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function skinr_skinsets in Skinr 6.2

Helper function to process an array of skins or themes .info files.


$type: Either 'theme' or 'skinset'.

$refresh: Whether to reload the list of skinsets from the database or not.

Return value

An array of skinsets.

3 calls to skinr_skinsets()
skinr_skin_data in ./skinr.module
Themes are allowed to set Skinr skins in their .info files.
skinr_ui_skinsets_form_submit in ./
Process skinr_ui_skinsets_form form submissions.
skinr_ui_skinsets_settings_form in ./
Menu callback; displays a listing of all skins in a skinsets, allowing you to enable or disable them individually for each theme.
1 string reference to 'skinr_skinsets'
skinr_update_6002 in ./skinr.install
Install new skinsets table to allow enabling and disabling of skinsets.


./skinr.module, line 860


function skinr_skinsets($type, $refresh = FALSE) {

  // Fix for update script.
  if (defined('MAINTENANCE_MODE')) {
    return array();
  static $skinsets = array(
    'theme' => array(),
    'skinset' => array(),
  if ($refresh) {
    $skinsets[$type] = array();
  if (empty($skinsets[$type])) {
    $themes = system_theme_data();
    if ($type == 'theme') {
      foreach ($themes as $theme) {
        $skinset = new StdClass();
        $skinset->filename = $theme->filename;
        $skinset->name = $theme->name;
        $skinset->status = isset($theme->status) ? 1 : 0;
        $skinset->info = $theme->info;
        $skinsets[$type][$skinset->name] = $skinset;
    elseif ($type == 'skinset') {

      // Rebuild if needed.
      if (variable_get('skinr_rebuild_skinset_data', FALSE)) {
      $result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {skinr_skinsets}");
      while ($skinset = db_fetch_object($result)) {
        if (file_exists($skinset->filename)) {
          $skinset->info = unserialize($skinset->info);
          $skinsets[$type][$skinset->name] = $skinset;
    $default_status = array();
    foreach ($themes as $theme) {
      $default_status[$theme->name] = $theme->name;
    foreach ($skinsets[$type] as $key => $skinset) {
      $skinset->type = $type;
      $additional = _skinr_skinset($skinset);
      $skinset->options = $additional['options'];
      $skinset->skins = $additional['skins'];
      $statuses = skinr_skinset_statuses($skinset->name);
      foreach ($skinset->skins as $skin_name => $skin) {
        $skinset->skins[$skin_name]['status'] = !empty($statuses[$skin_name]) ? $statuses[$skin_name] : $default_status;
  return $skinsets[$type];