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Functions in Sitemap 8

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
sitemap_alter_menu_forms ./sitemap.module Handles the form alter for the menu_add_form and menu_edit_form forms to add a settings field to the menu entity. 1
sitemap_form_alter ./sitemap.module Implements hook_form_alter().
sitemap_form_menu_add_form_builder ./sitemap.module Entity builder for the menu configuration entity. 1
sitemap_taxonomy_term_count_nodes ./sitemap.module Count the number of published nodes classified by a term. 1
sitemap_theme ./sitemap.module Implements hook_theme().
sitemap_update_8101 ./sitemap.install Change sitemap configuration page permission to administer sitemap.
sitemap_update_8102 ./sitemap.install Update the CSS configuration setting to reflect the change in option wording (from negation to affirmation).
template_preprocess_sitemap ./ Preprocesses the variables for sitemap.html.twig.
template_preprocess_sitemap_feed_icon ./ Preprocesses variables for sitemap-feed-icon.html.twig.
template_preprocess_sitemap_menu_tree ./ Preprocesses the rendered tree for theme_sitemap_menu_tree().
theme_sitemap_menu_link ./ Returns HTML for a menu link and submenu. 1
theme_sitemap_menu_tree ./ Returns HTML for a wrapper for a menu sub-tree. 1
_sitemap_books ./sitemap.module Helper callback for the sitemap books. 1
_sitemap_front_page ./sitemap.module Helper callback for the sitemap front page. 1
_sitemap_menus ./sitemap.module Helper callback for the sitemap menus. 1

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