Slick Carousel 8

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8.2 CHANGELOG.txt
  2. 7.3 CHANGELOG.txt
  3. 7.2 CHANGELOG.txt
Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2020-01-13
- Issue #3075838 by volkerk, gausarts: Configuration translation disallowed HTML

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2020-01-01
- Issue #3088244 by aarnau, d70rr3s, igonzalez: [Regression]: Dots are not
  assigned to the proper slick slider when multiple slick are on the page.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2019-01-06
- Fixed for dots with thumbnail alt.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2018-12-17
- Issue #2964773 by fjgarlin: Support Slick library 1.9.0
- Issue #2937960 by gausarts, WalkingDexter, a.sinitsa, igonzalez: Many
  carousels on one page with custom AppendDots.
- Change negative margins to transforms for center captions to allow more
  flexible widths without hard-coding widths.
- Added support for Video Embed Media 8.x-2.x.
- Issue #2480245 by B-Prod, Ben Young: Breakpoint-specific options lost if same
  as defaults
- Issue #2920193 by ShaxA: Slick is not starting the autoplay after a modal is
- Issue #3010260 by bendeguz.csirmaz: Optimize slick_library_info_alter()
- Issue #2996130 by huzooka, bendeguz.csirmaz: Misleading (false-negative)
  report on status report page
- Issue #2948735 by alaa abbad, Muath Khraisat: Adding the alt attribute to the
  slick thumbnails
- Issue #2945030 by alaa abbad: The button role is unnecessary for element
- Issue #2922036 by shaal, matio89: RTL Views Drupal 8

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-05-26
- Added more tests.
- Moved Functional tests into Kernel tests.
- Added ImageItem into SlickFormatter::getThumbnail() parameters for potential
  lazyloaded thumbnail images reasonable for hundreds of gallery images.
- Removed settings overrides for Slick::create().
- Added more relevant info into slick.api.php.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-04-27
- Fixed for leftover t().
- #2873222 by Munavijayalakshmi, dhruveshdtripathi: Convert module to use short
  array syntax (new coding standard).
- #2872871 by elimw: Slick Images Not Showing in Drupal 8.3.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-04-08
- Fixed for .slide__media DIV wrapper being rendered when empty at
- Cleaned up README and typos.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-03-20
- Added a list of available skins at optionset page as planned ages ago.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-03-15
- #2770005 by Shreya Shetty, gausarts, Nitesh Pawar: Replaces deprecated methods
  with new and specified return value when condition not matched in switch.
- #2855190 by daniel.bosen: Using bower or composer to download the slick
  library is cumbersome.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-03-11
- Fixed for typo in comments.
- Added supports for programmatic options defined within skin definitions to
  allow addition of options with other libraries integrated with Slick without
  modifying Optionset like Zoom, Reflection, Slicebox, etc.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-02-11
- Fixed for Slick libraries weight regression at hook_library_info_alter().
- Fixed for hidden form element.
- Cleaned up debris from old approach.
- Added dependencies to skins.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-02-10
- Fixed for regression with Overridables option not being respected.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-01-24
- #2843870 by ruslan_03492: Requirements could not be resolved to an installable
  set of packages drupal/blazy 8.*.
- Arranged the form item weights for better visibility.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-01-16
- Moved slick_library_info_build() content into SlickManager to declutter
  module file.
- Removed unused params from slick.load.js.
- Removed deprecated SafeMarkup::format() for Html::escape().

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-12-27
- Marked it Beta6.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-12-24
- Simplified slick.load.js to reduce dup variables.
- Moved slick related media player from Blazy into Slick.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-12-20
- #2837939 by gausarts, toncic: Missing schema error for edgeFriction option,
  creating new slick optionset. Resaving optionset and clearing cache fix it.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-12-18
- Added SlickEntityFormatterBase.php for base ER without field details.
