class SitewideAlert in Sitewide Alert 8
Defines the Sitewide Alert entity.
Plugin annotation
id = "sitewide_alert",
label = @Translation("Sitewide Alert"),
label_plural = @Translation("Sitewide Alerts"),
label_collection = @Translation("Sitewide Alerts"),
handlers = {
"storage" = "Drupal\sitewide_alert\SitewideAlertStorage",
"view_builder" = "Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityViewBuilder",
"list_builder" = "Drupal\sitewide_alert\SitewideAlertListBuilder",
"views_data" = "Drupal\sitewide_alert\Entity\SitewideAlertViewsData",
"translation" = "Drupal\sitewide_alert\SitewideAlertTranslationHandler",
"form" = {
"default" = "Drupal\sitewide_alert\Form\SitewideAlertForm",
"add" = "Drupal\sitewide_alert\Form\SitewideAlertForm",
"edit" = "Drupal\sitewide_alert\Form\SitewideAlertForm",
"delete" = "Drupal\sitewide_alert\Form\SitewideAlertDeleteForm",
"route_provider" = {
"html" = "Drupal\sitewide_alert\SitewideAlertHtmlRouteProvider",
"access" = "Drupal\sitewide_alert\SitewideAlertAccessControlHandler",
base_table = "sitewide_alert",
data_table = "sitewide_alert_field_data",
revision_table = "sitewide_alert_revision",
revision_data_table = "sitewide_alert_field_revision",
show_revision_ui = TRUE,
translatable = TRUE,
admin_permission = "administer sitewide alert entities",
entity_keys = {
"id" = "id",
"revision" = "vid",
"label" = "name",
"uuid" = "uuid",
"uid" = "user_id",
"langcode" = "langcode",
"published" = "status",
revision_metadata_keys = {
"revision_user" = "revision_user",
"revision_created" = "revision_created",
"revision_log_message" = "revision_log",
links = {
"canonical" = "/admin/content/sitewide_alert/{sitewide_alert}",
"add-form" = "/admin/content/sitewide_alert/add",
"edit-form" = "/admin/content/sitewide_alert/{sitewide_alert}/edit",
"delete-form" = "/admin/content/sitewide_alert/{sitewide_alert}/delete",
"version-history" = "/admin/content/sitewide_alert/{sitewide_alert}/revisions",
"revision" = "/admin/content/sitewide_alert/{sitewide_alert}/revisions/{sitewide_alert_revision}/view",
"revision_revert" = "/admin/content/sitewide_alert/{sitewide_alert}/revisions/{sitewide_alert_revision}/revert",
"revision_delete" = "/admin/content/sitewide_alert/{sitewide_alert}/revisions/{sitewide_alert_revision}/delete",
"translation_revert" = "/admin/content/sitewide_alert/{sitewide_alert}/revisions/{sitewide_alert_revision}/revert/{langcode}",
"collection" = "/admin/content/sitewide_alert",
field_ui_base_route = "sitewide_alert.settings",
constraints = {
"ScheduledDateProvided" = {}
- class \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityBase implements EntityInterface uses RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait, DependencySerializationTrait
- class \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityBase implements \Drupal\Core\Entity\IteratorAggregate, ContentEntityInterface, TranslationStatusInterface uses EntityChangesDetectionTrait, SynchronizableEntityTrait
- class \Drupal\Core\Entity\EditorialContentEntityBase implements EntityChangedInterface, EntityPublishedInterface, RevisionLogInterface uses EntityChangedTrait, EntityPublishedTrait, RevisionLogEntityTrait
- class \Drupal\sitewide_alert\Entity\SitewideAlert implements SitewideAlertInterface uses EntityChangedTrait, EntityPublishedTrait
- class \Drupal\Core\Entity\EditorialContentEntityBase implements EntityChangedInterface, EntityPublishedInterface, RevisionLogInterface uses EntityChangedTrait, EntityPublishedTrait, RevisionLogEntityTrait
- class \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityBase implements \Drupal\Core\Entity\IteratorAggregate, ContentEntityInterface, TranslationStatusInterface uses EntityChangesDetectionTrait, SynchronizableEntityTrait
Expanded class hierarchy of SitewideAlert
- src/
Entity/ SitewideAlert.php, line 85
Drupal\sitewide_alert\EntityView source
class SitewideAlert extends EditorialContentEntityBase implements SitewideAlertInterface {
use EntityChangedTrait;
use EntityPublishedTrait;
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function preCreate(EntityStorageInterface $storage_controller, array &$values) {
parent::preCreate($storage_controller, $values);
$values += [
'user_id' => \Drupal::currentUser()
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function urlRouteParameters($rel) {
$uri_route_parameters = parent::urlRouteParameters($rel);
if ($rel === 'revision_revert' && $this instanceof RevisionableInterface) {
->getEntityTypeId() . '_revision'] = $this
elseif ($rel === 'revision_delete' && $this instanceof RevisionableInterface) {
->getEntityTypeId() . '_revision'] = $this
return $uri_route_parameters;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function preSave(EntityStorageInterface $storage) {
foreach (array_keys($this
->getTranslationLanguages()) as $langcode) {
$translation = $this
// If no owner has been set explicitly, make the anonymous user the owner.
