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function SpoolListInterface::getProcessed in Simplenews 8

Returns the processed mail spool rows, keyed by the msid.

Only rows that were processed while preparing the previously returned source must be returned.

Return value

An array of mail spool rows, keyed by the msid. Can optionally have set the following additional properties.

  • actual_nid: In case of content translation, the source node that was used for this mail.
  • error: FALSE if the prepration for this row failed. For example set when the corresponding node failed to load.
  • status: A simplenews spool status to indicate the status.
1 method overrides SpoolListInterface::getProcessed()
SpoolList::getProcessed in src/Spool/SpoolList.php
Returns the processed mail spool rows, keyed by the msid.


src/Spool/SpoolListInterface.php, line 35


A list of spooled mails.




function getProcessed();