- A few cleanups: TWIG indentation, descriptions, default settings.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-12-09
- Fixed for the new Optimized option consequences.
- Fixed for edgeFriction when it is integer, no longer double.
- Improved message for slick_requirements().
- Deprecated theme_slick_image() for theme_blazy() to reduce function calls.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-12-06
- Converted the rest of Simpletest methods into PHPUnit's.
- Fixed for coding standards.
- Ported Optimized option to clean out defaults from the stored settings.
- Added tests.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-29
- Marked it Beta5.
- A few cleanups.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-26
- Fixed for broken iframes when Aspect ratio is not provided.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-21
- Split lightbox gallery identifier into Grid wrapper, if provided.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-17
- Removed the no-longer needed SlickFormatter::getMediaSwitch() overrides as
  slick colorbox is using blazy colorbox.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-14
- Fixed for colorbox regression with the recent JS move into Blazy.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-09
- A few cleanups.
- Fixed for the new Grid and CSS3 Columns at field formatter settings not saved.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-01
- Simplified settings.arrow.attributes to arrow_attributes.
- Simplified settings.downArrow.attributes to arrow_down_attributes.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-10-31
- Added support for Blazy new CSS3 Columns along with Grid Foundation.
- Moved "the failsafe for deleted optionset while being used" outside Slick.php
  since it was breaking Add/Duplicate operations, till proper fix.
- Updated Slick colorbox JS file to re-use blazy.colorbox because Blazy now
  also supports Media Entity for colorbox videos.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-10-25
- Minified please. Never commit anything when you are tired.
- Added optional "Slick Image with Media" formatter to retain VEM/ME within
  image/file ER environment if VEM/ME is installed.
- Moved Slick grid CSS foundation into Blazy for reusability outside slick, such
  as with core Views HTML list, or even Unformatted format.
- Respected "Vanilla slick" option when using grid items.
- Cleaned up and refined slick.theme.css for better UX.
- Brought back the slide offset temp fix for when count <= slidesTosShow as no
  resolution, by now. To be removed when the actual fix is available.
- Ported the failsafe for deleted optionset while being used.
- Added Twig block section for easy partial extensions, and reduce dups.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-10-03
- Fixed for nested slicks with a full screen skin.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-09-29
- Marked it Beta4.
- #2799617 by trobey: Include project namespace for module dependencies.
- Removed useless spaceless from sub-templates.
- Added Thumbnail position option to move around thumbnail nav at ease. Styling
  is up to you as usual.
- Fixed for non-empty slick, nothing should be processed when items are empty.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-09-07
- Marked it Beta3.
- Changed RTL placement from content_attributes to attributes to allow
  correcting arrow placement which is placed outside slider.
- Refined most descriptions to be more helpful.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-09-05
- #2793477 by daniel.bosen: Hook requirements returns error when libraries
  module is used.
- #2792319 by audriusb: Undefined index: caption.
- Refined form elements, and a few cleanups.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-08-30
- Removed non-contextual descriptions.
- Fixed for SlickFormatter::getThumbnail().
- Fixed for CHANGELOG.txt versions.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-08-29
- Removed useless t() from skin names.
- Changed Cache default value to No caching.
- A few cleanups.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-08-23
- #2783111 by slashrsm: Slick's CSS is affecting all iFrames not just the ones
  that appear in the Slick carousel.
- #2785317 by patilvishalvs: Make breakpoints field fault proof.
  Changed breakpoints field back from number to textfield like D7.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-08-03
- #2768457 by chr.fritsch: Add libraries support.
- #2769073 by audriusb: Allow adding additional cache tags.
- Fixed for trivial typos $defines_skins to $defined_skins.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-07-14
- Removed useless delay for an unslick since slick already kicks in.
- #2765353 by Vinay15: Remove @file tag docblock from all the .php files.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-06-19
- Moved thumbnails outside the loop.
- Allowed Slick to run at least the lazyload on an unslick.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-06-13
- Added lightbox caption option.
