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public function MailCacheStatic::get in Simplenews 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/Mail/MailCacheStatic.php \Drupal\simplenews\Mail\MailCacheStatic::get()
  2. 3.x src/Mail/MailCacheStatic.php \Drupal\simplenews\Mail\MailCacheStatic::get()

Return a cached element, if existing.

Although group and key can be used to identify the requested cache, the implementations are responsible to create a unique cache key themself using the $mail. For example based on the node id and the language.


\Drupal\simplenews\Mail\MailInterface $mail: The mail object.

string $group: Group of the cache key, which allows cache implementations to decide what they want to cache. Currently used groups:

  • data: Raw data, e.g. attachments.
  • build: Built and themed content, before personalizations like tokens.
  • final: The final returned data. Caching this means that newsletter can not be personalized anymore.

string $key: Identifies the requested element, e.g. body or attachments.

Return value

mixed The cached data or NULL.

Overrides MailCacheInterface::get


src/Mail/MailCacheStatic.php, line 36


Abstract implementation of the mail caching that does static caching.




public function get(MailInterface $mail, $group, $key) {
  if (!$this
    ->isCacheable($mail, $group, $key)) {
    return NULL;
  if (isset($this->cache[$this
    ->getCid($mail)][$group][$key])) {
    return $this->cache[$this