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Functions in Site map 7

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
site_map_admin_settings_form includes/ Menu callback; presents the sitemap settings page. 1
site_map_admin_settings_form_submit includes/ Custom submit handler for the Site Map Admin Settings form. 1
site_map_block_info ./site_map.module Implements hook_block_info().
site_map_block_view ./site_map.module Implements hook_block_view().
site_map_content ./site_map.module The content of the site map page. 2
site_map_help ./site_map.module Implements hook_help().
site_map_menu ./site_map.module Implements hook_menu().
site_map_page ./site_map.module Menu callback for the site map. 1
site_map_permission ./site_map.module Implements hook_permission().
site_map_taxonomy_term_count_nodes ./site_map.module Count the number of published nodes classified by a term. 1
site_map_theme ./site_map.module Implements hook_theme().
site_map_uninstall ./site_map.install Implements hook_uninstall().
site_map_update_6000 ./site_map.install Delete no longer used variables.
site_map_update_7000 ./site_map.install Upgrade site map message format setting.
site_map_update_7001 ./site_map.install Change block caching mode.
site_map_update_7002 ./site_map.install Use vocabulary machine names instead of IDs for taxonomy settings.
site_map_update_7003 ./site_map.install Implements hook_update_N().
site_map_variable_info ./ Implements hook_variable_info().
template_preprocess_site_map includes/ Preprocesses the variables for site-map.tpl.php.
template_preprocess_site_map_box includes/ Preprocesses the variables for theme_site_map_box().
template_preprocess_site_map_menu_tree includes/ Preprocesses the rendered tree for theme_site_map_menu_tree().
theme_site_map_box includes/ Returns HTML for a themed site map box.
theme_site_map_feed_icon includes/ Returns HTML for a feed icon with link.
theme_site_map_menu_link includes/ Returns HTML for a menu link and submenu.
theme_site_map_menu_tree includes/ Returns HTML for a wrapper for a menu sub-tree.
theme_site_map_order includes/ Returns HTML for the site map order form.
theme_site_map_rss_legend includes/ Returns HTML for a site map feed icon legend.
_site_map_audio ./site_map.module Render the latest maps for audio.
_site_map_blogs ./site_map.module Render the latest blogs. 1
_site_map_books ./site_map.module Render the latest maps for books. 1
_site_map_faq ./site_map.module Render the latest maps for faq. 1
_site_map_front_page ./site_map.module Menu callback for the site map front page. 1
_site_map_menus ./site_map.module Render the latest maps for all the menus. 1
_site_map_menu_tree_output ./site_map.module Returns a rendered menu tree. 2
_site_map_set_option ./site_map.module Sets options based on admin input parameters for redering. 9
_site_map_taxonomys ./site_map.module Render the latest maps for the taxonomy tree. 1
_site_map_taxonomy_tree ./site_map.module Render the taxonomy tree. 1
_site_map_title ./site_map.module Title callback for the sitemap page. 2 1
_site_map_video ./site_map.module Render the latest maps for video.

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