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namespace Drupal\simplenews in Simplenews 8.2

Same name in other branches
  1. 8 Drupal\simplenews
  2. 3.x Drupal\simplenews
Classsort descending Location Description
AbortSendingException src/AbortSendingException.php Exception to throw to abort the current batch of sending.
NewsletterInterface src/NewsletterInterface.php Provides an interface defining a contact category entity.
NewsletterListBuilder src/NewsletterListBuilder.php Defines a class to build a listing of simplenews newsletter entities.
SkipMailException src/SkipMailException.php Exception to throw when a mail should not be sent.
SubscriberAccessControlHandler src/SubscriberAccessControlHandler.php Defines the access control handler for the simplenews subscriber entity type.
SubscriberInterface src/SubscriberInterface.php Simplenews subscriber entity interface.
SubscriberViewsData src/SubscriberViewsData.php Provides the views data for the subscriber entity type.
SubscriptionWidgetInterface src/SubscriptionWidgetInterface.php Defines a widget used for the subscriptions field of a Subscriber.