- Fixed for Blazy integration with hidden captions.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-06-10
- Simplified SlickFormatter::buildSettings() a bit, and clarified descriptions.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-06-08
- #2744741 by federico.bebber: Issues with responsive image styles.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-06-07
- Added support to lazyload CSS background when unslick takes place.
- Removed workaround with slick-current classes which is fixed at v1.6.0.
- Fixed for broken responsive options.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-05-09
- Removed redundant Preloader option since the classes are within image
  containers. Maybe more reasonable for Views later which can text, images, etc.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-05-07
- Fixed for broken dots.
- Update arrows defaults values.
- Updated slick.load.min.js to v1.6.0.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-05-05
- Updated JS to Blazy JS v1.6.0 as per [#2716765].
- Added option Preloader for Slick > 1.5.9 which is unfortunately still broken.
- Removed _slick_build_slide() to reduce function calls.
- Removed expensive SlickManager::getAvailableSkins().
- More cleanups.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-22
- A couple of cleanups.
- #2710221 by xanterax: Fatal error by colliding constructor traits.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-11
- Ported hook_requirements().
- A couple of cleanups.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-09
- Fixed for broken core library grid Rows.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-08
- Cleaned up thumbnails leftovers.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-06
- Allowed modules to not use slick_image at module level.
- Refined form elements for thumbnails vs. thumb_captions selections to allow
  supporting VEF which has no captions but may have thumbnails.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-04
- Fixed for overridables.
- Added support to turn images into CSS background images.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-03
- Removed media iframe stuffs out of slick-image.html.twig, and moved to which
  they belong: slick_media.module. Be sure to clear cache.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-02
- Removed noscript fallback, see:
- Removed theme_slick_media(), and merged it into theme_slick_image() to get
  along well with Blazy::buildAttributes(), and reduce complication with aspect
  ratio when IMG, IFRAME and lightbox/image link A tags are _all optional.
- Fixed for broken slick with Blazy, aspect ratio and hidden containers, e.g.:
  - Hidden Slick containers such as within hidden Ultimenu regions.
  - Blazy lazyload, not Slick own builtin lazyload.
  - Aspect ratio enabled.
  - Blazied images are large enough to render too late when Slick kicks in.
  - Blazied small images are not affected.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-03-30
- A few cleanups, Blazy option at Slick UI, skins, composer.json, etc.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-03-28
- #2693089: Add dependency on Blazy.
  Be sure to clear cache.
- Renamed visible_slides into visible_items to allow re-usable by Blazy.
- Changed thumbnail_hover option into thumbnail_effect to allow variant
  thumbnail stylings: hoverable, static grid.
- Moved Slick admin CSS into Blazy to re-use for a few related modules.
- Moved, slick.photobox.js, and all re-usable stuffs into Blazy.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-03-23
- Made nice with ESLint.
- Recommended dependency on Blazy module to reduce DRY stuffs shared across
  Blazy, Mason, GridStack, Slick Views and Slick. Will require prior to Betas.
- Simplified slick-image.html.twig.
- Added entity_keys status to disable Default optionset.
- Fixed for Blazy integration.
- Renamed ::getSkinOptions() into ::getSkinsByGroupOptions() for clarity.
- Removed image dimensions fail safe, and moved most logic to ::getImage(), so
  using ::getImage() is a must than calling theme_slick_image() directly. This
  prevented loading image_style objects multiple times, and dup lines.
- Moved SlickFormatterTrait.php into FieldFormatter directory.
- Deleted SlickFormatterBase.php, and merged it into SlickFormatterTrait.php
- Moved aspect ratio fluid style attribute from JS into PHP, otherwise defeating
  the purpose to solve the layout reflow before the images are actually loaded.
- Moved SlickInterface.php into Entity.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-02-11
- Updated useTransform to TRUE to reflect post v1.5.9.
