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Functions in Site Banner 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
site_banner_admin_settings_form ./ Implements hook_form_FORM_ID() for node_type_form(). 1
site_banner_admin_settings_form_submit ./ Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_submit() for node_type_form(). 1
site_banner_admin_settings_form_validate ./ Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_validate() for node_type_form().
site_banner_build_banner ./site_banner.module Builds the site banner and implementing the context hooks. 2
site_banner_check_if_debug_mode_active ./site_banner.module Determines if the debug mode by user permissions and debug mode status. 3
site_banner_context_plugins ./site_banner.module Implements hook_context_plugins().
site_banner_context_registry ./site_banner.module Implements hook_context_registry().
site_banner_enable ./site_banner.install Implements hook_enable().
site_banner_generate_banner_status_form_elements ./ Generates the form elements for enabling/disabling the site banner. 2
site_banner_generate_banner_text_form_elements ./ Generates the form elements for defining banner text. 2
site_banner_generate_bg_color_form_elements ./ Generates the form elements for defining background colours. 2
site_banner_generate_context_banner_text_from_contexts ./site_banner.module Returns new banner text by collapsing all active contexts into string. 2
site_banner_generate_link_to_admin_page ./site_banner.module Formats a link to the administration page. 2
site_banner_generate_text_color_form_elements ./ Generates the form elements for defining text colors. 2
site_banner_get_append_text ./ Returns the appended site banner text from a context. 1
site_banner_get_background_colors ./ Function defining the color code and readable name for the background color. 5
site_banner_get_background_color_code ./site_banner.module Searches the form response to determine the background color to be saved. 2
site_banner_get_background_color_from_form ./ Searches the form response to determine the background color to be saved. 1
site_banner_get_default_background_color ./site_banner.module Determines default site banner background color. 2
site_banner_get_default_text ./site_banner.module Determines default site banner text. 2
site_banner_get_default_text_color ./site_banner.module Determines default site banner text color. 2
site_banner_get_delimiter ./ Returns the site banner delimiter text from a context. 1
site_banner_get_existing_background_color ./ Returns the existing background color. 2
site_banner_get_existing_text_color ./ Returns the existing text color if defined. 2
site_banner_get_html_color_regex_pattern ./site_banner.module A function checking for valid color codes. 4
site_banner_get_prepend_site_banner_text ./ Returns the prepended site banner text from a context. 1
site_banner_get_site_banner_debug_status ./ Returns the site banner debug mode status from a context. 2
site_banner_get_site_banner_status ./ Returns the site banner status from a context. 2
site_banner_get_site_banner_text ./ Returns the site banner text from a context. 1
site_banner_get_text_colors ./ Function defining the color code and readable name for the text color. 5
site_banner_get_text_color_code ./site_banner.module Searches the form response to determine the text color to be saved. 2
site_banner_get_text_color_from_form ./ Searches the form response to determine the text color to be saved. 1
site_banner_get_text_from_context ./ Returns the site banner text from a context. 4
site_banner_html_head_alter ./site_banner.module Implements hook_html_head_alter().
site_banner_menu ./site_banner.module Implements hook_menu().
site_banner_page_build ./site_banner.module Implements hook_page_build(). 4
site_banner_permission ./site_banner.module Implements hook_permission().
site_banner_uninstall ./site_banner.install Implements hook_uninstall().
site_banner_validate_background_color_code_form ./ Validate background color submissions in form content. 2
site_banner_validate_text_color_code_form ./ Validate text color submissions in form content. 2
site_banner_verify_banner_text ./site_banner.module Validates banner text against existing values to ensure no inconsistencies. 1

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