if (!$translation
->getOwner()) {
// If no revision author has been set explicitly,
// make the sitewide_alert owner the revision author.
if (!$this
->getRevisionUser()) {
// Unset the date field if this entity is not marked as scheduled.
if (!$this
->isScheduled()) {
->set('scheduled_date', [
'value' => NULL,
'end_value' => NULL,
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getName() {
return $this
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setName($name) {
->set('name', $name);
return $this;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getCreatedTime() {
return $this
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setCreatedTime($timestamp) {
->set('created', $timestamp);
return $this;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getOwner() {
return $this
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getOwnerId() {
return $this
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setOwnerId($uid) {
->set('user_id', $uid);
return $this;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setOwner(UserInterface $account) {
->set('user_id', $account
return $this;
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function baseFieldDefinitions(EntityTypeInterface $entity_type) {
$fields = parent::baseFieldDefinitions($entity_type);
// Add the published field.
$fields += static::publishedBaseFieldDefinitions($entity_type);
$fields['user_id'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('entity_reference')
->setLabel(t('Authored by'))
->setDescription(t('The user ID of author of this Sitewide Alert.'))
->setSetting('target_type', 'user')
->setSetting('handler', 'default')
->setDisplayOptions('form', [
'type' => 'entity_reference_autocomplete',
'weight' => 5,
'settings' => [
'match_operator' => 'CONTAINS',
'size' => '60',
'autocomplete_type' => 'tags',
'placeholder' => '',
->setDisplayConfigurable('form', TRUE)
->setDisplayConfigurable('view', FALSE);
$fields['name'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('string')
->setDescription(t('A brief description of this Sitewide Alert. Used for administrative reference only.'))
'max_length' => 50,
'text_processing' => 0,
->setDisplayOptions('form', [
'type' => 'string_textfield',
'weight' => -15,
->setDisplayConfigurable('form', FALSE)
->setDisplayConfigurable('view', FALSE)
->setLabel(new TranslatableMarkup('Active'))
->setDescription(t('If selected this Sitewide Alert will be active and will show if all other conditions are met.'))
->setDisplayOptions('form', [
'type' => 'boolean_checkbox',
'weight' => 99,
$fields['style'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('list_string')
->setLabel(new TranslatableMarkup('Alert Style'))
->setDescription(new TranslatableMarkup('The style of this alert. This mainly can be used to change the color of the alert.'))
'allowed_values_function' => '\\Drupal\\sitewide_alert\\AlertStyleProvider::alertStyles',
->setDisplayOptions('form', [
'type' => 'options_select',
'weight' => -14,
->setDisplayConfigurable('form', FALSE)
->setDisplayConfigurable('view', FALSE)
$fields['dismissible'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('boolean')
->setLabel(new TranslatableMarkup('Dismissible'))
->setDescription(new TranslatableMarkup('If selected, visitors will be able to dismiss the alert so it will not be seen again. This is per browser, and does not require the visitor to be logged in.'))
->setDisplayOptions('form', [
'type' => 'boolean_checkbox',
'weight' => -10,
->setDisplayConfigurable('form', FALSE)
->setDisplayConfigurable('view', FALSE);
$fields['dismissible_ignore_before_time'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('timestamp')
->setLabel(new TranslatableMarkup('Ignore Dismissals Before'))
->setDescription(new TranslatableMarkup('Ignore any dismissals made before this date. If you are editing an existing alert, and this is a major change to the content, you may want to ignore the fact that this alert was dismissed.'))
->setDisplayConfigurable('form', FALSE)
->setDisplayConfigurable('view', FALSE);
$fields['limit_to_pages'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('string_long')
->setDescription(new TranslatableMarkup('Specify pages by using their paths. Enter one path per line. The \'*\' character is a wildcard. An example path is /user/* for every user page. / is the front page.'))