- Fixed for non-editable ID during Duplicate operation.
- Removed focusOnSelect asnavfor failsafe.
- Merged methods getArrows(), getDots(), getDefinedSkins() into getSkins().

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-01-20
- Fixed for Route "entity.responsive_image_style.collection" does not exist
  error when responsive_image is not installed.
- Updated deprecated \Drupal::url as per [#2605546]
- Fixed for undefined index notice: current_view_mode.
- Moved common functions to SlickFormatterTrait for slick formatters.
- Removed trivial settings: pattern, wrapper class.
- Removed unused services.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-01-19
- A few cleanup here and there.
- Fixed for Slick media 'overlay' option.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-01-18
- Updated descriptions here and there.
- Removed skin Test from SlickSkin.php.
- Fixed skin JS library.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-01-17
- Added the CHANGELOG.txt
- Issue #2651690: Add slick.api.php
- Issue #2651686: Add composer.json
- Issue #2651656: Create a slick text formatter
- Issue #2651652: Create a slick image formatter
- Issue #2651650: Provide Configuration UI (slick UI port)
- Issue #2651648: Implement CMI
- Issue #2432711 by valkum: 8.x-1.x Port
- Initial commit.

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2015-12-12
- Removed "slide_" prefixed options, e.g.: slide_layout becomes layout.
- Changed colorbox_style to box_style to be generic enough for other lightboxes.
- Renamed theme_slick_item() to theme_slick_slide() to match the library

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2015-01-15
- Converted all skins into library assets via hook_library_info_build().

Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2014-09-26
- Converted most of the preprocessed classes and attributes into twig templates.
- Added config/schema and config/install files.
- Added slick.links.action.yml
- Converted CTools menu into
- Converted hook_library_info() into slick.libraries.yml
- Converted slick_fields into an image formatter plugin.
- Converted CTools plugin into CMI.
- Removed dependencies on CTools, libraries and jquery_update modules.
- Initial D8 WIP locally.


View source
  1. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2020-01-13
  2. -----------------------------
  3. - Issue #3075838 by volkerk, gausarts: Configuration translation disallowed HTML
  4. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2020-01-01
  5. -----------------------------
  6. - Issue #3088244 by aarnau, d70rr3s, igonzalez: [Regression]: Dots are not
  7. assigned to the proper slick slider when multiple slick are on the page.
  8. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2019-01-06
  9. -----------------------------
  10. - Fixed for dots with thumbnail alt.
  11. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2018-12-17
  12. -----------------------------
  13. - Issue #2964773 by fjgarlin: Support Slick library 1.9.0
  14. - Issue #2937960 by gausarts, WalkingDexter, a.sinitsa, igonzalez: Many
  15. carousels on one page with custom AppendDots.
  16. - Change negative margins to transforms for center captions to allow more
  17. flexible widths without hard-coding widths.
  18. - Added support for Video Embed Media 8.x-2.x.
  19. - Issue #2480245 by B-Prod, Ben Young: Breakpoint-specific options lost if same
  20. as defaults
  21. - Issue #2920193 by ShaxA: Slick is not starting the autoplay after a modal is
  22. closed
  23. - Issue #3010260 by bendeguz.csirmaz: Optimize slick_library_info_alter()
  24. - Issue #2996130 by huzooka, bendeguz.csirmaz: Misleading (false-negative)
  25. report on status report page
  26. - Issue #2948735 by alaa abbad, Muath Khraisat: Adding the alt attribute to the
  27. slick thumbnails
  28. - Issue #2945030 by alaa abbad: The button role is unnecessary for element
  29. button.
  30. - Issue #2922036 by shaal, matio89: RTL Views Drupal 8
  31. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-05-26
  32. -----------------------------
  33. - Added more tests.
  34. - Moved Functional tests into Kernel tests.
  35. - Added ImageItem into SlickFormatter::getThumbnail() parameters for potential
  36. lazyloaded thumbnail images reasonable for hundreds of gallery images.
