function simplified_modules_test_system_info_alter in Simplified Modules 7
Implements hook_system_info_alter().
- tests/
simplified_modules_test.module, line 34 - Support module for testing the Simplified modules functionality.
function simplified_modules_test_system_info_alter(&$info, $file, $type) {
// Allow the testing submodule to appear on the modules page during test runs
// that need it to.
if ((variable_get('simplified_modules_test_dependencies') || variable_get('simplified_modules_test_both')) && $file->name == 'simplified_modules_test_submodule') {
$info['hidden'] = FALSE;
// Add dependencies that are needed for certain tests.
if (variable_get('simplified_modules_test_both') && $file->name == 'blog') {
$info['dependencies'][] = 'forum';