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Files in Simplenews Scheduler 6.2

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CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt Simplenews Scheduler 6.x-1.x-dev, 2010-06-03 -------------------------------------------- - Fixed #796160 by sgabe, sfyn, dispa: Settings not saved, multiple sends of newsletter - Added #764122 by sgabe, catofcheshir: How to find scheduled issue? -…
php_eval_snipps.txt documentation/php_eval_snipps.txt from 6.x-2.x Simplenews Scheduler can additionally only send a newsletter if the provided PHP Eval code returns true. Some examples to follow. Check the current forecast using weather underground, if the weather for the next week is going to be…
README.txt README.txt -- SUMMARY -- The Simplenews Scheduler module allows you to send a newsletter as a re-occurring item based on a schedule. It does so by creating a new "edition" (rendered copy as HTML Format) of a node at the time that it required to be…
simplenews_scheduler.api.php simplenews_scheduler.api.php Hooks provided by the Simplenews scheduler module. name = "Simplenews Scheduler" description = "Allows a schedule to be set for sending (and resending) a Simplenews item." core = 6.x package = Mail dependencies[] = simplenews dependencies[] = date_api dependencies[] = token
simplenews_scheduler.install simplenews_scheduler.install Install and uninstall functions for the Simplenews Scheduler module.
simplenews_scheduler.module simplenews_scheduler.module Simplenews Scheduler module allows a schedule to be set for sending (and resending) a Simplenews item.
simplenews_scheduler.test tests/simplenews_scheduler.test Tests for Simplenews Scheduler. Views support for simplenews

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