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function simplified_modules_hidden_dependencies in Simplified Modules 7

Returns modules that are auto-enabled whenever any dependents are enabled.

These are typically modules which are required for a major feature to work correctly, but which we do not want to expose on the modules page, nor leave on all the time and waste resources. So instead, we enable them whenever a module that requires them is enabled.

Return value

An array of module names.

3 calls to simplified_modules_hidden_dependencies()
simplified_modules_system_info_alter in ./simplified_modules.module
Implements hook_system_info_alter().
simplified_modules_system_modules_submit in ./simplified_modules.module
Custom submit handler for the system_modules() admin page.
simplified_modules_update_projects_alter in ./simplified_modules.module
Implements hook_update_projects_alter().


./simplified_modules.module, line 188
Simplifies the modules page by allowing related modules to be grouped under a single checkbox.


function simplified_modules_hidden_dependencies() {
  $modules = module_invoke_all('simplified_modules_hidden_dependencies');
  drupal_alter('simplified_modules_hidden_dependencies', $modules);
  return $modules;