AddSimplenewsIssueActionLinks |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Plugin\Derivative |
src/Plugin/Derivative/AddSimplenewsIssueActionLinks.php |
Provides dynamic link actions for simplenews content types. |
1 |
ConfirmAddForm |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Form |
src/Form/ConfirmAddForm.php |
Implements a add confirmation form for simplenews subscriptions. |
ConfirmationController |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Controller |
src/Controller/ConfirmationController.php |
Returns responses for confirmation routes. |
ConfirmMultiForm |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Form |
src/Form/ConfirmMultiForm.php |
Implements a multi confirmation form for simplenews subscriptions. |
ConfirmRemovalForm |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Form |
src/Form/ConfirmRemovalForm.php |
Implements a removal confirmation form for simplenews subscriptions. |
HTMLTestingMailSystem |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Plugin\Mail |
src/Plugin/Mail/HTMLTestingMailSystem.php |
A mail sending implementation that captures sent messages to a variable. |
IssueItem |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Plugin\Field\FieldType |
src/Plugin/Field/FieldType/IssueItem.php |
Defines the 'issue' entity field type (extended entity_reference). |
Link |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Plugin\views\field |
src/Plugin/views/field/Link.php |
Field handler to present a link to the subscriber. |
MailBuilder |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Mail |
src/Mail/MailBuilder.php |
Default mail builder. |
2 |
MailBuilderInterface |
interface |
Drupal\simplenews\Mail |
src/Mail/MailBuilderInterface.php |
Builds newsletter and confirmation mails. |
1 |
MailCacheBuild |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Mail |
src/Mail/MailCacheBuild.php |
Source cache implementation that caches build and data element. |
2 |
MailCacheInterface |
interface |
Drupal\simplenews\Mail |
src/Mail/MailCacheInterface.php |
Interface for a simplenews mail cache implementation. |
1 |
MailCacheNone |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Mail |
src/Mail/MailCacheNone.php |
Cache implementation that does not cache anything at all. |
MailCacheStatic |
abstract class |
Drupal\simplenews\Mail |
src/Mail/MailCacheStatic.php |
Abstract implementation of the mail caching that does static caching. |
2 |
MailEntity |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Mail |
src/Mail/MailEntity.php |
Default mail class for entities. |
2 |
Mailer |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Mail |
src/Mail/Mailer.php |
Default Mailer. |
2 |
MailerInterface |
interface |
Drupal\simplenews\Mail |
src/Mail/MailerInterface.php |
Sends newsletter and subscription mails. |
1 |
3 |
MailFormatHelper |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Mail |
src/Mail/MailFormatHelper.php |
Extended mail formatter helpers. |
MailInterface |
interface |
Drupal\simplenews\Mail |
src/Mail/MailInterface.php |
A newsletter mail. |
2 |
3 |
MailSettingsForm |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Form |
src/Form/MailSettingsForm.php |
Configure simplenews newsletter settings. |
1 |
MailTest |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Mail |
src/Mail/MailTest.php |
Example mail implementation used for tests. |
1 |
MigrationSubscriber |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\EventSubscriber |
src/EventSubscriber/MigrationSubscriber.php |
Create a simplenews field on relevant content types. |
2 |
Newsletter |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Plugin\migrate\source\d7 |
src/Plugin/migrate/source/d7/Newsletter.php |
Migration source for Newsletter entities in D7. |
Newsletter |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Entity |
src/Entity/Newsletter.php |
Defines the simplenews newsletter entity. |
6 |
NewsletterDeleteForm |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Form |
src/Form/NewsletterDeleteForm.php |
Builds the form to delete a contact category. |
NewsletterForm |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Form |
src/Form/NewsletterForm.php |
Base form for category edit forms. |
NewsletterInterface |
interface |
Drupal\simplenews |
src/NewsletterInterface.php |
Provides an interface defining a contact category entity. |
1 |
5 |
NewsletterListBuilder |
class |
Drupal\simplenews |
src/NewsletterListBuilder.php |
Defines a class to build a listing of simplenews newsletter entities. |
NewsletterSettingsForm |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Form |
src/Form/NewsletterSettingsForm.php |
Configure simplenews newsletter settings. |
1 |
NodeTabForm |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Form |
src/Form/NodeTabForm.php |
Configure simplenews subscriptions of a user. |
1 |
PendingSensorPlugin |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Plugin\monitoring\SensorPlugin |
src/Plugin/monitoring/SensorPlugin/PendingSensorPlugin.php |
Monitors pending items in the simplenews mail spool. |
PrepareUninstallForm |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Form |
src/Form/PrepareUninstallForm.php |
Removes fields and data used by Simplenews. |
1 |
RecipientHandler |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\RecipientHandler\Annotation |
src/RecipientHandler/Annotation/RecipientHandler.php |
Defines an recipient handler annotation object. |
RecipientHandlerBase |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Plugin\simplenews\RecipientHandler |
src/Plugin/simplenews/RecipientHandler/RecipientHandlerBase.php |
Base class for all Recipient Handler classes. |
RecipientHandlerInterface |
interface |
Drupal\simplenews\RecipientHandler |
src/RecipientHandler/RecipientHandlerInterface.php |
Interface for Simplenews Recipient Handler Classes. |
1 |
1 |
RecipientHandlerManager |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\RecipientHandler |
src/RecipientHandler/RecipientHandlerManager.php |
Provides an recipient handler plugin manager. |
1 |
2 |
RequestHashForm |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Form |
src/Form/RequestHashForm.php |
Provides an generic base class for a confirmation form. |
SendIssue |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Plugin\Action |
src/Plugin/Action/SendIssue.php |
Sends a newsletter issue. |
SendStatus |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Plugin\views\field |
src/Plugin/views/field/SendStatus.php |
Field handler to provide send status of a newsletter issue. |
SimplenewsAdministrationTest |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Tests |
src/Tests/SimplenewsAdministrationTest.php |
Managing of newsletter categories and content types. |
SimplenewsDemoTest |
class |
Drupal\simplenews_demo\Tests |
modules/simplenews_demo/src/Tests/SimplenewsDemoTest.php |
Tests the demo module for Simplenews. |
SimplenewsFieldUiTest |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Tests |
src/Tests/SimplenewsFieldUiTest.php |
Tests integration with field_ui. |
SimplenewsI18nTest |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Tests |
src/Tests/SimplenewsI18nTest.php |
Translation of newsletters and issues. |
SimplenewsKernelTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\simplenews\Kernel |
tests/src/Kernel/SimplenewsKernelTest.php |
Unit tests for certain functions. |
SimplenewsMonitoringTest |
class |
Drupal\Tests\simplenews\Kernel |
tests/src/Kernel/SimplenewsMonitoringTest.php |
Tests for simplenews sensor. |
SimplenewsPersonalizationFormsTest |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Tests |
src/Tests/SimplenewsPersonalizationFormsTest.php |
Tests crucial aspects of Subscriber fieldability and User field sync. |
SimplenewsSendTest |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Tests |
src/Tests/SimplenewsSendTest.php |
Test cases for creating and sending newsletters. |
SimplenewsSourceTest |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Tests |
src/Tests/SimplenewsSourceTest.php |
Test cases for creating and sending newsletters. |
SimplenewsSubscribeTest |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Tests |
src/Tests/SimplenewsSubscribeTest.php |
(un)subscription of anonymous and authenticated users. |
SimplenewsSubscriptionBlock |
class |
Drupal\simplenews\Plugin\Block |
src/Plugin/Block/SimplenewsSubscriptionBlock.php |
Provides an 'Simplenews subscription' block with all available newsletters and an email field. |