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function _site_map_front_page in Site map 5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 site_map.module \_site_map_front_page()
  2. 6.2 site_map.module \_site_map_front_page()
  3. 6 site_map.module \_site_map_front_page()
  4. 7 site_map.module \_site_map_front_page()
1 call to _site_map_front_page()
theme_site_map_display in ./site_map.module


./site_map.module, line 308
Original author: Nic Ivy Now maintained by by Fredrik Jonsson fredrik at combonet dot se


function _site_map_front_page() {
  $title = t('Front page');
  $output = l(t("Front page of %sn", array(
    "%sn" => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'),
  )), '<front>', NULL, NULL, NULL, FALSE, TRUE) . (variable_get('site_map_show_rss_links', 1) ? ' ' . theme('site_map_feed_icon', url('rss.xml')) . (module_exists('commentrss') ? ' ' . theme('site_map_feed_icon', url('crss'), 'comment') : '') : '');
  $output = theme('box', $title, $output);
  return $output;