  37. - Removed settings overrides for Slick::create().
  38. - Added more relevant info into slick.api.php.
  39. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-04-27
  40. -----------------------------
  41. - Fixed for leftover t().
  42. - #2873222 by Munavijayalakshmi, dhruveshdtripathi: Convert module to use short
  43. array syntax (new coding standard).
  44. - #2872871 by elimw: Slick Images Not Showing in Drupal 8.3.
  45. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-04-08
  46. -----------------------------
  47. - Fixed for .slide__media DIV wrapper being rendered when empty at
  48. slick-slide.html.twig.
  49. - Cleaned up README and typos.
  50. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-03-20
  51. -----------------------------
  52. - Added a list of available skins at optionset page as planned ages ago.
  53. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-03-15
  54. -----------------------------
  55. - #2770005 by Shreya Shetty, gausarts, Nitesh Pawar: Replaces deprecated methods
  56. with new and specified return value when condition not matched in switch.
  57. - #2855190 by daniel.bosen: Using bower or composer to download the slick
  58. library is cumbersome.
  59. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-03-11
  60. -----------------------------
  61. - Fixed for typo in comments.
  62. - Added supports for programmatic options defined within skin definitions to
  63. allow addition of options with other libraries integrated with Slick without
  64. modifying Optionset like Zoom, Reflection, Slicebox, etc.
  65. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-02-11
  66. -----------------------------
  67. - Fixed for Slick libraries weight regression at hook_library_info_alter().
  68. - Fixed for hidden form element.
  69. - Cleaned up debris from old approach.
  70. - Added dependencies to skins.
  71. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-02-10
  72. -----------------------------
  73. - Fixed for regression with Overridables option not being respected.
  74. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-01-24
  75. -----------------------------
  76. - #2843870 by ruslan_03492: Requirements could not be resolved to an installable
  77. set of packages drupal/blazy 8.*.
  78. - Arranged the form item weights for better visibility.
  79. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2017-01-16
  80. -----------------------------
  81. - Moved slick_library_info_build() content into SlickManager to declutter
  82. module file.
  83. - Removed unused params from slick.load.js.
  84. - Removed deprecated SafeMarkup::format() for Html::escape().
  85. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-12-27
  86. -----------------------------
  87. - Marked it Beta6.
  88. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-12-24
  89. -----------------------------
  90. - Simplified slick.load.js to reduce dup variables.
  91. - Moved slick related media player from Blazy into Slick.
  92. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-12-20
  93. -----------------------------
  94. - #2837939 by gausarts, toncic: Missing schema error for edgeFriction option,
  95. creating new slick optionset. Resaving optionset and clearing cache fix it.
  96. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-12-18
  97. -----------------------------
  98. - Added SlickEntityFormatterBase.php for base ER without field details.
  99. - A few cleanups: TWIG indentation, descriptions, default settings.
  100. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-12-09
  101. -----------------------------
  102. - Fixed for the new Optimized option consequences.
  103. - Fixed for edgeFriction when it is integer, no longer double.
  104. - Improved message for slick_requirements().
  105. - Deprecated theme_slick_image() for theme_blazy() to reduce function calls.
  106. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-12-06
  107. -----------------------------
  108. - Converted the rest of Simpletest methods into PHPUnit's.
  109. - Fixed for coding standards.
  110. - Ported Optimized option to clean out defaults from the stored settings.
  111. - Added tests.
  112. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-29
  113. -----------------------------
  114. - Marked it Beta5.
  115. - A few cleanups.
  116. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-26
  117. -----------------------------
  118. - Fixed for broken iframes when Aspect ratio is not provided.
  119. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-21
  120. -----------------------------
  121. - Split lightbox gallery identifier into Grid wrapper, if provided.
