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14 string references to 'sitemap.settings' in Sitemap 8

MenuLinkTree::buildForSitemap in src/Menu/MenuLinkTree.php
Returns a rendered menu tree.
SitemapBlock::build in src/Plugin/Block/SitemapBlock.php
Builds and returns the renderable array for this block plugin.
SitemapController::buildPage in src/Controller/SitemapController.php
Controller for /sitemap.
SitemapController::getTitle in src/Controller/SitemapController.php
Returns sitemap page's title.
SitemapHelper::getTaxonomyTree in src/SitemapHelper.php
Render the taxonomy tree.
SitemapHelper::setOption in src/SitemapHelper.php
Sets options based on admin input parameters for rendering.
SitemapSettingsForm::buildForm in src/Form/SitemapSettingsForm.php
Form constructor.
SitemapSettingsForm::getEditableConfigNames in src/Form/SitemapSettingsForm.php
Gets the configuration names that will be editable.
SitemapSettingsForm::submitForm in src/Form/SitemapSettingsForm.php
Form submission handler.
SitemapSyndicateBlock::build in src/Plugin/Block/SitemapSyndicateBlock.php
Builds and returns the renderable array for this block plugin.
sitemap_update_8102 in ./sitemap.install
Update the CSS configuration setting to reflect the change in option wording (from negation to affirmation).
template_preprocess_sitemap in ./
Preprocesses the variables for sitemap.html.twig.
_sitemap_books in ./sitemap.module
Helper callback for the sitemap books.
_sitemap_front_page in ./sitemap.module
Helper callback for the sitemap front page.