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SubscriberViewsData.php in Simplenews 8.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8 src/SubscriberViewsData.php
  2. 3.x src/SubscriberViewsData.php




View source

namespace Drupal\simplenews;

use Drupal\views\EntityViewsData;

 * Provides the views data for the subscriber entity type.
class SubscriberViewsData extends EntityViewsData {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getViewsData() {
    $data = parent::getViewsData();
    $data['simplenews_subscriber']['edit_link'] = [
      'field' => [
        'title' => $this
          ->t('Link to edit'),
        'help' => $this
          ->t('Provide a simple link to edit the subscriber.'),
        'id' => 'subscriber_link_edit',
    $data['simplenews_subscriber']['delete_link'] = [
      'field' => [
        'title' => $this
          ->t('Link to delete'),
        'help' => $this
          ->t('Provide a simple link to delete the subscriber.'),
        'id' => 'subscriber_link_delete',

    // @todo Username obtained through custom plugin due to core issue.
    $data['simplenews_subscriber']['user_name'] = [
      'real field' => 'uid',
      'field' => [
        'title' => $this
        'help' => $this
          ->t("Provide a simple link to the subscriber's user account."),
        'id' => 'simplenews_user_name',
    $data['simplenews_subscriber__subscriptions']['subscriptions_status']['filter'] = [
      'id' => 'in_operator',
      'options callback' => 'simplenews_subscriber_status_list',
    $data['simplenews_subscriber__subscriptions']['subscriptions_target_id']['filter'] = [
      'id' => 'in_operator',
      'options callback' => 'simplenews_newsletter_list',
    return $data;



Namesort descending Description
SubscriberViewsData Provides the views data for the subscriber entity type.