  122. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-17
  123. -----------------------------
  124. - Removed the no-longer needed SlickFormatter::getMediaSwitch() overrides as
  125. slick colorbox is using blazy colorbox.
  126. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-14
  127. -----------------------------
  128. - Fixed for colorbox regression with the recent JS move into Blazy.
  129. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-09
  130. -----------------------------
  131. - A few cleanups.
  132. - Fixed for the new Grid and CSS3 Columns at field formatter settings not saved.
  133. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-11-01
  134. -----------------------------
  135. - Simplified settings.arrow.attributes to arrow_attributes.
  136. - Simplified settings.downArrow.attributes to arrow_down_attributes.
  137. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-10-31
  138. -----------------------------
  139. - Added support for Blazy new CSS3 Columns along with Grid Foundation.
  140. - Moved "the failsafe for deleted optionset while being used" outside Slick.php
  141. since it was breaking Add/Duplicate operations, till proper fix.
  142. - Updated Slick colorbox JS file to re-use blazy.colorbox because Blazy now
  143. also supports Media Entity for colorbox videos.
  144. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-10-25
  145. -----------------------------
  146. - Minified please. Never commit anything when you are tired.
  147. - Added optional "Slick Image with Media" formatter to retain VEM/ME within
  148. image/file ER environment if VEM/ME is installed.
  149. - Moved Slick grid CSS foundation into Blazy for reusability outside slick, such
  150. as with core Views HTML list, or even Unformatted format.
  151. - Respected "Vanilla slick" option when using grid items.
  152. - Cleaned up and refined slick.theme.css for better UX.
  153. - Brought back the slide offset temp fix for when count <= slidesTosShow as no
  154. resolution, by now. To be removed when the actual fix is available.
  155. - Ported the failsafe for deleted optionset while being used.
  156. - Added Twig block section for easy partial extensions, and reduce dups.
  157. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-10-03
  158. -----------------------------
  159. - Fixed for nested slicks with a full screen skin.
  160. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-09-29
  161. -----------------------------
  162. - Marked it Beta4.
  163. - #2799617 by trobey: Include project namespace for module dependencies.
  164. - Removed useless spaceless from sub-templates.
  165. - Added Thumbnail position option to move around thumbnail nav at ease. Styling
  166. is up to you as usual.
  167. - Fixed for non-empty slick, nothing should be processed when items are empty.
  168. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-09-07
  169. -----------------------------
  170. - Marked it Beta3.
  171. - Changed RTL placement from content_attributes to attributes to allow
  172. correcting arrow placement which is placed outside slider.
  173. - Refined most descriptions to be more helpful.
  174. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-09-05
  175. -----------------------------
  176. - #2793477 by daniel.bosen: Hook requirements returns error when libraries
  177. module is used.
  178. - #2792319 by audriusb: Undefined index: caption.
  179. - Refined form elements, and a few cleanups.
  180. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-08-30
  181. -----------------------------
  182. - Removed non-contextual descriptions.
  183. - Fixed for SlickFormatter::getThumbnail().
  184. - Fixed for CHANGELOG.txt versions.
  185. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-08-29
  186. -----------------------------
  187. - Removed useless t() from skin names.
  188. - Changed Cache default value to No caching.
  189. - A few cleanups.
  190. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-08-23
  191. -----------------------------
  192. - #2783111 by slashrsm: Slick's CSS is affecting all iFrames not just the ones
  193. that appear in the Slick carousel.
  194. - #2785317 by patilvishalvs: Make breakpoints field fault proof.
  195. Changed breakpoints field back from number to textfield like D7.
  196. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-08-03
  197. -----------------------------
  198. - #2768457 by chr.fritsch: Add libraries support.
  199. - #2769073 by audriusb: Allow adding additional cache tags.
  200. - Fixed for trivial typos $defines_skins to $defined_skins.
  201. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-07-14
  202. -----------------------------
  203. - Removed useless delay for an unslick since slick already kicks in.