'default_value' => '',
->setDisplayOptions('form', [
'type' => 'string_textarea',
'weight' => -5,
'settings' => [
'rows' => 4,
->setDisplayConfigurable('form', FALSE)
->setDisplayConfigurable('view', FALSE)
$fields['limit_to_pages_negate'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('boolean')
->setLabel(new TranslatableMarkup('Negate for listed pages'))
->setDisplayOptions('form', [
'type' => 'options_buttons',
'label' => 'hidden',
'weight' => -4,
'settings' => [
'on_label' => 'Hide for the listed pages',
'off_label' => 'Show for the listed pages',
->setDisplayConfigurable('form', FALSE)
->setDisplayConfigurable('view', FALSE);
$fields['message'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('text_long')
->setLabel(t('Alert Message'))
'default_value' => '',
'text_processing' => 0,
->setDisplayOptions('form', [
'type' => 'text_textarea',
'weight' => -13,
'settings' => [
'rows' => 4,
->setDisplayOptions('view', [
'label' => 'hidden',
'type' => 'text_default',
'weight' => 0,
->setDisplayConfigurable('form', TRUE)
->setDisplayConfigurable('view', TRUE)
$fields['scheduled_alert'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('boolean')
->setLabel(new TranslatableMarkup('Schedule Alert'))
->setDescription(new TranslatableMarkup('Schedule this alert to start and stop showing at a particular date/time.'))
->setDisplayOptions('form', [
'type' => 'boolean_checkbox',
'weight' => -8,
->setDisplayConfigurable('form', FALSE)
->setDisplayConfigurable('view', FALSE);
$fields['scheduled_date'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('daterange')
->setLabel(new TranslatableMarkup('Date'))
->setDescription(t('This defines when this Sitewide Alert be scheduled to show.'))
->setDisplayOptions('form', [
'type' => 'daterange_default',
'weight' => -7,
->setDisplayConfigurable('form', TRUE)
->setDisplayConfigurable('view', TRUE);
$fields['created'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('created')
->setDescription(t('The time that the entity was created.'));
$fields['changed'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('changed')
->setDescription(t('The time that the entity was last edited.'));
$fields['revision_translation_affected'] = BaseFieldDefinition::create('boolean')
->setLabel(t('Revision translation affected'))
->setDescription(t('Indicates if the last edit of a translation belongs to current revision.'))
return $fields;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function isScheduled() : bool {
return (bool) $this
* {@inheritdoc}
public function isScheduledToShowAt(\DateTime $dateTime) {
// If this Sitewide Alert is not a scheduled alert, it should show regardless of time.
if (!$this
->isScheduled()) {
return TRUE;
$startTime = $this
$endTime = $this
// The Sitewide Alert is marked as scheduled but dates have not been provided.
if ($startTime === NULL || $endTime === NULL) {
return FALSE;
// Convert to a DrupalDatetime.
$dateTimeToCompare = DrupalDateTime::createFromDateTime($dateTime);
return $dateTimeToCompare >= $startTime && $dateTimeToCompare <= $endTime;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getScheduledStartDateTime() : ?DrupalDateTime {
$value = $this
if ($value === NULL || is_array($value) && (empty($value['date']) || empty($value['time']))) {
return NULL;
return DrupalDateTime::createFromFormat(DateTimeItemInterface::DATETIME_STORAGE_FORMAT, $value, DateTimeItemInterface::STORAGE_TIMEZONE);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getScheduledEndDateTime() : ?DrupalDateTime {
$end_value = $this
if ($end_value === NULL || is_array($end_value) && (empty($end_value['date']) || empty($end_value['time']))) {
return NULL;
return DrupalDateTime::createFromFormat(DateTimeItemInterface::DATETIME_STORAGE_FORMAT, $end_value, DateTimeItemInterface::STORAGE_TIMEZONE);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function isDismissible() : bool {
return (bool) $this
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getDismissibleIgnoreBeforeTime() : int {
return $this
* {@inheritdoc}
public function setDismissibleIgnoreBeforeTime($timestamp) : SitewideAlertInterface {
->get('dismissible_ignore_before_time')->value = $timestamp;
return $this;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getStyle() : string {
return $this
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getStyleClass() : string {
return Html::cleanCssIdentifier('alert-' . $this
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getPagesToShowOn() : array {
$paths = [];
$pagesString = $this
// If it has not been set return no restrictions.
