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7 calls to WebTestBase::isInChildSite() in SimpleTest 8.3

BrokenSetUpTest::setUp in src/Tests/BrokenSetUpTest.php
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
BrokenSetUpTest::tearDown in src/Tests/BrokenSetUpTest.php
Cleans up after testing.
BrokenSetUpTest::testMethod in src/Tests/BrokenSetUpTest.php
Runs this test case from within the simpletest child site.
MissingCheckedRequirementsTest::checkRequirements in src/Tests/MissingCheckedRequirementsTest.php
Overrides checkRequirements().
MissingCheckedRequirementsTest::testCheckRequirements in src/Tests/MissingCheckedRequirementsTest.php
Ensures test will not run when requirements are missing.
SimpleTestTest::setUp in src/Tests/SimpleTestTest.php
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
SimpleTestTest::testWebTestRunner in src/Tests/SimpleTestTest.php
Ensures the tests selected through the web interface are run and displayed.