  204. - #2765353 by Vinay15: Remove @file tag docblock from all the .php files.
  205. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-06-19
  206. -----------------------------
  207. - Moved thumbnails outside the loop.
  208. - Allowed Slick to run at least the lazyload on an unslick.
  209. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-06-13
  210. -----------------------------
  211. - Added lightbox caption option.
  212. - Fixed for Blazy integration with hidden captions.
  213. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-06-10
  214. -----------------------------
  215. - Simplified SlickFormatter::buildSettings() a bit, and clarified descriptions.
  216. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-06-08
  217. -----------------------------
  218. - #2744741 by federico.bebber: Issues with responsive image styles.
  219. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-06-07
  220. -----------------------------
  221. - Added support to lazyload CSS background when unslick takes place.
  222. - Removed workaround with slick-current classes which is fixed at v1.6.0.
  223. - Fixed for broken responsive options.
  224. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-05-09
  225. -----------------------------
  226. - Removed redundant Preloader option since the classes are within image
  227. containers. Maybe more reasonable for Views later which can text, images, etc.
  228. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-05-07
  229. -----------------------------
  230. - Fixed for broken dots.
  231. - Update arrows defaults values.
  232. - Updated slick.load.min.js to v1.6.0.
  233. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-05-05
  234. -----------------------------
  235. - Updated JS to Blazy JS v1.6.0 as per [#2716765].
  236. - Added option Preloader for Slick > 1.5.9 which is unfortunately still broken.
  237. - Removed _slick_build_slide() to reduce function calls.
  238. - Removed expensive SlickManager::getAvailableSkins().
  239. - More cleanups.
  240. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-22
  241. -----------------------------
  242. - A couple of cleanups.
  243. - #2710221 by xanterax: Fatal error by colliding constructor traits.
  244. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-11
  245. -----------------------------
  246. - Ported hook_requirements().
  247. - A couple of cleanups.
  248. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-09
  249. -----------------------------
  250. - Fixed for broken core library grid Rows.
  251. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-08
  252. -----------------------------
  253. - Cleaned up thumbnails leftovers.
  254. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-06
  255. -----------------------------
  256. - Allowed modules to not use slick_image at module level.
  257. - Refined form elements for thumbnails vs. thumb_captions selections to allow
  258. supporting VEF which has no captions but may have thumbnails.
  259. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-04
  260. -----------------------------
  261. - Fixed for overridables.
  262. - Added support to turn images into CSS background images.
  263. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-03
  264. -----------------------------
  265. - Removed media iframe stuffs out of slick-image.html.twig, and moved to which
  266. they belong: slick_media.module. Be sure to clear cache.
  267. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-04-02
  268. -----------------------------
  269. - Removed noscript fallback, see:
  272. - Removed theme_slick_media(), and merged it into theme_slick_image() to get
  273. along well with Blazy::buildAttributes(), and reduce complication with aspect
  274. ratio when IMG, IFRAME and lightbox/image link A tags are _all optional.
  275. - Fixed for broken slick with Blazy, aspect ratio and hidden containers, e.g.:
  276. - Hidden Slick containers such as within hidden Ultimenu regions.
  277. - Blazy lazyload, not Slick own builtin lazyload.
  278. - Aspect ratio enabled.
  279. - Blazied images are large enough to render too late when Slick kicks in.
  280. - Blazied small images are not affected.
  281. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-03-30
  282. -----------------------------
  283. - A few cleanups, Blazy option at Slick UI, skins, composer.json, etc.
  284. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-03-28
  285. -----------------------------
  286. - #2693089: Add dependency on Blazy.
  287. Be sure to clear cache.
  288. - Renamed visible_slides into visible_items to allow re-usable by Blazy.
  289. - Changed thumbnail_hover option into thumbnail_effect to allow variant
  290. thumbnail stylings: hoverable, static grid.
  291. - Moved Slick admin CSS into Blazy to re-use for a few related modules.