if (!$pagesString) {
return $paths;
foreach (explode("\n", strip_tags($pagesString)) as $path) {
$path = trim($path);
if (!empty($path) && strpos($path, '/') === 0) {
$paths[] = $path;
return $paths;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function shouldNegatePagesToShowOn() : bool {
return (bool) $this
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
CacheableDependencyTrait:: |
protected | property | Cache contexts. | |
CacheableDependencyTrait:: |
protected | property | Cache max-age. | |
CacheableDependencyTrait:: |
protected | property | Cache tags. | |
CacheableDependencyTrait:: |
protected | function | Sets cacheability; useful for value object constructors. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | property | Language code identifying the entity active language. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | property | Local cache for the default language code. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | property | The default langcode entity key. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | property | Whether the revision translation affected flag has been enforced. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | property | Holds untranslatable entity keys such as the ID, bundle, and revision ID. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | property | Local cache for field definitions. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | property | The array of fields, each being an instance of FieldItemListInterface. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected static | property | Local cache for fields to skip from the checking for translation changes. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | property | Indicates whether this is the default revision. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | property | The language entity key. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | property | Local cache for the available language objects. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | property | The loaded revision ID before the new revision was set. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | property | Boolean indicating whether a new revision should be created on save. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | property | The revision translation affected entity key. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | property | Holds translatable entity keys such as the label. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | property | A flag indicating whether a translation object is being initialized. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | property | An array of entity translation metadata. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | property | Whether entity validation was performed. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | property | Whether entity validation is required before saving the entity. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | property | The plain data values of the contained fields. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Checks data value access. Overrides EntityBase:: |
1 |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Adds a new translation to the translatable object. Overrides TranslatableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the bundle of the entity. Overrides EntityBase:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public static | function |
Provides field definitions for a specific bundle. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface:: |
4 |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | function | Clear entity translation object cache to remove stale references. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Creates a duplicate of the entity. Overrides EntityBase:: |
1 |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets a field item list. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | function | Gets the value of the given entity key, if defined. | 1 |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the definition of a contained field. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets an array of field definitions of all contained fields. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets an array of all field item lists. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | function | Returns an array of field names to skip in ::hasTranslationChanges. | 1 |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function | ||
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | function | ||
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the loaded Revision ID of the entity. Overrides RevisionableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the revision identifier of the entity. Overrides RevisionableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets an array of field item lists for translatable fields. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | function | Gets a translated field. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets a translation of the data. Overrides TranslatableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Returns the languages the data is translated to. Overrides TranslatableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Returns the translation status. Overrides TranslationStatusInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Returns the translatable object referring to the original language. Overrides TranslatableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Determines whether the entity has a field with the given name. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Checks there is a translation for the given language code. Overrides TranslatableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Determines if the current translation of the entity has unsaved changes. Overrides TranslatableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the identifier. Overrides EntityBase:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | function | Instantiates a translation object for an existing translation. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Checks if this entity is the default revision. Overrides RevisionableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Checks whether the translation is the default one. Overrides TranslatableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Checks if untranslatable fields should affect only the default translation. Overrides TranslatableRevisionableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Checks if this entity is the latest revision. Overrides RevisionableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Checks whether this is the latest revision affecting this translation. Overrides TranslatableRevisionableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Determines whether a new revision should be created on save. Overrides RevisionableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Checks whether the translation is new. Overrides TranslatableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Checks whether the current translation is affected by the current revision. Overrides TranslatableRevisionableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Checks if the revision translation affected flag value has been enforced. Overrides TranslatableRevisionableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Returns the translation support status. Overrides TranslatableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Checks whether entity validation is required before saving the entity. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the label of the entity. Overrides EntityBase:: |
