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Functions in SimpleTest 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
drupal_mail_wrapper ./ Capture e-mail message during testing.
simpletest_clean_database ./simpletest.module Removed prefixed tables from the database that are left over from crashed tests. 1
simpletest_clean_environment ./simpletest.module Remove all temporary database tables and directories. 1 1
simpletest_clean_results_table ./simpletest.module Clear the test result tables. 2
simpletest_clean_temporary_directories ./simpletest.module Find all leftover temporary directories and remove them. 1
simpletest_db_find_tables ./simpletest.module Finds all tables that are like the specified base table name. 1
simpletest_file_unmanaged_delete_recursive ./simpletest.module Recursively delete all files and directories in the specified filepath. 4
simpletest_generate_file ./simpletest.module Generate test file. 1
simpletest_help ./simpletest.module Implements hook_help().
simpletest_install ./simpletest.install Implements hook_install(). 1
simpletest_last_test_get ./simpletest.module Get information about the last test that ran given a test ID. 1
simpletest_log_read ./simpletest.module Read the error log and report any errors as assertion failures. 2
simpletest_menu ./simpletest.module Implements hook_menu().
simpletest_perm ./simpletest.module Implements hook_permission().
simpletest_requirements ./simpletest.install Implements hook_requirements().
simpletest_result_form ./ Test results form for $test_id. 1
simpletest_result_form_submit ./ Re-run the tests that match the filter.
simpletest_result_get ./ Get test results for $test_id. 1
simpletest_result_status_image ./ Get the appropriate image for the status. 1
simpletest_run_tests ./simpletest.module Actually runs tests. 1
simpletest_schema ./simpletest.install Implements hook_schema().
simpletest_settings_form ./ Provides settings form for SimpleTest variables. 1
simpletest_test_form ./ List tests arranged in groups that can be selected and run. 1
simpletest_test_form_submit ./ Run selected tests. 1
simpletest_test_get_all ./simpletest.module Get a list of all of the tests provided by the system. 1
simpletest_test_get_all_classes ./simpletest.module 4
simpletest_theme ./simpletest.module Implements hook_theme().
simpletest_uninstall ./simpletest.install Implements hook_uninstall().
simpletest_update_6200 ./simpletest.install Upgrade simpletest 5.x-1.x and 6.x-1.x to 6.x-2.1 release.
simpletest_update_6201 ./simpletest.install Renamed authentication username and password variables.
simpletest_verbose ./drupal_web_test_case.php Logs verbose message in a text file. 2 2
theme_simpletest_result_summary ./ Returns HTML for the summary status of a simpletest result.
theme_simpletest_test_table ./ Returns HTML for a test list generated by simpletest_test_form() into a table.
_simpletest_batch_finished ./simpletest.module 1
_simpletest_batch_operation ./simpletest.module Batch operation callback. 1
_simpletest_format_summary_line ./simpletest.module 2
_simpletest_sort_by_title ./ Sort element by title instead of by class name. 1

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