  292. - Moved, slick.photobox.js, and all re-usable stuffs into Blazy.
  293. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-03-23
  294. -----------------------------
  295. - Made nice with ESLint.
  296. - Recommended dependency on Blazy module to reduce DRY stuffs shared across
  297. Blazy, Mason, GridStack, Slick Views and Slick. Will require prior to Betas.
  298. - Simplified slick-image.html.twig.
  299. - Added entity_keys status to disable Default optionset.
  300. - Fixed for Blazy integration.
  301. - Renamed ::getSkinOptions() into ::getSkinsByGroupOptions() for clarity.
  302. - Removed image dimensions fail safe, and moved most logic to ::getImage(), so
  303. using ::getImage() is a must than calling theme_slick_image() directly. This
  304. prevented loading image_style objects multiple times, and dup lines.
  305. - Moved SlickFormatterTrait.php into FieldFormatter directory.
  306. - Deleted SlickFormatterBase.php, and merged it into SlickFormatterTrait.php
  307. - Moved aspect ratio fluid style attribute from JS into PHP, otherwise defeating
  308. the purpose to solve the layout reflow before the images are actually loaded.
  309. - Moved SlickInterface.php into Entity.
  310. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-02-11
  311. -----------------------------
  312. - Updated useTransform to TRUE to reflect post v1.5.9.
  313. - Fixed for non-editable ID during Duplicate operation.
  314. - Removed focusOnSelect asnavfor failsafe.
  315. - Merged methods getArrows(), getDots(), getDefinedSkins() into getSkins().
  316. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-01-20
  317. -----------------------------
  318. - Fixed for Route "entity.responsive_image_style.collection" does not exist
  319. error when responsive_image is not installed.
  320. - Updated deprecated \Drupal::url as per [#2605546]
  321. - Fixed for undefined index notice: current_view_mode.
  322. - Moved common functions to SlickFormatterTrait for slick formatters.
  323. - Removed trivial settings: pattern, wrapper class.
  324. - Removed unused services.
  325. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-01-19
  326. -----------------------------
  327. - A few cleanup here and there.
  328. - Fixed for Slick media 'overlay' option.
  329. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-01-18
  330. -----------------------------
  331. - Updated descriptions here and there.
  332. - Removed skin Test from SlickSkin.php.
  333. - Fixed skin JS library.
  334. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2016-01-17
  335. -----------------------------
  336. - Added the CHANGELOG.txt
  337. - Issue #2651690: Add slick.api.php
  338. - Issue #2651686: Add composer.json
  339. - Issue #2651656: Create a slick text formatter
  340. - Issue #2651652: Create a slick image formatter
  341. - Issue #2651650: Provide Configuration UI (slick UI port)
  342. - Issue #2651648: Implement CMI
  343. - Issue #2432711 by valkum: 8.x-1.x Port
  344. - Initial commit.
  345. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2015-12-12
  346. -----------------------------
  347. - Removed "slide_" prefixed options, e.g.: slide_layout becomes layout.
  348. - Changed colorbox_style to box_style to be generic enough for other lightboxes.
  349. - Renamed theme_slick_item() to theme_slick_slide() to match the library
  350. slick-slide.
  351. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2015-01-15
  352. -----------------------------
  353. - Converted all skins into library assets via hook_library_info_build().
  354. Slick 8.x-1.0-dev, 2014-09-26
  355. -----------------------------
  356. - Converted most of the preprocessed classes and attributes into twig templates.
  357. - Added config/schema and config/install files.
  358. - Added slick.links.action.yml
  359. - Converted CTools menu into
  360. - Converted hook_library_info() into slick.libraries.yml
  361. - Converted slick_fields into an image formatter plugin.
  362. - Converted CTools plugin into CMI.
  363. - Removed dependencies on CTools, libraries and jquery_update modules.
  364. - Initial D8 WIP locally.