2 |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the language of the entity. Overrides EntityBase:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Reacts to changes to a field. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Acts on a created entity before hooks are invoked. Overrides EntityBase:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Acts on a saved entity before the insert or update hook is invoked. Overrides EntityBase:: |
5 |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Acts on a revision before it gets saved. Overrides RevisionableInterface:: |
2 |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets a list of entities referenced by this entity. Overrides EntityBase:: |
1 |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Removes the translation identified by the given language code. Overrides TranslatableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Sets a field value. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | function | Populates the local cache for the default language code. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Enforces an entity to be saved as a new revision. Overrides RevisionableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Marks the current revision translation as affected. Overrides TranslatableRevisionableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Enforces the revision translation affected flag value. Overrides TranslatableRevisionableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Sets whether entity validation is required before saving the entity. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets an array of all property values. Overrides EntityBase:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
protected | function | Updates language for already instantiated fields. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Updates the loaded Revision ID with the revision ID. Overrides RevisionableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function | Updates the original values with the interim changes. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the entity UUID (Universally Unique Identifier). Overrides EntityBase:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Validates the currently set values. Overrides FieldableEntityInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Checks whether the entity object was a default revision when it was saved. Overrides RevisionableInterface:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function | Magic method: Implements a deep clone. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Constructs an Entity object. Overrides EntityBase:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function | Implements the magic method for getting object properties. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function | Implements the magic method for isset(). | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function | Implements the magic method for setting object properties. | |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function |
Overrides EntityBase:: |
ContentEntityBase:: |
public | function | Implements the magic method for unset(). | |
DependencySerializationTrait:: |
protected | property | An array of entity type IDs keyed by the property name of their storages. | |
DependencySerializationTrait:: |
protected | property | An array of service IDs keyed by property name used for serialization. | |
DependencySerializationTrait:: |
public | function | Aliased as: traitSleep | 1 |
DependencySerializationTrait:: |
public | function | 2 | |
EntityBase:: |
protected | property | Boolean indicating whether the entity should be forced to be new. | |
EntityBase:: |
protected | property | The entity type. | |
EntityBase:: |
protected | property | A typed data object wrapping this entity. | |
EntityBase:: |
public static | function |
Constructs a new entity object, without permanently saving it. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
Deletes an entity permanently. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
2 |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
Enforces an entity to be new. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
EntityBase:: |
protected | function | Gets the entity manager. | |
EntityBase:: |
protected | function | Gets the entity type bundle info service. | |
EntityBase:: |
protected | function | Gets the entity type manager. | |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
The cache contexts associated with this object. Overrides CacheableDependencyTrait:: |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
The maximum age for which this object may be cached. Overrides CacheableDependencyTrait:: |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
The cache tags associated with this object. Overrides CacheableDependencyTrait:: |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
Returns the cache tags that should be used to invalidate caches. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
2 |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the key that is used to store configuration dependencies. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the configuration dependency name. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
1 |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the configuration target identifier for the entity. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
1 |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the entity type definition. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the ID of the type of the entity. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
EntityBase:: |
protected | function | The list cache tags to invalidate for this entity. | |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the original ID. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
1 |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets a typed data object for this entity object. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
Indicates if a link template exists for a given key. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
EntityBase:: |
protected static | function | Invalidates an entity's cache tags upon delete. | 1 |
EntityBase:: |
protected | function | Invalidates an entity's cache tags upon save. | 1 |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
Determines whether the entity is new. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
2 |
EntityBase:: |
protected | function | Gets the language manager. | |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
Deprecated way of generating a link to the entity. See toLink(). Overrides EntityInterface:: |
1 |
EntityBase:: |
protected | function | Gets an array link templates. | 1 |
EntityBase:: |
public static | function |
Loads an entity. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
EntityBase:: |
public static | function |
Loads one or more entities. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
EntityBase:: |
public static | function |
Acts on deleted entities before the delete hook is invoked. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
16 |
EntityBase:: |
