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function _simplesamlphp_auth_isEnabled in simpleSAMLphp Authentication 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.3 simplesamlphp_auth.module \_simplesamlphp_auth_isEnabled()
  2. 6.2 simplesamlphp_auth.module \_simplesamlphp_auth_isEnabled()
  3. 7 simplesamlphp_auth.module \_simplesamlphp_auth_isEnabled()
  4. 7.2 simplesamlphp_auth.module \_simplesamlphp_auth_isEnabled()

Checks if authentication via SimpleSAMLphp should be activated.


bool $show_inactive_msg: Whether to display the "module not activated" message

Return value

bool TRUE if simplesamlphp_auth is enabled.

3 calls to _simplesamlphp_auth_isEnabled()
simplesamlphp_auth_form_alter in ./simplesamlphp_auth.module
Implements hook_form_alter().
_simplesamlphp_auth_generate_block_text in ./simplesamlphp_auth.module
Generates the text for the log in block.
_simplesaml_auth_autoload in ./simplesamlphp_auth.module
Loads simplesamlphp class and initializes global variables.
1 string reference to '_simplesamlphp_auth_isEnabled'
simplesamlphp_auth_menu in ./simplesamlphp_auth.module
Implements hook_menu().


./simplesamlphp_auth.module, line 414
simpleSAMLphp authentication module for Drupal.


function _simplesamlphp_auth_isEnabled($show_inactive_msg = FALSE) {
  global $user;
  $failure = NULL;
  $is_activated = variable_get('simplesamlphp_auth_activate');
  $basedir = variable_get('simplesamlphp_auth_installdir', '/usr/share/simplesamlphp');
  if ($is_activated) {

    // Make sure we know where SimpleSAMLphp is.
    if (!file_exists($basedir)) {
      $failure = t('SimpleSAMLphp could not be found at %basedir . The simplesamlphp_auth module cannot function until the path to the local SimpleSAMLphp instance is configured.', array(
        '%basedir' => $basedir,
      watchdog('simplesamlphp_auth', $failure, NULL, WATCHDOG_WARNING);
  else {
    $failure = t('SimpleSAMLphp auth is not yet activated.');

  // If there were no failures, then it should be activated.
  if (!$failure) {
    return TRUE;
  else {

    // Communicate but don't be too annoying.
    if ($show_inactive_msg && (1 == $user->uid || user_access('access administration pages')) && (preg_match('/admin\\/people/', request_uri()) || preg_match('/admin\\/modules/', request_uri()) || preg_match('/admin\\/config/', request_uri()))) {
  return FALSE;