hook_simplenews_scheduler_edition_node_alter |
./simplenews_scheduler.api.php |
Alter the node object that was cloned from the template node before it gets saved. |
simplenews_scheduler_calculate_edition_time |
./simplenews_scheduler.module |
Calculates time for the current edition about to be created. |
5 |
simplenews_scheduler_calculate_next_run_time |
./simplenews_scheduler.module |
Calculates time for the next edition to be sent. |
4 |
simplenews_scheduler_clone_node |
./simplenews_scheduler.module |
Function clones a node from the given template newsletter node. |
1 |
simplenews_scheduler_cron |
./simplenews_scheduler.module |
Implements hook_cron(). |
simplenews_scheduler_filter_value |
./simplenews_scheduler_views.inc |
1 |
simplenews_scheduler_form_simplenews_node_tab_send_form_alter |
./simplenews_scheduler.module |
Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter(). |
simplenews_scheduler_get_newsletters_due |
./simplenews_scheduler.module |
Get the newsletters that need to have new editions sent. |
2 |
simplenews_scheduler_handler_newsletters |
./simplenews_scheduler_views.inc |
1 |
simplenews_scheduler_handler_operator_ca |
./simplenews_scheduler_views.inc |
1 |
simplenews_scheduler_install |
./simplenews_scheduler.install |
Implements hook_install(). |
simplenews_scheduler_menu |
./simplenews_scheduler.module |
Implements hook_menu(). |
simplenews_scheduler_node_delete |
./simplenews_scheduler.module |
Implements hook_node_delete(). |
simplenews_scheduler_node_load |
./simplenews_scheduler.module |
Implements hook_node_load(). |
simplenews_scheduler_node_page |
./simplenews_scheduler.module |
Menu callback to provide an overview page with the scheduled newsletters. |
1 |
simplenews_scheduler_node_view |
./simplenews_scheduler.module |
Implements hook_node_view(). |
simplenews_scheduler_permission |
./simplenews_scheduler.module |
Implements hook_permission(). |
simplenews_scheduler_scheduler_update |
./simplenews_scheduler.module |
Updates a scheduler record with any housekeeping changes and saves it. |
2 |
simplenews_scheduler_schema |
./simplenews_scheduler.install |
Implements hook_schema(). |
simplenews_scheduler_submit |
./simplenews_scheduler.module |
Additional submit handler for the node_tab_send_form of simplenews. |
1 |
simplenews_scheduler_uninstall |
./simplenews_scheduler.install |
Implementation of hook_uninstall(). |
simplenews_scheduler_update_7000 |
./simplenews_scheduler.install |
Add the title field to the scheduler table. |
simplenews_scheduler_update_7001 |
./simplenews_scheduler.install |
Add the next_run field to the scheduler table and populate it. |
simplenews_scheduler_update_7002 |
./simplenews_scheduler.install |
Update the module weight if it has not been customized. |
simplenews_scheduler_update_last_removed |
./simplenews_scheduler.install |
simplenews_scheduler_views_pre_query |
./simplenews_scheduler_views.inc |
simplenews_scheduler_views_tables |
./simplenews_scheduler_views.inc |
Implementation of hook_views_tables |
_simplenews_scheduler_get_full_html_format |
./simplenews_scheduler.module |
Find Full HTML input format. |
_simplenews_scheduler_get_pid |
./simplenews_scheduler.module |
Helper function to get the identifier of newsletter. |
1 |
_simplenews_scheduler_make_time_offset |
./simplenews_scheduler.module |
Helper to create a PHP time offset string. |
3 |
_simplenews_scheduler_new_edition |
./simplenews_scheduler.module |
Create a new newsletter edition based on the master edition of this newsletter. |
2 |
_simplenews_scheduler_send_new_edition |
./simplenews_scheduler.module |
Helper for hook_cron() to send a new edition. |
1 |
_simplenews_scheduler_tab_permission |
./simplenews_scheduler.module |
Check whether to display the Scheduled Newsletter tab. |
1 |