public static | function |
Acts on loaded entities. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
2 |
EntityBase:: |
public static | function |
Acts on entities before they are deleted and before hooks are invoked. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
4 |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
Saves an entity permanently. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
3 |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
Sets the original ID. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
1 |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
Generates the HTML for a link to this entity. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the URL object for the entity. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
2 |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets a list of URI relationships supported by this entity. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the public URL for this entity. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
2 |
EntityBase:: |
public | function |
Gets the URL object for the entity. Overrides EntityInterface:: |
1 |
EntityBase:: |
protected | function | Gets the UUID generator. | |
EntityChangedTrait:: |
public | function | Gets the timestamp of the last entity change for the current translation. | |
EntityChangedTrait:: |
public | function | Returns the timestamp of the last entity change across all translations. | |
EntityChangedTrait:: |
public | function | Sets the timestamp of the last entity change for the current translation. | |
EntityChangesDetectionTrait:: |
protected | function | Returns an array of field names to skip when checking for changes. Aliased as: traitGetFieldsToSkipFromTranslationChangesCheck | |
EntityPublishedTrait:: |
public | function | ||
EntityPublishedTrait:: |
public static | function | Returns an array of base field definitions for publishing status. | |
EntityPublishedTrait:: |
public | function | ||
EntityPublishedTrait:: |
public | function | ||
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait:: |
public | function | 1 | |
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait:: |
public | function | ||
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait:: |
public | function | ||
RefinableCacheableDependencyTrait:: |
public | function | ||
RevisionLogEntityTrait:: |
public | function | Implements \Drupal\Core\Entity\RevisionLogInterface::getRevisionCreationTime(). | 1 |
RevisionLogEntityTrait:: |
public | function | Implements \Drupal\Core\Entity\RevisionLogInterface::getRevisionLogMessage(). | 1 |
RevisionLogEntityTrait:: |
protected static | function | Gets the name of a revision metadata field. | |
RevisionLogEntityTrait:: |
public | function | Implements \Drupal\Core\Entity\RevisionLogInterface::getRevisionUser(). | 1 |
RevisionLogEntityTrait:: |
public | function | Implements \Drupal\Core\Entity\RevisionLogInterface::getRevisionUserId(). | 1 |
RevisionLogEntityTrait:: |
public static | function | Provides revision-related base field definitions for an entity type. | |
RevisionLogEntityTrait:: |
public | function | Implements \Drupal\Core\Entity\RevisionLogInterface::setRevisionCreationTime(). | 1 |
RevisionLogEntityTrait:: |
public | function | Implements \Drupal\Core\Entity\RevisionLogInterface::setRevisionLogMessage(). | 1 |
RevisionLogEntityTrait:: |
public | function | Implements \Drupal\Core\Entity\RevisionLogInterface::setRevisionUser(). | 1 |
RevisionLogEntityTrait:: |
public | function | Implements \Drupal\Core\Entity\RevisionLogInterface::setRevisionUserId(). | 1 |
SitewideAlert:: |
public static | function |
Provides base field definitions for an entity type. Overrides EditorialContentEntityBase:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
public | function |
Gets the Sitewide Alert creation timestamp. Overrides SitewideAlertInterface:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
public | function |
Gets the timestamp of when any dismissals should be ignored before. Overrides SitewideAlertInterface:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
public | function |
Gets the Sitewide Alert name. Overrides SitewideAlertInterface:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
public | function |
Returns the entity owner's user entity. Overrides EntityOwnerInterface:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
public | function |
Returns the entity owner's user ID. Overrides EntityOwnerInterface:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
public | function |
Gets the pages to show on. Overrides SitewideAlertInterface:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
public | function |
Gets the end date of this Sitewide Alert. Overrides SitewideAlertInterface:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
public | function |
Gets the start date of this Sitewide Alert. Overrides SitewideAlertInterface:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
public | function | ||
SitewideAlert:: |
public | function |
Gets the style class to use for the alert. Overrides SitewideAlertInterface:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
public | function |
Returns weather or not the Sitewide Alert is dismissible. Overrides SitewideAlertInterface:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
public | function |
Returns weather or not the Sitewide Alert is scheduled. Overrides SitewideAlertInterface:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
public | function |
Determines if this SitewideAlert should be shown at the given time. Overrides SitewideAlertInterface:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
public static | function |
Changes the values of an entity before it is created. Overrides EntityBase:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
public | function |
Acts on an entity before the presave hook is invoked. Overrides ContentEntityBase:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
public | function |
Sets the Sitewide Alert creation timestamp. Overrides SitewideAlertInterface:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
public | function |
Sets the timestamp of when any dismissals should be ignored before. Overrides SitewideAlertInterface:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
public | function |
Sets the Sitewide Alert name. Overrides SitewideAlertInterface:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
public | function |
Sets the entity owner's user entity. Overrides EntityOwnerInterface:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
public | function |
Sets the entity owner's user ID. Overrides EntityOwnerInterface:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
public | function |
Should we negate the pages we show on. Overrides SitewideAlertInterface:: |
SitewideAlert:: |
protected | function |
Gets an array of placeholders for this entity. Overrides EntityBase:: |
SynchronizableEntityTrait:: |
protected | property | Whether this entity is being created, updated or deleted through a synchronization process. | |
SynchronizableEntityTrait:: |
public | function | ||
SynchronizableEntityTrait:: |
public | function | ||
TranslationStatusInterface:: |
constant | Status code identifying a newly created translation. | ||
TranslationStatusInterface:: |
constant | Status code identifying an existing translation. | ||
TranslationStatusInterface:: |
constant | Status code identifying a removed translation. |