function SimpleNewsSchedulerEditionTimeTest::testEditionTimeTwoMonths in Simplenews Scheduler 7
Test a frequency of 2 months.
- tests/
simplenews_scheduler.test, line 392 - Tests for Simplenews Scheduler.
- SimpleNewsSchedulerEditionTimeTest
- Unit testing for monthly newsletter edition times.
function testEditionTimeTwoMonths() {
// The start date of the edition.
$this->edition_day = '01';
$start_date = new DateTime("2012-01-{$this->edition_day} 12:00:00");
// Fake newsletter parent data: sets the interval, start date, and frequency.
$newsletter_parent_data = (object) array(
'nid' => 1,
'last_run' => 0,
'activated' => '1',
'send_interval' => 'month',
'interval_frequency' => '2',
'start_date' => $start_date
'stop_type' => '0',
'stop_date' => '0',
'stop_edition' => '0',
'php_eval' => '',
'title' => '[node:title] for [current-date:long]',
// Number of days to run for. Go just over one year.
$days = 370;
// Index of the days we've done so far.
$added_days = 0;
// Iterate over days.
while ($added_days <= $days) {
// Create today's date at noon and get the timestamp.
$date = clone $start_date;
->add(new DateInterval("P{$added_days}D"));
$timestamp_noon = $date
$edition_time = simplenews_scheduler_calculate_edition_time($newsletter_parent_data, $timestamp_noon);
// Expected edition time is always the {$this->edition_day}th of the month
// at noon.
// Note here we use 'n' for the month to avoid having to pad.
$edition_time_formatted = date("Y-n-d H:i:s", $edition_time);
$this_year = $date
$this_month = $date
// We start in January and run 2-monthly.
// We want the number of elapsed months, module 2 (the frequency), to know
// the remainder to subtract.
$elapsed_mod = ($this_month - 1) % 2;
$expected_month = $this_month - $elapsed_mod;
$expected_time_formatted = "{$this_year}-{$expected_month}-{$this->edition_day} 12:00:00";
->assertEqual($edition_time_formatted, $expected_time_formatted, t("Edition time of !edition-time matches expected time of !edition-time-expected at time !now.", array(
'!edition-time' => $edition_time_formatted,
'!edition-time-expected' => $expected_time_formatted,
'!now' => $date
->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
// while days